Examples: Infectious hepatitis, malignant and benign tumors, any form of cancer, kidney diseases, food poisoning, histoplasmosis. The regulations also require operators and contractors to report employment data. Section 50.20. number. § 50.20 Preparation and submission of MSHA Report Form 7000-1 -, Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR), Chapter I. Additional cleaning and applications of antiseptic constitute first aid where it is required by work duties that soil the bandage. At the same time, the first copy shall be mailed to the appropriate local MSHA district office. (2) Bruises. An injury of an individual at the mine which has a reasonable potential to cause death; An entrapment of an individual at the mine which has a reasonable potential to cause death; or. Transfer of a coal miner to a less dusty area of a mine when the miner elects to exercise rights under Section 203(b) of the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969 is another example. Year to Date: 21 All Fatality Reports. For example, if an injured employee has a bruised finger and a broken ankle, write “ankle”. x�b```b``qg`2�23 �0;P��P�� J#���d�*c��d�����������,��� �t������3}T�M`�e�H`�a8� n�����7ct�JsËRL���10J5�L`ma�9 &�d���-�(����%�aS���U���0>l�P`�h~@z�*Cv�Ʃ � lk�_��ɠ��o�,c��f��'5��H(8db� R�@J %a�����($42A�!�����8�?6@,D�B#��LJURE�3����YXM���'\]�W�CF9�W^$��D��M�D�3��بhgyS儊��I�gv�t4�4�M�:�o������5u��U�Ӂ�؀x�9w��yl�@����F�Hx�"64^���`���#�2g6Lt��%K�2Ě�a������t� ؔ50 �E�,0��2n`��4�:0l�XP�Ī�j�y�5\k��4'/G� Data collected via Part 50 is summarized in quarterly and annual reports.Access Part 50 Reports here, Mine Safety and Health Administration Date of accident injury or illness.

Enter the name of the mining company submitting this report or, if not a company, the operator's name. What directly inflicted injury or illness. To file electronically, follow the instructions on MSHA Internet site, http://www.msha.gov. endstream endobj 3993 0 obj<> endobj 3994 0 obj<>stream MSHA believes there has been underreporting of accidents and injuries. (8) Item 24. Arlington, VA 22202-5450www.msha.govTTY 202-693-9400, Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), Upper Big Branch Mine-South, Performance Coal Company, Criteria to Certify Coal Mine Rescue Teams, NIOSH-MSHA Respirable Mine Dust Partnership Agenda, NIOSH-MSHA Respirable Mine Dust Partnership Charter, Retrospective Study of Respirable Coal Mine Dust Rule, Commenting on Enforcement Actions to SBA Ombudsman, Proximity Detection Systems Installation Deadline: March 16, 2018, Quarterly Training Calls and Stakeholder Meetings, Form 7000-1: Mine Accident, Injury and Illness Report, Form 7000-2: Quarterly Mine Employment & Coal Production Report. The Metal/Nonmetal file contains all non-coal commodities under MSHA jurisdiction i.e., most stone, sand and gravel, metal and nonmetal mines.

0000010189 00000 n (v) Code 25 - Disorders Due to Physical Agents (Other than Toxic Materials). Check if this injury/illness resulted in permanent total or partial disability. Each operator shall report each accident, occupational injury, or occupational illness at the mine. ����9xJ�p��Iz��MR9�Cf^*D}O�K�f:3�����;�A��� ,La@��[�k���r^ An injury to an individual at a mine, which has a reasonable potential to cause death; An entrapment of an individual for more than 30 minutes or which has a reasonable potential to cause death; An unplanned inundation of a mine by a liquid or gas; An unplanned ignition or explosion of gas or dust; In underground mines, an unplanned fire not extinguished within 10 minutes of discovery; in surface mines and surface areas of underground mines, an unplanned fire not extinguished within 30 minutes of discovery; An unplanned ignition or explosion of a blasting agent or an explosive; An unplanned roof fall at or above the anchorage zone in active workings where roof bolts are in use; or, an unplanned roof or rib fall in active workings that impairs ventilation or impedes passage; A coal or rock outburst that causes withdrawal of miners or which disrupts regular mining activity for more than one hour; An unstable condition at an impoundment, refuse pile, or culm bank which requires emergency action in order to prevent failure, or which causes individuals to evacuate an area; or, failure of an impoundment, refuse pile, or culm bank; Damage to hoisting equipment in a shaft or slope which endangers an individual or which interferes with use of the equipment for more than thirty minutes; and. Enter the number of work-days, consecutive or not, on which the miner would have worked but could not because of occupational injury or occupational illness. Mining Industry Accident, Injury, Illness, Employment, and Coal Production Reports Part 50 of Title 30 of the Code of Federal Regulation (30 CFR Part 50) requires mine operators to immediately notify MSHA of accidents, requires operators to investigate accidents, and restricts disturbance of accident related areas. %PDF-1.4 %���� Volume 5, Numbe r 24 ©2009 Jackson Kelly PLLC On December 29, 2009, the Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration, published a direct final rule making non-substantive organizational changes to Part 50… ��1A@��F٤ iŨt��(2�;'5F���x��Ȝ)�̯���|?�y�������c6�q��~K�V��NٜjЧ��j\k#��w*@��b�5�Q@�$:���*&���cf�!.>]35z���c��L=�F�}?�Y#8w��|�WLJ�^�:3-]���Y���jLI�L�Ǹj4^������i� }�>5C���E&���a��a�0l�8̀a[0l�H�`R� f�����Í�~�$q�̑J��.�[��6� �"�c�+��|$s��˚�r�^~V>d;�6����?햌�GE���/�/�����T\T����2_���4�B�g������q�c�c���5��[*��4�nL٘��3I�;)�V;mwjt��T��x�c��VU?_ƃT�pӉG�e��j�U�?�6�)��m!���@�`Qx`��f���骹%k��x;Q��X��#���_�R�����L���ykM�9��j These are typical examples and are not to be considered the complete listing of the types of illnesses and disorders that should be included under each category. (1) Item 13. vž (ii) Medical treatment includes multiple soakings, draining of collected blood, or other treatment beyond observation. For multiple injuries, enter the injury which was the most serious. MSHA PUBLISHES CHANGES TO PART 50 AND PART 100 TO PERMIT AUTOMATED PENALTY ASSESSMENT FOR LEGISLATIVELY MANDATED MINIMUMS . Do they have first aid training? �=l,�� �9@LH�B,�./����� � :� 8�4c>��(p��`�{1p}O�U�� ғ8�.

