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With QuickMix you can store and recall different sets of audio mixer settings for WXSat quickly and easily, WXSat V2.57 (833K) Spanish/English help file Version (AM and FM) click here. soundcard. Work-around: A new automatic recording "Start on ..." with the "Save Bitmap" option should be initiated and immediately stopped again.Care must be taken that during this time no input signal transfers the software from the stand-by to the active state because otherwise the displayed bitmap is discarded from memory. bytes; 2001 Dec 12). Julian Moss G4ILO software and details of interface for the RX2 receiver. Mike´s Web Page 43ww44 Weather Sats (Tasmania). The NOAA image showing better contrast on the mountains,
If you get error messages about missing DLLs when Be sure to register SatSignal Ein universelles Programm für den Empfang von HF-FAX Wetterkarten,Wetterbildern umlaufender Satelliten und Wetterbildern geostationärer Satelliten wie z.B.METEOSAT, sowie RTTY-, SYNOP- und NAVTEX Meldungen.
group you can join at
SatSignal I am very grateful to the late Ferran Alegret for providing a Spanish language version of
Here you must select the same virtual audio cable configured in the SDR Console, in … Additionally, Les Hamilton has a page on using APT Decoder here. The NOAA APT images you create can, of course, be displayed by the above Typically, each Although expensive dedicated interfaces with accompanying software are building up such data over a sequence of satellite passes, you can build up For an excellent article see RTL-SDR Tutorial: Receiving NOAA Weather Satellite Images.
WXSat V2.59 (625K) Spanish Version (AM and FM) click here.
correction of SatSignal, but with the higher resolution is achieved by Meteor with You also to processing APT weather satellite images using SatSignal, Spanish language readme
"WXtoImg is a fully automated APT and WEFAX weather satellite (wxsat) decoder. their sensors.
(1,638,741 bytes; 2015-Apr-07; MD5 signature: 2FF629D29757DEDFB7086D14AAE7D71B). Receive and decode images from weather satellites Free (GPLv3) NOAA APT decoder, available for GNU/Linux, Windows, Raspberry Pi 2+ and OSX .
Spanish translation by Pauli Nunez, EA3BLQ. Jacques Gentil´s pages daily updated Pictures from polar orbiting satellites over the Mauritius region. Mercator), text overlays, automated web page creation, temperature display, GPS interfacing, wide-area composite image creation and computer control for many weather satellite receivers." Until I hear from him the link 'APT Decoder' will to processing APT weather satellite images using SatSignal, Click for a Spanish translation by Pauli Nunez, EA3BLQ. either because of the lower sun angle of the earlier picture or the stronger gamma University of Cordoba, ArgentinaNOAA and Meteor images of South America, Michael Pedersen (Denmark) pcb construction, and information, Peter Tanner´s Web Page JVFAX masks for downloading. as light (as in the example here) or dark for a more dramatic Due to digital hard and software technology puts real-time satellite images on your PC monitor.Inexpensive software such as WXSat or JVComm connect to a Wefax receiver allows you to decode Geostationary and Polar Orbiter Satellites.For more then 10 years it was very expensive to receive "live" such images, but for Mariners, Meteorologists, Pilots and Yachtmens, the consultation of Satellite pictures was a daily routine.
Be sure to register SatSignal and support continued development.
give a fair impression of the quality of the program's output.
Use an inexpensive RTL-SDR receiver or simply connect a 137-138MHz FM communications receiver, scanner, or weather satellite receiver to your sound-card and get stunning color images directly from weather satellites.
Milan Konecny (VE3NZK) has make the description of the WxSat Title bar contents and how to use them.
privacy policy, Legal temperature. You have full control of what background images are You can read more about Please ask The name depends on the VAC program you have installed. Improved automation, new enhancements, a wider variety of options, projection transformations and improved quality images from communications receivers and scanners are available by registering the software.
Many users ask me for WAV example files to test the WXSat software. An upgraded version of Footprint (v 1.19) Satellite Tracker is now available. Your existing registration code will not work on After the conversion, it deletes the "*.bmp" file to conserve space. Visit the WXtoImg website for more information. Beta version: Check here
September 18 1999 WXSat Dutch help file, or download the Dutch help file as a Word Doc.
file for V4.0.6, Want a sample NOAA wave file to check SatSignal? Download a recent.
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Some passes are up to 20 minutes.The images shows the cloud, snow and ice cover excellent, but land details are very poor. These software packages are used to decode data from the NOAA and GOES weather satellites and also MetOp-A/B, FengYun-3A/B/C and Meteor M2/M2-2. for the latest update. Meteor 3-05 one of the "long live" Russian weather satellites transmitting daytime visible APT images, the infra-red sensors ceased activity end 1993.Meteor 3-05 orbit 1200 km above the earth, so it has a greater range than the NOAA satellites (800 km).
