The team at Naughty Dog overcame many obstacles and delivered a worthy sequel to one of the biggest games of all time. It’s been a process, but it’s been quite interesting. Although he’s hardly the main character of Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon’s irreverent, ultra-violent cult comic book Preacher, Eugene “Arseface” Root is – for better or worse – the horribly disfigured face of the series. Tuo metu, kai atidarymo scena palietė tragišką, epizodo buvimo kartu su Eugeniju laikas pristatė kažką daug siaubingesnio.
It’s been a great team effort to make this thing come to life. Eines der Dinge, über die sich die Zuschauer von AMCs neuer Serie Preacher so sehr gefreut haben, war die Darstellung von Ian Colletti als Arseface. I think that happens with anything in life. Įžeidimai metami į jį visomis kryptimis, kad jis būtų apverstas į save, kad tai taptų tinkama jo kūno kalba. He’s amazing. Ian: Yeah, there’s time for that! “Tai yra temos, kurias matysime Eugenijui tyrinėjant ir jis jas tyrinės pragare.“, 2 pamokslininkas 2-ojo sezono pirmadienio vakarus 9 val. Filming an intense show like this, do you find that the off-camera time is more hijinks filled? People actually can relate to and he’s not just a prop or the butt of the jokes, for lack of a better phrase. “Preacher” airs at 8 p.m. CT Sundays on AMC. Ian: Arseface is this big, larger-than-life, iconic comic book character that people love, so I would say the major thing that’s been my goal throughout this first season has been to maintain that essence.This is a little bit of his origin story and I was really trying to make him a really human and empathetic character, which maybe we don’t see as much in the comic.
Ian Colletti, Actor: Baby Mama. They’re the coolest things. Pirmajame sezone jis yra labai pasineręs į laikyseną, kurią užima “, - teigė Colletti. We’ve got some really amazing stuff coming down the line that was very, very fun to shoot, very challenging but very fun. Yes!
I would imagine the origin of his injury is a little different. “; Kaip aktorius, tiek laiko praleidžiate be kameros, kai ruošiatės, medituojate ant jūsų užpakalio ir pildote dėlionės elementus. So what’s on your dork shelf? „Man palengvėjo praktiškas užsiėmimas, praleidęs valandas makiažo metu ir galėdamas iš tikrųjų valgyti visą dieną.
Troubled by something he’s done, he fears God might have turned against him. Ian: I was not crazy familiar with it, but obviously when I got the part I binged as many of the comics as I could before shooting the pilot. I can’t eat when I’m wearing it. You’ve learned a new skill. Galiausiai galime pamatyti šį prarastą filmą, kuriame vaidina seras Benas Kingsley ir Kim Novak, Apžvalga: „Mano brolis serijinis žudikas“ siūlo trumpą alternatyvią teoriją apie O.J. I’ve got some really cool ones from the ‘50s and ‘60s. Just bought a new Martin 00-15E Retro! „Man jis tapo šiuo miesto monstru. “Hopefully fans will eventually see him as a human being,” Colletti said during a recent phone interview. It’s really cool memorabilia. That was very difficult not to be able to eat solid food, but we got some amazing footage and the sacrifice was definitely worth it for the content that we’ve produced. That would be a great summation of the overall tone of our show. Colletti paaiškina, kad tai yra sezonas, kai jo izoliacija nėra atsitiktinumas. When it comes to backstory we’re going to explore that as the season progresses and give a little bit more hints to that. When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. In the latest edition of #ShelfHelp, we run down s, Read @dedecrimmins’s full review of @elevation_p, Shadow in the Cloud won the #TIFF20 Midnight Madne, The Caped Crusader has come to us in many forms, b, “Before the main title card of #PiecesofaWoman g, #TIFF20 has been a very different kind of film fes, Read @victorjstiff’s full review at the link in, Anthony Hopkin’s delivers a masterclass in actin, Unobstructed View of Criterion Flash Sale! Lewis Jacobs / „Sony Pictures Telev“ Peržiūrėti galeriją 101 nuotrauka
It definitely complicates things. Family Life. I don’t think I can tell you that yet. “Tune in if you want to see something that is absolutely ridiculous and insane and dark and twisted, yet somehow hilariously funny,” Colletti said. It’s been 20 years since Garth Ennis wrote the comic.
They really helped me kind of bring Eugene to life.