Shame on Pedro Regis for using this prophecy from Mary to attack the true Pope Francis! And we know from different prophecies that Russia and China have roles to play in the end times (especially in the inter-tribulation period, as I understand it). I’ve never understood why prophesy has to be so cryptic. Do not go astray with them.

was an antipope for over a year, from 28 June 767 to 6 August 768. Then the enemy strikes the city with a nuclear missile, and the sheep are scattered. [9], Thus, because of the obscurities about mid-11th-century canon law and the historical facts, the Annuario Pontificio lists Sylvester III as a pope, without thereby expressing a judgement on his legitimacy. Subscribe to my RSS Feed. If you refuse, you sin a second time and you will cause even more harm to souls. Now the message to Pedro speaks clearly of an antipope. For antipopes falsely claim to be the Rock, when they are just a stone. So when I gave the message it was not speaking of the pope to come but of the next. For the additional confusion regarding popes named John, see Pope John (numbering). So Mary is comparing this antipope to the Antipope Benedict IX. An asterisk marks those who were included in the conventional numbering of later popes who took the same name. For the additional confusion regarding Popes named John, see Pope John (numbering). Individual Bishops can go astray, but not the Bishops as a body. Antipope John VIII or Antipope John was an antipope of the Roman Catholic Church, in the year 844. Natalius soon repented and tearfully begged Pope Zephyrinus to receive him into communion.[6][7]. There will be a true Pope and a very prominent antipope. A xino will be on the throne countering many, but God is the Lord of Truth. Onix, black stone. I think I’ll give this alleged visionary and his message a pass. The list of popes and antipopes in the Annuario Pontificio attaches the following note to the name of Pope Leo VIII (963–965): At this point, as again in the mid-11th century, we come across elections in which problems of harmonising historical criteria and those of theology and canon law make it impossible to decide clearly which side possessed the legitimacy whose factual existence guarantees the unbroken lawful succession of the successors of Saint Peter. [1] At times between the 3rd and mid-15th centuries, antipopes were supported by important factions within the Church itself and by secular rulers. His claim to the Alexandrine papacy was dismissed by both the Coptic Orthodox Pope Shenouda III and Pope Theodore II of the Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria. So that we will be led by faith and trust in God, rather than knowledge of all things. The next Pope will be a true Pope, without an antipope to oppose him, and he will be elected outside of Rome, just like the true pope and antipope before him. That is exactly what will happen when the Muslim extremists conquer Rome and Vatican City during World War 3. D.L. Dear children! Pedro- Before the election of Benedict prophesied that in the future will be elected a Jesuit pope. They are sometimes referred to as conclavists because of their claim, on the basis of an election by a "conclave" of perhaps half a dozen laypeople, as in the case of David Bawden ("Pope Michael I"), to have rendered the See no longer vacant. The Church is indefectible. 1370 – 22 December 1419) was Pisan antipope John XXIII (1410–1415) during the Western Schism. He will reign during a time when the papacy has been driven out of Rome. Pedro Regis, accept this correction and rescind your false interpretation of this true message from the Virgin Mary. Eusebius quotes[4] from an unnamed earlier writer the story of Natalius, a 3rd-century priest who accepted the bishopric of the Adoptionists,[5] a heretical group in Rome. Now it is a dogmatic definition taught by the First Vatican Council, as affirmed by Cardinal Manning, and as I have explained many times, that the Roman Pontiff has the gift of “truth and a never failing faith”. a proof of Pedro Regis’ interpretations of his visions being fallible and containing errors is self-evident from the fact that he believed that the antipope would have been elected in 2005.

At this point, as again in the mid-11th century, we come across elections in which problems of harmonising historical criteria and those of theology and canon law make it impossible to decide clearly which side possessed the legitimacy whose factual existence guarantees the unbroken lawful succession of the successors of Saint Peter.

