Thank you for your mercy, your blessings, and beautiful grace during this frightful and sinful race. God is life. The best way to say, "Thank you, God," is by letting go of the past and living in the present moment, right here and now. 2. When my friends turned their backs I could always look to you. Beautiful Thank You Quotes 25. They remind you that you are lucky to have your desires fulfilled and that you should not take your blessings for granted. Thank You Lord Quotes To Praise. Dear God, thank you for this beautiful life. I’m proud of you. I don't think you should spend your life praying for things, but I do believe you should thank God for … Thank you for staying even if you had every reason to leave. Thank God for you. Whatever life takes away from you, let it go. You deserve to be celebrated my dear wife. 1. 1.What a gloomy life it would be without the support of someone as daring as you. I Thank God I Found You Quotes for Him or Her. 26. It is not happy people who are thankful, it is thankful people who are happy. God Quotes, Comments & Prayers contributed by readers Ano N. Mous says: Thank you God for my trials which I know you have brought me through. Thank God for Your Life Quotes for Him or Her. Gratitude can make us feel that we already have enough. I find it very easy to celebrate our friendship and the fact that you have gradually become my biggest inspiration. They inspire you to have humility and sincerity. Another day is here, another day to live and be glad, thanks be to God for the gift of life and the nature all around us. 27. 3. God, thank you for giving me life and happiness, for guiding me in the right path of peace and salvation. Also Read: Godly Messages. God loves me so much that He gave me you! 2. Here are best of all messages to appreciate God for everything. Make your boyfriend or girlfriend feel specially loved by sending these thank God I found you quotes to him or her. 36 Thank God Quotes Use these thank God quotes to remind you we have lots to be thankful for. 26. Many others, though not as lucky as you, have overcome their difficulties and continued on their path. Because we cannot see just what God is saving us from, we vent our foolish reproaches; if we could see this, we would often kneel down and thank God for certain trials as the richest of His mercies. We should be thankful to God for giving us a beautiful life.
Awesome Appreciative Quotes to God for Your Life for Lovers. God has given me abundant wealth to take care of all my needs and do all the charity I can with a grateful heart. Many women have done great but your greatness is outstanding. God is life in action. Thank You God Appreciation Quotes. These "thank you, God" quotes are more than expressions of gratitude. The best way to say, "I love you, God," is to live your life doing your best. 27.