"They are popular among taxi drivers and som tam vendors and security guards and Isan coolies. [6][7], Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Panna Rittikrai, Muay Thai Action Maestro, Dead at 53", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Panna_Rittikrai&oldid=933062708, Articles with incomplete citations from November 2018, Cleanup tagged articles with a reason field from May 2017, Wikipedia pages needing cleanup from May 2017, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Maha Sarakham Physical Education Institute, This page was last edited on 29 December 2019, at 19:38.

It was Panna's first acting role in 9 years. Panna Rittikrai im TV. Panna Rittikrai (Thai: พันนา ฤทธิไกร; RTGS: Phanna Ritthikrai) or birth name Krittiya Lardphanna (Thai: กฤติยา ลาดพันนา; RTGS: Krittiya Latphanna, February 17, 1961 – July 20, 2014) was a Thai martial arts action choreographer, film director, screenwriter, and actor. [4], Panna Rittikrai had been receiving treatment for liver disease since November 2013. The head of the Muay Thai Stunt team (previously known as P.P.N. Mit dem Regisseur Prachya Pinkaew, der wie Phanna Rithikrai von Tony Jaas Fähigkeiten beeindruckt war, realisierte er 2003 den Martial-Arts-Film Ong-Bak: Muay Thai Warrior, für dessen Aufnahmen er zuvor vier Jahre mit dem Hauptdarsteller die Stunts eintrainierte. During his college ... Film Review: Chocolate (2008) by Prachya Pinkaew, Film Review: Triple Threat (2019) by Jesse V. Johnson. Recent and upcoming projects include Mercury Man, a Thai superhero film in which he coordinated the martial arts; the sequel to Ong-Bak, Ong Bak 2; and Chocolate, a film directed by Prachya Pinkaew starring a female martial artist, Yanin Vismistananda.

Phanna entdeckte schon früh seine Leidenschaft für Actionfilme und begann auch bald in der nationalen thailändischen Filmindustrie zu arbeiten, anfangs noch als Aushilfskraft in der nationalen Filmindustrie Thailands, wo er mit den bekanntesten nationalen Schauspielern jener Zeit, Soraphong Chatree und Nappon Gomarachun, zusammenarbeiten konnte. Juli 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand) war ein thailändischer Filmregisseur, Drehbuchautor, Schauspieler und Stunt-Choreograf, der vor allem durch seine Mitwirkung an Martial-Arts-Filmen … Fünf Jahre später taucht in der Region ein brutaler Killer (Panna Rittikrai) auf, der grundlos Menschen foltert und tötet. Entdecke seine Biographie, Details seiner 21 Karriere-Jahre und alle News. Kämpfer aus Saidang darunter Ihr Anführer ( Tony Jaa ) greifen den Eindringling an und versuchen Ihn zu besiegen, doch der scheint übersinnliche Kräfte zu haben.

Daneben war er auch als Schauspieler tätig, wie als böser Gegenspieler Dam von Hauptdarsteller Dan Chupong in dem Martial-Arts-Film Born to Fight – Dynamite Warrior aus dem Jahr 2006.

The Top 5 Best Thai Martial Arts Films Ever. Panna Rittikrai was born in the small village of Khon Kaen in Thailand.

Do You Agree? Looking for some great streaming picks? Panna Rittikrai is the man behind Thai action star Tony Jaa, whose work in Ong-Bak, astounded viewers across the globe. What Language Do You Wish You Could Speak.

Mai 2015 um 23:18 Uhr bearbeitet. Panna Rittikrai. [3], Panna's martial-arts choreography work also can be seen in the action-comedy, The Bodyguard, which starred and was directed by Thai comic actor Petchtai Wongkamlao. At a young age, he was a fan of martial arts films and he knew it would be his dream to become involved in the martial arts industry.

The Born to Fight film served to inspire future action superstar Tony Jaa of Ong-Bak and Tom Yum Goong fame to learn to fight. "You've probably never heard of my movies," Panna told the Bangkok Post in a 2004 interview. Als Glücksfall erwies sich für ihn die Zusammenkunft mit Tony Jaa, den er als sein Mentor förderte.

Phanna Rithikrai, der auf eine über 30-jährige Filmerfahrung zurückblicken konnte, realisierte über ein Dutzend Spielfilme als Regisseur und Drehbuchautor.

The head of the Muay Thai Stunt team (previously known as P.P.N.

