El enfriamiento también podría llevarse a cabo mediante la colocación de reflectores en la atmósfera o en la superficie. Venus' extremely slow rotation means that space elevators would be very difficult to construct because the planet's geostationary orbit lies an impractical distance above the surface, and the very thick atmosphere to be removed makes mass drivers useless for removing payloads from the planet's surface. La propuesta de Birch implica el uso de una pantalla solar que enfríe Venus lo suficiente como para permitir la licuefacción, desde una temperatura inferior a 31 °C y 73.8 bares de presión atmosférica (punto crítico del dióxido de carbono), y luego descenderlas a 5.18 bares y -56 °C (punto triple del dióxido de carbono).
Fraser’s accounting of hellish things one can do to a hellish environment makes one sense that there isn’t much harm one can do to this planet that would not be beneficial. But the challenges are numerous and quite specific.
Si se llevase la pantalla al punto L1, la presión añadiría fuerza al lado solar y sería necesario desplazarla aún más cerca del Sol. In testing out various ecological engineering techniques, our scientists would learn a great deal about their effectiveness.
In their 1996 paper, “The stability of climate on Venus“, Mark Bullock and David H. Grinspoon of the University of Colorado at Boulder indicated that Venus’ own deposits of calcium and magnesium oxides could be used for this process. Another study[21] concluded that under optimal conditions, on average, 1 cubic meter of basalt rock can sequester 260 kg of carbon dioxide. Erstickungsgefahr, da kleine Teile verschluckt oder eingeatmet werden können. “Days of yore”?
Education, World communications and some inevitable technological advances will lead, despite some chaos along the way, to a shrinking of the population to maybe about 2 billion humans within 500 years.
Dein Konzern … The two planets are worlds apart (excuse the pun) and the experiences would be wildly different for the inhabitants, but there are definite advantages to heading to Venus instead.
En cualquiera de estos casos, los gases liberados por el bombardeo podrían reemplazar a los expulsados, volviendo al punto de partida.
Las pantallas solares no serían perpendiculares a los rayos solares, se situarían en un ángulo de 30º que reflejase la luz de un panel a otro, negando la presión de los fotones.
Posiblemente, este sea uno de los principales motivos que justifican que Venus carezca de un campo magnético significativo. Karla Thompson – @karlaii / https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEItkORQYd4Wf0TpgYI_1fw Humanity would have a second home, we would be able to add its resources to our own, and we would learn valuable techniques that could help prevent cataclysmic change here on Earth.
The main problem with Venus today, from a terraformation standpoint, is the very thick carbon dioxide atmosphere.
Mercury is closer to the Sun, but temps drop sharply on the dark side due to a lack of a significant atmosphere.
Venus rotates once every 243 Earth days—by far the slowest rotation period of any known object in the Solar System. The terraforming of Venus is the hypothetical process of engineering the global environment of the planet Venus in such a way as to make it suitable for human habitation.
Terraforming Mars: Nächster Halt: Venus ist eine Erweiterung für Terraforming Mars.