(Ezekiel 48:35, Genesis 28:15, Ezekiel 48:35, Psalm 23:4, 46:1, 139:7-12, Jeremiah 23:23-24, Amos 5:14), Yahweh-Rapha SONG (Exodus 15:2, Isaiah 12:2) So the name Isaiah, for example, means Man of God. The Lord of Hosts. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity. Remember that God is real and these names reveal who He wants to be for you and your beloved ones.
(Psalm 139:13-18), El-Deah This is a list of Hebrew names of God in the Old Testament. STAR OUT OF JACOB (Numbers 24:17) Content may be used, after permission has been obtained from the author David Sorensen. JUDGE (Isaiah 33:22, Acts 10:42) Jesus Christ is the Lord of hosts, the Captain of the armies of heaven. 31:32, Hosea 2:16), I AM (Exodus 3:14, John 8:58) HOLY ONE (Acts 2:27) IMMANUEL (Isaiah 7:14) The Lord our righteousness. To say the Bible and Ancient Greek culture rubbed each other the wrong way is an understatement. SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS (Malachi 4:2), TEACHER (John 13:13) (Exodus 31:13, Leviticus 20:8; Ezekiel 37:28), Yahweh-Rohi Rachel — Rahel (guttural h) LIVING WATER (John 4:10) POWER OF GOD (1 Cor. 3:14)
(Isaiah 6:1-3, 1 Samuel 1:3, 17:45; 2 Samuel 6:2, 7:26-27; 1 Chronicles 11:9; Haggai 1:5), Yahweh-Ghmolah HIGH PRIEST (Hebrews 3:1) He longs for you to experience Him to the full. LORD OF HARVEST (Matthew 9:38) MESSENGER OF THE COVENANT (Malachi 3:1) LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS (Jeremiah 23:6) There are certain letters in the Russian alphabet I cannot pronounce because I haven’t trained my vocal cords to move in that way. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph were Jews, Israelites. Is Yeshua Hamashiach the Proper Hebrew Name for Jesus Christ? LORD GOD OF HOSTS (Jeremiah 15:16) CHOSEN ONE (Isaiah 42:1) ADVOCATE: (1 John 2:1) My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. CARPENTER (Mark 6:3)
(Genesis 15:2, Judges 6:15, Malachi 1:6, Deuteronomy 10:17; Psalm 2:4, 8:1, 97:5, 136:3; Isaiah 1:24, 6:1; Romans 10:9), Yahweh-Maccaddeshem Every knee bows before Him. HUSBAND (Isaiah 54:5, Jer. He gives peace beyond understanding, even when circumstances are chaotic. CHRIST OF GOD (Luke 9:20)
This is a list of Hebrew names of God in the Old Testament. God is so much more than you realize and He loves to overwhelm you with His love, peace, joy and goodness… He will always amaze you.
HIGH PRIEST FOREVER (Hebrews 6:20) Simon — Shim’on So, in other words, we can pronounce Jesus’ name as “Jesus,” but if we do meet a Christian who chooses to pronounce the name as “Yeshua” or “Yeshua Hamashiach,” we should respect their choice to do so. The Lord will provide. And don’t forget to sign up for the emails! LAWGIVER (Isaiah 33:22) Don’t worry, this is not yet another silly email list.
Why Are Both Jesus and Satan Referred to as the Morning Star?
He never leaves you, nor forsakes you. 4:24, Heb.
By transliterating Jesus’ name, we have the ability to reach others through a pronunciation they can recognize and say themselves (Mark 16:15). Zedekiah — Zadikiyahu
The Lord our banner. ALMIGHTY (Genesis 17:1) Note that the Name "Jesus" appears 973 times in the Brit Chadashah. He is our shelter and our shield. When we live in His kingdom, we can experience all the names of God right here and now, without needing to wait.
When we believe in Jesus Christ, He becomes our righteousness. God is just as real today as He was in the past. Remember that God is real and these names reveal who He wants to be for you and your beloved ones. STRONG TOWER (Proverbs 18:10) It’s for you too. The Bible mentions myriads of angels, who wage war against the armies of hell, who try to destroy mankind. The self-existent One. God is creator, powerful and mighty, Lord of lords. SERVANT (Isaiah 42:1) After all, they wrote the New Testament in Greek, and so not all names will translate using the same letters across alphabets of different languages. A Lion and a Lamb are two extreme opposites yet Jesus Christ is both of them. LORD OF ALL (Acts 10:36)
John — Yohanan (guttural h) “Yeshua” can also be transliterated as “Joshua”. FAITHFUL WITNESS (Revelation 1:5) Jesus Christ shocked the religious leaders of Israel, when He made a statement that was unheard of since the beginning of time. 91:1, 132:2, 5), El-Chuwl It’s wonderful to read all the inspiring names of God in the Bible… but the purpose of your life is not only to know about God. He cares for you and leads you to still waters and green pastures. SCEPTRE (Numbers 24:17) Jesus saw Nathaniel (or Nathanael) and knew he had a righteous soul. ADVOCATE (I John 2:1 kjv) He forgives our sins and washes us with His blood. STRONGHOLD (Nahum 1:7) Please don’t ever seek a religion, but seek God Himself, who fills all things and who is the essence of our existence. Of course, Jesus’ name may also have been a transliteration. He sees you and He knows you. RIGHTEOUS ONE (1 John 2:1) When you see a name that ends in -iah or -ias, you are reading the Anglicized version of the Hebrew -yahu (YWVH), which is the name of God. God Almighty, the mighty One of Jacob. FATHER (Matthew 6:9) BISHOP OF SOULS (1 Peter 2:25) CHRIST (Matthew 22:42) JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD (Romans 6:23) His promises are true. You won’t regret it! 33:27) The everlasting God. CHIEF SHEPHERD (1 Peter 5:4) FOUNDATION (1 Cor. FIRSTBORN (Rom.8:29, Rev.1:5, Col.1:15) FORTRESS (Jeremiah 16:19) STRENGTH (Jeremiah 16:19) 15:45) Hearing and seeing the amazing names of God helps us know who God is, and it gives us a deep sense of awe for our wonderful and great God and Father. What Is the Spiritual Meaning of the Empty Fig Tree? When we fear God and keep His commandments, to love one another, we will know Him as He is and His wisdom will guide us. It is for you too! He loves you with all His heart. The Is- is “ish” which in Hebrew means “man.” END (Revelation 21:6) When first I received your email, I felt the power of God very strongly in my whole body.” – Mosia, “I just feel the overwhelming love God has for me.
This article will argue that although those who lived during Jesus’ time may have pronounced his name like “Yeshua,” we do not forsake our prayers or petitions unto the Lord by saying “Jesus” or “Hisus K’ristos” or “Isus Krist” or any other pronunciation in any other language. It’s important to note the distinction between a translation and transliteration. Ultimately, there is no one true name for Jesus, but every name of Jesus has incredible power.