• So Janemba is weaker than Hirudegarn meaning it's looking like this: Super Gogeta >> M13 SSJ3 Goku >> 2nd Form Hirudegarn >> Super Janemba >> Base Gogeta >> M12 SSJ3 Goku. Yet, despite this awesome power and seeming ease of use, there’re a lot of variables involved that make the Potara efficient, but somewhat questionable. The total, actual fight between Janemba and Gogeta in the Dragon Ball Z film, Fusion Reborn, is around a minute long. He did pretty well against Janemba, but I don't know if that makes him that much stronger. When we were discussing reasons why Gogeta is the superior fusion when compared to Vegito, we mentioned his time limit. G. I'd say he's probably close to either Piccolo Buu or Fusion Buu. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. i dont really know how strong janemba is... according to power... i dont know if ssj gogeta would be more powerful than ssj3 goku... SS3 Goku got slaughtered by Janemba FF.
Man I Knew It! Where do you land on this one? For example, a dead person can fuse with someone who is alive, and the result will be a living entity. Argue about who is better all you want, but in the end, Gogeta is glorified fan fiction.
". - Why is everyone scared of Beerus? Now, it’s not exactly easy to get the earrings from deities, but with that hurdle out of the way, Goku and Vegeta merely needed to put them on in order to become Vegito. When his spirit is released, he overakes the body of a teenage boy and deforms into a super crazy baby. The same can generally be said about his Super Saiyan 4 appearance in GT, except here he decides to talk and talk he does! Actually, he says nothing at all, but that doesn’t matter. :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down: "If a statement from Toei's website contradicts the script writer, then clearly the script writer, the one who wrote the story and the villain, should be, the most correct and reliable source. ok, well what ive heard is that frieza during his prime of that fight was at 17 000 000 and goku was at 25 000 000... thats what ive heard. Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? Where Gogeta is crippled with a time-limit for his godly transformation, Vegito has all the time in the world to analyze his enemies and thoroughly destroy them. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access.
User Info: Llawliet25. Sure, it’s super-cool that you’re ridiculously powerful and can wipe out an enemy within sixty seconds, but it’s also ridiculously lame and possibly fatal. At first, only being able to be fused for thirty minutes seems like a pretty awful Achilles’ heel. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. And then, thirty minutes later, an arbitrary timer runs out, you and your partner split up, and the villain takes out the both of you, dooming the Earth. Sure, if his earrings are destroyed and he is not a divine fusion, he’ll split up, but with only one exposed weakness, he knows exactly what to protect. ^^ are you sure? If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. well, didn't SSJ4 Goku have a hard time fighting Syn Shenron?
Here, two fighters with similar power levels and height perform a small-but-precise dance to merge into one superior being (and if performed incorrectly, leads to inferior beings, such as far too fat or skinny.) Fandom Powered By Wikia Dragon Ball Wiki Dragon Ball Legends Wiki - GamePress Janemba Vs The Specter God Of Destruction Bills Vs Janemba EX Super Janemba (Yellow) SP Super Janemba (Purple) Janemba (Character) My Janemba Final Form Render By TheArcosian On DeviantArt Janemba Final Form Render 2 [SDBH World Mission] By Janemba In MS Paint By JunDBZArt On … .
The ascended form of the ancient Super Saiyan God, this blue-haired form is shown to be immensely powerful and imbued with genuinely divine energies that allow him to go toe-to-toe with literal Gods, even ones who are apparently invincible, like Zamasu. © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved.
The total, actual fight between Janemba and Gogeta in the Dragon Ball Z film, Fusion Reborn, is around a minute long. But there’s one problem: None of that matters, because Gogeta isn’t canon, and Vegito is. Because in Toei-verse it seems incredibly OP, SSJ Gogeta is able to make a complete joke of Janemba who can dominate SSJ3 Goku easily, and SSJ4 Gogeta is stated to be tens of times stronger than Goku or Vegeta, yet Gotenks doesn't seem to be all that powerful compared to Goten and Trunks.