People are swimming and fishing in Quesnel Lake five years after the largest environmental mining disaster in Canadian history, but residents of Likely, B.C., are still struggling with unresolved emotions about what happened and who will be held accountable for the dam collapse at the Mount Polley mine. We reserve the right to close comments at any time. They found that a landslide had covered the drainage pipes. December 6, 2019 0 Several persons were Friday injured in an accident at Long Creek, Linden- Soesdyke Highway when the minibus they were travelling in reportedly careened off the highway.

Lack of community support prevented its listing. [28] President Begaye advised his people with livestock and farming against signing a form from the EPA saying that the Environmental Protection Agency is not responsible for the damage to crops and livestock.

The heavy metals appeared to be settling to the bottom of the river.

Love Tours - … "It was a big lesson," she said. Enter your email address to subscribe to this website and receive notifications of new posts by email. For now, both companies have yet to release a clear statement on their next course of action.

"[33][34], Through a FOIA request, Associated Press obtained EPA files indicating that U.S. government officials "knew of ‘blowout’ risk for tainted water at mine," which could result from the EPA's intervention. "I don't know that the people who are still so angry would be happy with that or not," she said.

Water was accumulating behind a plug at the mine's entrance. after a tanker truck crashed and burst into flames on Highway 49. As of April 22, 2016, the Navajo Nation has been compensated a total of $150,000 by the EPA, according to testimony at hearings of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs.

[20]:A-4, The Animas River was closed to recreation until August 14. Minister, Dr. Frank Anthony... (BBC) This year has been an unpredictable one, to say the least. [39], A $1.5M water treatment plant built by the EPA to treat acid mine drainage from the Gold King Mine began operation in October 2015. Studies have revealed that a pileup of tailings can cause landslides. 50,000 shares. Michelle Mungall, B.C. Box 500 Station A Toronto, ON Canada, M5W 1E6. The heavy tailings swept away miners who were working at the mine at the time. 44-03479) Sea "B" Mining Company Jewell Ridge, Tazewell County, Virginia July 15, 1997 by Robert L. Crumrine Assistant District Manager Joseph R. Yudasz Coal Mine Safety and Health Inspector Nelson T. Blake Chief, Roof Control Section Joseph A. Cybulski Supervisory Mining Engineer, Technical Support Office of the …