[citation needed], The following table gives the names of the antipopes included in the list of popes and antipopes in the Annuario Pontificio, with the addition of the names of Natalius (in spite of doubts about his historicity) and Antipope Clement VIII (whose following was insignificant).[8]. (If you use Google Chrome, first add a Chrome RSS reader or extension.). The Roman Catholic Church traces its history to Jesus Christ and the…. The black pope … [stone represents the papacy – upon this rock I will build My Church…], Pedro- The superior of the Jesuits is called the black pope …, Pedro- And wears black. Many antipopes created cardinals, known as quasi-cardinals, and a few created cardinal-nephews, known as quasi-cardinal-nephews. Other sources classify him as an antipope.[11][12]. A true Pope cannot stray from the truth, nor can he have contempt for what is sacred. He then was driven out of Rome, and replaced, then he succeeded to the papacy a second time, was driven out of Rome a second time, succeeded to the papacy a third time, and then abdicated his throne in exchange for money (which was a reimbursement for the money he spent obtaining the throne!). Note that the Pope is the Rock on which the Church is founded. The mirror: here is the mystery….”. The antipope is “the man that clings to me”, in other words, a man who is not the true shepherd, but who clings to that role and clings to Christ (like a parasite). The Western Schism—which began in 1378, when the French cardinals, claiming that the election of Pope Urban VI was invalid, elected antipope Clement VII as a rival to the Roman Pope—led eventually to two competing lines of antipopes: the Avignon line (Clement VII took up residence in Avignon, France), and the Pisan line. Pedro- Onix! The meaning of the stone’s color is that this antipope, this mere stone, who claims to be a rock, is evil. And it was the year 2005, the newly elected … no, Benedict was not yet elected, because Benedict was elected on April 19 [2005]. Thus, many Latin words spelled with a “y” are borrowed from Greek. Now “onix” can also be “o nix” in Latin, which is “Oh, snow!” That might be coincidence, or it might have some significance.
All these years I am with you to guide you on the way to salvation. Now for the full meaning of the prophecy. Various Antipopes challenged papal authority, especially during the Western Schism (1378–1417). To end the schism, in May 1415, the Council of Constance deposed antipope John XXIII of the Pisan line. An antipope (antipapa) is a person who, in opposition to the lawful pope, makes a significant attempt to occupy the position of Bishop of Rome and leader of the Catholic Church. This is the day when the prophecy has been made clear for you, March 25th, the day of the Annunciation, when the Lord of Truth began to reside in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a day on which Pope Francis, the true Pope, asks all Christians to pray the Our Father to the one true God. Dear Ron,
But the meaning of the stone’s color, black, is not the Jesuits. So the antipope is himself countered by the true Pope, who has the Lord of Truth on his side. and a rebuke of shameful behavior by the visionary, Pedro Regis, who received the true prophecy. Both Pope Pontian and the Antipope Hippolytus of Rome were arrested and exiled to labor in the mines of Sardinia, generally regarded as a death sentence.

The following were elected by professedly faithful Catholics, none of whom were cardinals: As the Patriarch of Alexandria, Egypt, has historically also held the title of pope, a person who, in opposition to someone who is generally accepted as a legitimate pope of Alexandria, claims to hold that position may also be considered an antipope. That event precedes immediately the election of the antipope.

First, let me point out the errors in the interpretation of Pedro. Children, allow God to speak to your heart because Satan reigns and wishes to destroy your lives and the planet you walk on. Vatican I taught that the above words of Jesus mean that each and every successor of Peter cannot fail in faith. Sometimes it was difficult to distinguish which of two claimants should be called pope and which antipope, as in the case of Pope Leo VIII and Pope Benedict V. Pope Leo VIII (died 1 March 965) was the head of the Catholic Church from 23 June 964 to his death in 965; before that, he was an antipope from 963 to 964, in opposition to Pope John XII and Pope Benedict V. Hippolytus of Rome (d. 235) is commonly considered to be the earliest antipope, as he headed a separate group within the Church in Rome against Pope Callixtus I. Alternative Title: Bernard Garnier Benedict (XIV), original name Bernard Garnier, (died c. 1433), counter-antipope from 1425 to c. 1430. No.

When I gave this message I thought that the next pope would be a Jesuit, but it was not so. The true Pope and the antipope both go to Rome when the Allies capture the city, each to bolster his claim to be Pope. Robert of Geneva (Robert de Genève) (1342 – 16 September 1394) was elected to the papacy as Clement VII (Clément VII) by the French cardinals who opposed Urban VI, and was the first antipope residing in Avignon, France. The uncertainty that in some cases results has made it advisable to abandon the assignation of successive numbers in the list of the popes.

Do you really think that the Blessed Virgin Mary has contempt for the Jesuit order?

These discrepancies in regnal numbers are due in part to a now discounted belief in another Pope John between John XIV and John XV, and the antipapacy of John XVI. Omissions? The day will come when there will be contempt in the house of God and that which is sacred will be thrown out. Antipopes have appeared as fictional characters.