We may be able to help.

Factors MSHA will consider in deciding whether to conduct a Part 50 audit after a fatality include the following: MSHA received complaints by miners or a miners’ representative that reportable accidents were not being reported by the mine operator; 0000000572 00000 n Compliance Tools. Name of witness to accident injury or illness. H�lTiTW�ꦪ��0VkU�q�q%�A�"`�I��4�����,. A precautionary visit (special examination) to a physician is considered as first aid if treatment is limited to above items, and follow-up visits if they are limited to observation only. In recent weeks, MSHA Part 50 enforcement of Accident Reporting has also increased.
MSHA Part 50 enforcement will be significantly increased starting today. 0000068896 00000 n This part also requires operators to file reports with MSHA pertaining to accidents, occupational injuries and occupational illnesses, as well as employment and coal production data. If an occupational illness is diagnosed as being one of those listed in § 50.20-6(b)(7), the operator must report it under this part. 0000003779 00000 n (b) Item 29. This section requires information concerning the miner's return to duty. If an occupational illness is diagnosed as being one of those listed in § 50.20-6(b)(7), the operator must report it under this part. (5) Item 21.

0000002383 00000 n Preparation and submission of MSHA … (i) First aid treatment is limited to cleaning or flushing the surface, soaking, applying cold compresses, antiseptics or nonprescription medications, and bandaging on the first visit, and follow-up visits restricted to observation, changing bandages, or additional cleaning. For example: the machine or thing struck against or which struck the miner; the vapor or poison inhaled or swallowed; the chemical or non-ionizing radiation which irritated the skin; or in cases of strains or hernias, the thing lifted or pulled. (i) First aid treatment is limited to soaking, application of cold compresses, and use of elastic bandages on the first visit. (b) Each operator shall report each occupational injury or occupational illness on one set of forms. A third copy, containing all the information in the first and second copies shall be retained at the mine office closest to the mine for a period of five years. H���]k�0���+����Α�QJ!��VF֐hw��:J���Ci7�_?%��a΁%�y�~�7������77�j��M�aI�a?KR��)����k���W|�����O4�U�n�����{2u�t��P�w��LV%�"�0$��� &Cc%�F�I0�F�K0�F\H0����`�V�-y�%ۜ YKD�����l-���l ���eK|����s��l������q�`Js�J��.���� �����������.�"�>�>W㻻O���w���%�˟�ߍa�J|7���� ����w��#J|'A?��kU � �����D�N|G�Dh�K�$Bߒ$���$����$I�&�(I"4�EI��/J���%�>c��r��:�ܿ\ BY��о6�ۄzӟ��s���Z��ܶ�.�^�/��{����dw�qh߱�ҝo��ۼ�ķO>Na��qJ���:4��Jd�{����x֭��_]T��{.�u��L�#� 艵� (c) Company name. $szL5[V�_�/W��iQ�FQ����N�Pv���O31���$�;)V�g+��IuU�:!O��ߞ�����y&�$��i�W{�C�9���n�Շ�X��0gw���Ϧ-(�| ��C��YU����_HW���3�C,��l2��1 ;N�g�҂�����B����W5�{�O�!a��+5\���������2qM;.&i��+t�����"�]s��}��F=�N���qx.���Ļ��] �P)��X�$yK�j]G��.E|*�j�{x�˞"ǵ���X��£��̼�h��Q|T������.

If the accident injury or illness occurred underground, circle only the underground location code in column (b). 0000000016 00000 n Where applicable, circle the underground mining method code in column (c). Box 25367, Denver Federal Center, Denver, Colo. 80225, within ten working days after an accident, occupational injury or occupational illness.

(b) Each operator shall report each occupational injury or occupational illness on one set of forms. If the underground accident injury or illness occurred on a working section or working place, enter the code for the mining method at that working section or working place: (2) Item 6. 3027 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 3031 /H [ 1475 705 ] /L 722795 /E 72190 /N 50 /T 662135 >> endobj xref 3027 23 0000000016 00000 n (iii) The miner is terminated or leaves the mine. Fast! Circle the code from the list below which most accurately describes the illness. (6) Inhalation of Toxic or Corrosive Gases. (ii) Code 22 - Dust Diseases of the Lungs (Pneumoconioses). § 50.20-6 - Criteria - MSHA Form 7000-1, Section C. § 50.20-7 - Criteria - MSHA Form 7000-1, Section D. Regular job title. For illness, name the illness, such as pneumoconiosis, silicosis. If the accident injury or illness occurred underground, circle the one code which best describes where the accident injury or illness occurred: (iii) Column (c) - Underground mining method. In a previous blog we discussed how MSHA will increase the number of inspectors and inspections at metal/non-metal mines with a heightened focus on smaller “mom and pop” mines. Subpart C - Reporting of Accidents, Injuries, and Illnesses. 0000069104 00000 n