(Ver trabajos de clase y el registro calificaciones.) and log in with your school Google account. To get your login credentials, go to the email account you used to register your child in Aeries and look for an email from, If you can’t find an email from SBUnified District. NEO assistance is available here. and select ‘Forgot password’ at the bottom of the login screen. SBUnified requires that school personnel take immediate steps to intervene when safe to do so when he or she witnesses an act of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying. Colaborar con su escuela. : When you message a teacher, you may type it in your home language and NEO will translate it for the teacher. El SBUnified requiere que el personal de la escuela adopte las medidas inmediatas para intervenir cuando sea seguro hacerlo si él o ella es testigo de un acto de discriminación, hostigamiento, intimidación o acoso escolar.
Declaración de no discriminación y normativas correspondientes, Cuenta NEO para los padres: Preguntas frecuentes, SBUSD Updates/School Closure information (SBUSD Actualizaciones/Información sobre clausura de las escuelas), SANTA BARBARA COUNTY SELPA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING, Enrollment and registration/ Inscripción y Matriculación, Course Planning for College and Career Readiness.
They also have an app called NEO LMS. Santa Barbara Education Foundation. 720 Santa Barbara Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101. Staff intranet Email Gina Pearce at gpearce@sbunified.org.
NEO has a mobile version that can be accessed from any mobile device’s web browser. … Each student in grades 4th through 12th is issued a District-managed iPad, which they will keep for four years, including during school holidays. NEO Tutorial Videos / Vídeos tutoriales de NEO, Student Login Portal (Aeries, Password Portal, NEO), Social Media/DPNews Story Submission Form, Nondiscrimination Statement and Related Policies, Declaración de no discriminación y normativas correspondientes. If a student’s iPad or case is damaged, lost, or stolen, be sure to have them submit a tech ticket immediately. What IP addresses does Neo.sbunified.org resolve to? TDD: (805) 966-7734, Contact Us The Board also prohibits retaliatory behavior or action against any person who reports, files a complaint or testifies about, or otherwise supports a complainant in alleging sexual harassment. Haga clic aquí para obtener asistencia en NEO. Enter the email address you used to register your student in Aeries and the log in instructions to your NEO parent account will be sent to your email account. If you can’t find an email from SBUnified District go to neo.sbunified.org and select ‘Forgot password’ at the bottom of the login screen. Please include the following information in your message: Click on the image next to your name in the upper right corner then click on Settings (left menu).