This important work studies in detail Ratzinger's ecclesiology in the light of Vatican II, against the ongoing debate about what Vatican II really says about the life of the Church, its liturgy, its worship, its doctrine, its pastoral mission, and more. Please read from the text links in the Magic Window, You'll need to select the MC, which for this project is: m8b1, ↳   Readers Wanted: Short Works (Poetry & Prose), ↳   Readers Wanted: Languages other than English, ↳   Volunteers Wanted: Other LibriVox Projects, ↳   Languages other than English: Help, Discussion, & Suggestions, ↳   Suggestions, Comments, News & Discussion, Guides for Listeners & Volunteers (LibriVox wiki), (Religion) Encyclical Letters of Pope Benedict XV - m8b1,,

He explores presuppositions found in Caritas in veritate within the tradition of Catholic social teaching and discusses the theological, ethical, and ecclesial methodologies of the encyclical. Encyclicals. "Violence", writes the Pope, "puts the brakes on authentic development", and "this applies especially to terrorism motivated by fundamentalism". BENEDICT XVI. "The economy needs ethics in order to function correctly", the Holy Father goes on, and "not any ethics whatsoever, but an ethics which is people-centred". Beginning in the nineteenth century, a fundamental objection was raised against the Church's charitable activity. It begins with a presentation of the key ideas in the works of his intellectual antecedents and contemporary interlocutors and then moves to an account of Benedict's responses to a number of theological crises." 3, please, unless you want it for a newcomer. This volume brings together substantive texts of the Holy Father on the many aspects and dimensions of the Mass and the Mystery of the Eucharist, a rich source for every Christian and a spur to reflection and personal prayer. "Eros," placed in the nature of man by his Creator, needs discipline, purification and maturity in order not to lose its original dignity, and not be degraded to the level of being pure "sex," becoming a mere commodity. In all of his addresses, Benedict spoke as the Vicar of Christ, with the message of divine truth and love, of genuine faith and a well-founded, Christ-centered hope. Print. The State that wishes to provide for everything becomes a bureaucratic machine, incapable of ensuring that essential contribution of which suffering man - all mankind - has need: loving personal dedication. The creation of a just order in society and the State is the primary duty of politics, and therefore cannot be the immediate task of the Church. Presents an assortment of quotations, arranged alphabetically, that illumine the Pope's thoughts on such topics as atheism, baptism, the Eucharist, love, reason, terrorism, and worship. The first, entitled, "The Unity of Love in Creation and in Salvation History," presents a theological- philosophical reflection on "love" in its various dimensions - "eros," "philia," and "agape" - highlighting certain vital aspects of God's love for man and the inherent links that such love has with human love. Catholic social doctrine does not want to give the Church power over the State, but simply to purify and illuminate reason, offering its own contribution to the formation of consciences so that the true requirements of justice may be perceived, recognized and put into effect. In this context Pope Benedict also mentions the scandal of hunger and express his hope for "equitable agrarian reform in developing countries". Rather they aim - following the example of Mary and the saints - to draw from God the light and the strength of love that defeats all the darkness and selfishness present in the world. by icequeen » July 6th, 2020, 2:33 pm, Post A collection of 10 out of the 12 Encyclicals written by Pope Benedict XV (Temporary summary) How to claim a part, and "how it all works" here To find a section to record, simply look at point 5. below at the sections. The chapter closes with a fresh evaluation of the phenomenon of globalisation, which must not be seen just as a "socio-economic process". Pope Benedict XVI resumed the use of the traditional red papal shoes, which had been used since Roman times by popes but which had fallen into disuse during the pontificate of Pope John Paul II. This is the first exploration of Pope Benedict XVI's impact on Catholic social teaching.Georgetown Digital Shorts—longer than an article, shorter than a book—deliver timely works of peer-reviewed scholarship in a fast-paced, agile environment. by KevinS » July 11th, 2020, 12:49 pm, Post Dated December 25, Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord, it considers the question of Christian love. Any unauthorized use, without prior written consent of Catholic Online is strictly forbidden and prohibited. Since his election to the Papacy, Ratzinger's theology,and in particular his ecclesiology (theology of the Church), has been in the limelight of theological and ecumenical discussions. Chapter three of the Encyclical - "Fraternity, Economic Development and Civil Society" - opens with a passage praising the "experience of gift", often insufficiently recognised "because of a purely consumerist and utilitarian view of life". From the very beginning, the fundamental work of the Institute has been pursuing a deeper understanding of God's plan for marriage and family.

Such activity, it was said, runs counter to justice and ends up by preserving the status quo. In his encyclical "On Christian Hope",Pope Benedict XVI shows that faith in Christ brings well-founded hope in eternal salvation and helps sustain people through the trials of this world. Hence Christianity and other religions "can offer their contribution to development only if God has a place in the public realm". He also express a hope for wider access to education and, even more so, for "complete formation of the person", affirming that yielding to relativism makes everyone poorer.