Georgia ›  Chat, get to know each other, and flirt face-to-face... without leaving your computer. Western Europe is a collection of countries that are similar in many ways. That's debatable, and insisting that it's biologically determined is your own made up theory. You can't think straight. But cultural differences with Western Europe don't cause friction overall. Men with options just don't tend to commit to these women. Like short-term relationships, the focus is on sex to the exclusion of any social or emotional component. Just having a college degree doesn't mean anything. Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. Waste of money and time. He's more likely to accept bad female behaviour. That and 10 cents could get you nothing. So reading your previous comments - its feminism that's causing the breakdown of marriages. Men can have a 10 times better deal overseas. That's one of the reasons why the European union is importing millions of migrants.

We all realize that you're sitting in your Mom's basement somewhere in Ohio.

Or a woman for reproductive reasons. And most people have children. This causes wages to stagnate and lost of employment for Western European people.

But not a woman's main value. Key Features. Western Europe and Scandinavia redistributes it's money to South and Eastern Europe. © Copyright 2020 OnlineBootyCall® | OBC and Booty Call are registered trademarks of Mobeze, Inc. OBC is Social Circle's best casual dating site for local singles who enjoy dating and 24-year-old, single woman looking for men ages 18 - 40. Having a go on her for free is one thing. And the risks of divorce have increased.

Pure speculation on your part, but likely false because it would have to be a massive change from the past where over 90% of men eventually married. What a hold of irrelevant crap. This may reflect changes in society, as many women today are financially independent and don’t need their mate to be the bread-winner for the family. Youthful beauty is a sign of fertility. So why would men get married? What do you mean by "this behavior" -- not being a virgin until marriage, or over 100 partners by senior year in college, or what? But economically? And if that long-term relationship goes sour, we once again start exploring other options. And I have a lot of male friends, mostly married with children. You were warned. They are not likely to be faithful. So are women. We had a cold war? A 30 year old woman can never attract the same high value man she could at 20. Throw away your "little black book" and instead keep all your connections in one easy-to-access place, so you'll never be without options! So they make the rational choice to stay single. They are a liability. OnlineBootyCall is a casual dating site for singles who enjoy the benefits of dating without having to give up the excitement of being single. If it were truly human nature to be monogamous, we wouldn’t be tempted to stray. But most get married, period. Absolutely not!! And yet, humans quite frequently engage in short-term sexual relationships as well. Only a minority of men have what it takes to successfully play the short-term mating game over the long haul, and those who do have little incentive to commit to a single woman. Western women have lost most of their previous value. It doesn't represent anything anymore when everyone has one.