As they descended, the wires snapped. The son of Relius Clover, Carl Clover was an innocent boy until he found out what his father had done to his mother and sister: turn them into Nox Nyctores. Tager: You've got the Azure Grimoire with you. This is the real you ?

Terumi called to Noel to look at him as she woke up, and despite Rachel's warning, she did just that, bringing Terumi back to life. After giving Kokonoe some "useful data", she told Ragna that he shouldn't fight Terumi, but didn't elaborate on why before suddenly being interrupted and leaving. And I'm guessing for something really, really bad... Knowing her, she'll do whatever it is you want. As far as I know, no. More Phenomenon Intervention occurred and he was transported back to the possibility within the Embryo that he knew. Ragna: You didn't hear a word I said, did you? The dying Lambda fell into a surprised Ragna's arms, her last words being that she always dreamed of Ragna while she was alone in the Boundary and this was why she wasn't lonely. This stirred faint memories of the church and the events of Evergreen Eyes. Is there some prerequisite? After the end of the conversation, Ragna left the room.[20]. Deny the present to satisfy whose reality ? Ragna also learned that he was currently in the period of the Dark War, and that the Six Heroes had yet to be formed.[23].

The Grim Reaper refused and explained that he was going to create new possibilities for the world using the chosen's dreams since there were none left. If you do not obey, you will leave me no choice but to... Ragna: I don't mean to rain on your parade, but you don't stand a chance against me with that. I'm takin' off. I want you more than ever! Ragna tried to crawl out from the wreckage and find help some time after, but couldn't manage to prop himself up to stand. [16] Ragna was part of the many people who ate the large meal that Hibiki had prepared, althougn Celica insisted on feeding it to him herself. After some discourse, Kokonoe threatened Ragna by stating she had attached a bomb to his left arm that was set to explode and kill him should he venture too far from Celica. When Noel disappears, Makoto is on the manhunt for her, but little does she know that her old issues with racism are popping back up.... An Ikarugan man's soul in the body of a cyborg demon, Iron Tager is completely loyal to Kokonoe, and is Sector Seven's top fighter (bar Azrael).

Goddammit, what now?! [60] Ragna was later found by Makoto, who had been ordered to detain him by Kokonoe. I've got business to take care of. The story ended on her declaration that she would erase Terumi from the world.