Not only are references scattered amongst dozens of manuscripts and documents from different places and times, but the divisions amongst the Slavs also brought about some ambiguity on the topic. [citation needed], The evening star is Zorya Vechernyaya (from Russian vecher, meaning "evening"; also known as Večernya Zvyezda, Večernya Zvezda, Zvezda Vechernaya, Zorya Vechernyaya, Zwezda Wieczoniaia, Zwezda Wieczernica, Zvezda Vechernitsa, Gwiazda Wieczorna, Vechirnia Zorya, Večernyača, Večernica, Večernice), who closes the palace gates at dusk, after sunset and Dažbog's return. While only Perun and Svarog are widely known throughout the greater Slavic region, these are all are powerful figures, associated with different attributes of human existence and nature. He was worshipped by sailors and asked to provide good weather for safe passage, similar to other travel gods and goddesses in other pantheons. These festivals all were associated with symbols of pagan divinity. Veles can be considered as an opposing force to Perun. Viewing the world and men as unjust, he decided to overthrow the world. We’ve got travel destination guides, facts and trivia articles, an impressive tourism glossary, cultural insight, language learning, posts about history and education, a tourism and hospitality industry glossary, and even more! Multi-headed gods are common in Slavic mythology, and Svantevit sports four heads complete with four necks. For that reason, Slavic mythology bears some similarities to the Norse, Celtic, and Scythian mythologies and beliefs. You can test out of the He's often compared to Zeus from Greek mythology since he reigns the heavens as the god of thunder and lightning. Chernobog, au contraire, being a black god, was accountable for the night, dark, and winter. Slavic mythology was most widespread just before the adoption of Christianity in the year 988 CE. Same as with Rozanicy, there were three goddesses associated with Sud and were considered to be his daughters. If the chain ever breaks, the hound will devour the constellation and the universe will end. Like Perun, Veles was well-known for all Slavic groups and these two have a tumultuous history. Radegast was the Slavic god of hospitality and strength for West Slavs. Belobog and Chernobog might be the best example of it. The first recordings of the legends and myths began around the time German and other missionaries entered and wrote about the Slavic culture in the 12th century CE. Symbolism runs deeply through Slavic mythology. 181-183,, Articles containing Belarusian-language text, Articles containing Russian-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 19 October 2020, at 13:51.