A Guide to Decoding A.P.T.
have full control over the blending process, so you can show colder clouds
I have tried to contact program. The software supports recording, decoding, editing, and viewing on all versions of Windows, Linux, and macOS. Mode facility, which allows you to make night-time passes look as good as One of the best such programs is IrvanView, created by
NATIONAL RF Inc. (Quudrifilar helix and Turnstile antennas). presentation. V1.3.0 (62,113 bytes; 2006 Jun 25), Guide
The cloud-top temperature algorithm and its usage were described at It can view all the common (and many uncommon)
related programs. google_color_border = "336699";
WXSat works with the soundcard input so there is no external sampling hardware required.
the late Trevor Cousens' Web site. program! google_color_bg = "336699";
registration - help support continued development! 2020, The Independent Organisation for Weather Satellite and Earth Observation Here you must select the same virtual audio cable configured in the SDR Console, in this example Line 1 (Virtual Audio Cable). directly download an archive copy. decoding software packages. Thanks to a great team of beta testers, SatSignal 6 has now
download Files to get you started are provided. Hardware Needed. My first visible light Meteor LRPT weather satellite image. November 28 1999, WXSat V2.59 (614K) German Version (AM and FM) click here.
Resources listed under Wefax category belongs to Software main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. WXtoImg supports real-time decoding, map overlays, advanced colour enhancements, 3-D images, animations, multi-pass images, projection transformation (e.g. information. SatSignal, the higher elevation of Meteor also producing a lower noise signal.
licence code. WXSat is FREE for school and private/amateur use.
This is a free, unsupported utility. By
Why? - taken from the WXtoImg website. Otso Laakso, Finland with a image archive which include all his colorised NOAA pictures since 1997. Some software is available from AMSAT, other software is available from the vendor site. KLM User's Guide is the official NOAA document describing the satellites and comparison may be found here.
registering, hence the toolbar and batch operation are included in the registered Radek Vaclavik OK2XDX has developed a very small receiver for Meteosat.
September 18 1999.
Although expensive dedicated interfaces with accompanying software are available from commercial suppliers of weather satellite hardware, most enthusiasts these days decode the APT data from the NOAA satellites using their personal computer and its associated soundcard. APTDecoder offers a host of user options. noaa-apt takes a recorded WAV file and decodes the image.
you try to run SatSignal, please consult the library notes page. daylight passes! KX-137, MX-137 - VHF weather satellite antennas. (The XRIT and HRPT software already supported the RSP1A, RSP2, and RSPduo). a picture of the antenna polar diagram, and detect any nulls in the polar Please note that SatSignal 6 requires a new The link to Patrik's site no longer works. There is a
SatSignal is very fast - decoding a typical pass in under 10 Irfan Skiljan.
For downloading the Meteosat Scheduler visit Alberto Casappa´s new Home Page.
high-quality images indeed. Okean 4 (called also Okean 1-7) provide radar, microwave and optical images for sea navigation and ice situation in the Arctic, Antarctic and northern seas. with at least 32MB of memory. Additional information and an FAQ section can be found in the software's comprehensive Help menu and on the WXtoImg website.
input from bitmap (.BMP) image files, and the direct display of apparent As an example, this is a WAV file I recorded using GQRX using a RTL-SDR and a double cross antenna. Mika IisakkilaWeather Satellite page from Finland. Convert your SatSignal images to standard map projections with A Pentium 200MMX processor or better is recommended, program's capabilities, but the large images are only one quarter of full size and do not The registered version of SatSignal is required to run this program. Ian Busby Weather Satellite Image Homepage, using WXSat. Nakato Mikiya made a translation into Japanese, for download go to hispages.
These are available upon registration.
new libraries are required. information about registering SatSignal. These users used the Long and Short-wave transmissions to receive Satellite pictures.Due to propagation and fading signals on the short-wave bands they use Frequency Modulated (FM) transmissions instead of Amplitude Modulation (AM) transmissions from the Satellites.The drum speed in use on short-wave is 120 (lines scanned per minute) and the index of co-operation (IOC) in use is 576. Rate this Software @ The DXZone. For more then 10 years it was very expensive to receive "live" such images, but for Mariners, Meteorologists, Pilots and Yachtmens, the consultation of Satellite pictures was a daily routine. Web Counter reports Visitors in since December 02 1995, description of the WxSat Title bar contents, 20 000 satellites can be loaded from TLE file(s) (auto: PC/Unix, 2/3 line), ALL of them can be tracked at the same time, supported screen resolutions from 640x480, Real-time mode / Simulation mode (free time control), advanced passes & Iridium flares search engine (results printing), nightlife (dark color scheme for night usage), Internet TLE updater (with ZIP support) via HTTP, rotor/radio control (built-in or user's driver support). Many thanks to the Author of WXSat, Christian Bock making such an interesting and useful program for people who are interested in Weatherfax.
full-size Meteor or Resurs picture would decode to either 1 MB JPEG or 3 MB BMP files. pieces of software of its type. WXtoImg is a fully automated APT and WEFAX weather satellite (WXsat) decoder. The program has also a good English documentation. Scheduler is a real time scheduler for Meteosat. Enrico Falconelli and Roberto - HRPT specialists and construction.