Panna Rittikrai ist ein thailändisch Regisseur, Drehbuchautor. Bei einer Razzia werden fast alle anwesenden Gangster getötet und nur der Boss der Bande (Panna Rittikrai) kommt mit dem Leben davon.

Er schwört Rache an dem Polizisten, der die Razzia geleitet hat. Panna Rittikrai. Mehr zum Star: Panna Rittikrai. 2011: BKO: Bangkok Knockout (Deutscher Titel: Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 21. [6] It was also later discovered that he had a brain tumor.

Später bot sich ihm die Möglichkeit seine eigenen „realistischen Actionfilme“ als Drehbuchautor, Regisseur und Stunt-Choreograf zu verwirklichen. Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist. With the worldwide releases of Ong-Bak and Tom-Yum-Goong, with their gritty, hard-hitting stunts, action-film fans the world over have wanted to see more, so film distributors are starting to release some of Panna's older titles on DVDs geared for the international market.

At a young age, he was a fan of martial arts films and he knew it would be his dream to become involved in the martial arts industry.

[5] Rittikrai died in a hospital in Bangkok from complications brought on by acute liver and kidney failure on July 20, 2014. Learning a little about filmmaking and inspired by the movies of Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee, as well as stunts seen in James Bond movies, Panna moved back to Khon Kaen and formed his own stunt team, the P.P.N. Erinnerung aktivieren. Stunt Team), he is best known for his work as a martial arts and action choreographer on the 2003 film Ong-Bak: Muay Thai Warrior and 2005's Tom-Yum-Goong (known as The Protector in the US), starring Tony Jaa, whom Panna mentored. "[full citation needed], Born in Khon Kaen Province, Thailand, Panna started out in the movie business in 1979 as a physical trainer for actors in Bangkok. Eine Gruppe Japaner wird von ihm genauso angegriffen wie die Bewohner von Saidang. Er unterrichtete ihn in diversen Kampfsportarten und perfektionierte mit ihm das Muay Thai Boran, eine traditionelle Variante des Muay Thai, die Tony Jaa zu einem gefeierten Actionhelden werden ließ. Stunt Team (actually known as Muay Thai Stunt) and set about making films.[2]. Among the films finding new life on the home video market are Spirited Killer, or Puen Hode, co-starring Tony Jaa, as well as Mission Hunter 2, in which Jaa portrays a villain. He could be credited as the man who single-handedly kick-started the trend of action cinema in Thailand. Februar 1961 in der Provinz Khon Kaen, Thailand; † 20.

Build up your Halloween Watchlist with our list of the most popular horror titles on Netflix in October. Er starb in einem Krankenhaus in Bangkok in Folge eines Leber- und Nierenversagens. Panna Rittikrai (Thai: พันนา ฤทธิไกร; RTGS: Phanna Ritthikrai) or birth name Krittiya Lardphanna (Thai: กฤติยา ลาดพันนา;[1] RTGS: Krittiya Latphanna, February 17, 1961 – July 20, 2014) was a Thai martial arts action choreographer, film director, screenwriter, and actor. Stunt Team), he is best known for his work as a martial arts and action choreographer on the 2003 film Ong-Bak: Muay Thai Warrior and 2005's Tom-Yum-Goong(known as The … Panna Rittikrai bei cinema.de.

Panna Rittikrai im TV. His first was Gerd ma lui (Born to Fight), which he remade in 2004. Juli 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand) war ein thailändischer Filmregisseur, Drehbuchautor, Schauspieler und Stunt-Choreograf, der vor allem durch seine Mitwirkung an Martial-Arts-Filmen internationale Bekanntheit erlangte.

Panna Rittikrai is the man behind Thai action star Tony Jaa, whose work in Ong-Bak, astounded viewers across the globe. Panna Rittikrai was the director and star of the Thai action classic Born to Fight. My loyalest fans are folk people in the far-out tambons, where they lay out mattresses on the ground and drink moonshine whisky while watching my outdoor movies.

Kommentieren. He co-starred in Dynamite Warrior, a 2006 martial-arts action comedy set in 19th century Siam and starring Dan Chupong from Born to Fight. Alles zum Star Panna Rittikrai. Phanna Rithikrai (thailändisch .mw-parser-output .Thai{font-size:115%}พันนา ฤทธิไกร; * 17.

Filme mit Panna Rittikrai. [1], https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Phanna_Rithikrai&oldid=142355815, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, thailändischer Filmregisseur, Drehbuchautor, Schauspieler und Stunt-Choreograf.