If you’re ever in any doubt, the pwd command will tell you exactly what the current working directory is. They are commonly called peripheral devices. Tab completion is a very useful trick. If you do want to append to, rather than replace, the content of the files, double up on the greater-than character: Repeat the first cat a few more times, using the Up Arrow for convenience, and perhaps add a few more arbitrary echo commands, until your text document is so large that it won’t all fit in the terminal at once when you use cat to display it.

Now that odd text in the prompt might make a bit of sense.

When using su your entire terminal session is switched to the other user. In fact any path that starts with a forward slash is an absolute path. Wenn man die Checkbox für diesen Eintrag aktiviert, kann man auch den Unterpunkt "Konsole starten" aktivieren, der bereits mit der Tastenkombination vorbelegt ist. In this section you’ve learnt about the dangers of the root account, and how modern Linux systems like Ubuntu try to reduce the risk of danger by using sudo. zuvor besprochenen Befehl less. ↓ , At least now you’ll understand what’s happening, even when you can’t easily see the file in your graphical tools. In a full-blown Linux desktop environment, the sudo command isn’t needed as frequently as it is when you’re living life inside the terminal. Dies geschieht über die Shell, welche in einem Terminalprogramm emuliert wird.

You can launch a program by typing its name at the prompt. This program enables a user to connect to another computer or device using their modem or network card. Befehle und Dateinamen werden durch die Tabulatortaste

genügt nicht, ohne Bestätigung des Nutzers durch die Eingabe-Taste You should more easily be able to tell what files they’re manipulating, or what other switches and parameters are being used. Xiki Number one on my hit parade is Xiki. A shell in Linux is a program that interprets the commands you enter in a terminal window, so the operating system can understand what you want to do. These days we often type commands in a software terminal, which is better known as terminal emulator or terminal emulation application. Everything was sent as text, and received as text.

und so weiter und so fort. The Linux command line is a text interface to your computer. All it does is print out the shell’s current working directory. In 1970, DEC (Dgital Equipment Corporation) introduced the VT05 video terminal. It’s designed so well that it became a standard for later terminals.

While typing something – a command, file name, or some other types of arguments – you can press Tab to autocomplete what you’re typing. You can’t learn everything you need to know about the terminal by reading a single article.

Gibt es also ein Passwort für den Nutzer root starten Sie auf dem Terminal einfach den Befehl: Nun wird das Passwort des Administrators abgefragt, geben Sie es an und bestätigen, alle Befehle die Sie nun starten werden mit Administrator-Rechten ausgeführt, um wieder zum normalen Nutzer zu werden starten Sie den Befehl: Auf den restlichen Systemen stellen Sie jedem Befehl den Sie als Administrator ausführen wollen den Befehl “sudo” voran, also etwa: Bei vielen aufeinander folgenden Befehlen als Administrator kann dies mühsam werden, starten Sie den Befehl: Alle nun folgenden Befehle werden als Administrator ausgeführt bis Sie dies mit: Linux-User seit dem Jahr 2000, Debian ist die von mir genutzte Distribution (Sid Unstable) Surely that can’t be right? The wc (word count) command can tell us that, using the -l switch to tell it we only want the line count (it can also do character counts and, as the name suggests, word counts): Similarly, if you wanted to know how many files and folders are in your home directory, and then tidy up after yourself, you could do this: That method works, but creating a temporary file to hold the output from ls only to delete it two lines later seems a little excessive.

Dann hilft unter Umständen der Befehl: weiter, der mit der Taste