The large jungle trees have a large amount of leaves. There is a very high chance that your second tree will drop another sapling, and if it doesn't you will be stuck and lose anyways so it's better to find out sooner than later. No, the drop rate is fine at 5%, and it would be fine for Jungle Trees as well.

Be sure to join our discord as well! Since it is intended behavior, it won't ever be fixed unless the player base points it out. Mojang If this was a bug, I would feel better, knowing that it would eventually be fixed. They can grow in any overworld biome, exceptocean or ice plains. Next, make sure there is nothing directly blocking the growth path above the 4X4 block radius, then put the saplings in the center of the 4X4 blockspace and try to grow it. It is awfully difficult to get enough saplings. However, their key feature – growing into trees – didn’t arrive until several months later. When chopping down Jungle Trees, then waiting for the leaves to despawn and drop saplings, most will either drop zero saplings, or just 1.

To which I say, why isn't the drop rate for Oak saplings 2.5% as well? I also know that it's intended behavior, and it irks me that it is.

Marvel at how the game was still actually pretty fun in those days, even though you could neither mine nor craft. I disagree that it's a pain - as soon as you have 4 saplings, you're almost guaranteed to have an unlimited supply. 3. However, unless... Every single leaf block in the game has the same chance to drop a sapling, a flat 5%. 28 dark oak sapling… © 2009-. Cheers! Most Minecraft players end up accumulating a lot of saplings during their adventuring career, so here are four tips for using them up. The trees spawn naturally in humid and hot biomes, such as a jungle or savannah. TL;DR: Change the drop rate of Jungle tree saplings from 2.5% to 5%. Tip three: saplings in a composter have a 30% chance of raising the compost level by one, making it faster to grow new trees. Want saplings? It’s true – it was added to the game in the pre-Classic phase, in patch rd-161348, about four days after the very first build of the game was compiled. This column is centered on the northwestern sapling. Make those saplings work for you! And if you made it down here, I only have one thing to say: you should probably just have read the TL;DR. Also, I wasn't able to find an official statement on the matter, and being that it's regarding a detail within a detail, I suppose that's not very strange. The innermost bits are called “heartwood”, and are denser and harder – they give the tree its rigidity, like a skeleton. I want to create a treehouse with a 2x2 Jungle Tree, but the saplings just won't drop enough. The tree will not drop saplings when broken, as the saplings can only be crafted. I always thought of it as a subtle political hint, because IRL rainforests (= jungles) are still being clear cut just to make space for plantations, even though the trees in rainforests are crucial to slowing global warming, so they wanted to subtly raise awareness for the issue by making the jungle trees harder to farm in the game.

There are six species of saplings, corresponding to the six main trees: oak, birch, spruce, jungle, acacia and dark oak. If you don’t replant trees regularly, then you’ll find it a real pain to trek longer and longer distances to collect wood as you cut down forests nearby. At level 1 Woodcutting there is a 1 in 317,622 chance to receive the beaver and a 1 in 315,172 chance at level 99. Jungle, and dark oak. All rights reserved.

Other trees drop a good amount of saplings, but I've been trying to farm Jungle trees for hours total now in a realms world I share with my friend, and I was only able to plant about 6 trees total after about 30 minutes of it. edit: had a space. Then I couldn't even keep those trees up, because once I chopped them they wouldn't drop saplings to replant them. I realize that this is a small issue. Want saplings? "But there's probably a reason for the drop rate to be low, right?".

Make yourself a little pocket of home in another dimension!

But I actually like little quirks like that. Pricy.

As long as you simply plant a bunch of them, it's smooth sailing from there, problem solved. Jungle leaves have a lower chance of dropping saplings than do other leaves. I can't remember where I read it, and I don't know if it's official, but it's the only thing that I can think of that makes a smidgeon of sense.

The drop rate of Jungle tree saplings is too low, it doesn't make sense, and it's time it got fixed. The issue is that it's a pain to gather a larger amount, (say, for a brand new patch of forest) when compared to other tree types. Tree saplings have a 1 ⁄ 20 chance (1 ⁄ 40 if they are jungle saplings) of dropping from leaf blocks when they decay or are destroyed.

You never really NEED to cut any BIG jungle trees down in the first place. "Minecraft" is a trademark of Mojang Synergies AB. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. I don't know if it's because the sticks that drop are taking up their drop rate, or what.. Saplings also can be found in village chests and woodland mansions, and they are sold by wandering traders for five emeralds. Tree saplings are a group of blocks which grow into trees. "2×2 jungle trees require a 5×5 column of unobstructed space at least 11 blocks above the saplings to grow (12 blocks including the saplings themselves). As long as griefers exist, life will, uh.. find a way. Other trees, you get stacks quickly and easily enough that you're guaranteed to be able to continue, with jungle trees, I always grab a few extra saplings on my jungle excursion because it might not work out. First, you can plant them. Minecraft {color:#4c9aff}1.14.4{color} {color:#403294}Realms{color}, Jungle Tree Sapling negative farming ratio.

This leaves only the consistency issue.

Basically it would improve the game for people who care, and cause no impact for people who don't. Basically make a 4X4 Radius ready where there are no flowers, grass, torches, etc in that 4X4 range. But that is, of course, just speculation; their reasoning could be entirely different. But other trees are fine even with dropping sticks. The Banana Tree will not drop any Banana Saplings; the only way to obtain saplings is through … Theres this thing with trees called the north west rule, and their cant be any blocks directly next to the saplings to the north direction or the west direction. The tree will not drop saplings when broken, as the saplings can only be crafted. I agree that it would be stupid to change something simply because it was easy to do. The word sapling originated somewhere in the early 14th century, and comes from the word “sap”, which is what the liquid that carries nutrients through a tree is called. Didn't even realize they were lower, and by such a tiny amount. There are 5 types of saplings, oak, birch, spruce, jungle, and blood, for each type of tree. I'm not arguing that Jungle saplings are not self-sustainable.