The temperatures are highest on average in January, at around 26.7 °C | 80.1 °F. Here are some average weather facts we collected from our historical climate data: During the month of May, June, July, August and September you are most likely to experience good weather with pleasant average temperatures that fall between 20 degrees Celsius (68°F) and 25 degrees Celsius (77°F).

The average annual minimum temperature is: 17.0° Celsius (62.6° Fahrenheit) More Climate Information For Rockhampton Weather and Climate offers all the information you need to know about the climate in Rockhampton . Annual Weather Averages in Rockhampton. Rockhampton Weather by month // weather averages Rockhampton average temperature.

Rockhampton weather, Capricornia, QLD - 7-day weather forecast and current temperature and Gladstone weather radar The best time of year to visit Rockhampton in Australia. Based on weather reports collected during 1985–2015. July is the coldest month, with temperatures averaging 16.1 °C | 61.0 °F.