Or you just install the agents with the internal HANA hostname to begin with.

Note: As a SAP HANA database cannot be reached if it is in stand-by mode, there are no metrics collected on the secondary site, except those which are delivered by the SAP Hostagent (the metrics on host level and some Availability metrics).
So if you installed the agents manually without HLM but with the external HANA hostname you might have to create agents on-the-fly for the internal HANA hostnames. The exact setup of the system replication can be found under the "Landscape" tab. Call transaction DBCO and open the DB connection for the HANA DB in change mode. Please refer to the section about the HANA client installation from SAP HANA Managed System Setup section below. If you want to use only the database level template, you can do this by activating the SR specific metrics. As of SAP HANA rev. Note: In case of HANA 1.0 revision 110 and higher, this step is not relevant anymore, but always advisable as a double check.

HANA nodes always register with their internal HANA hostname. HANA user with the system privilege USER ADMIN assigned. On the view "Related Databases" the Primary Database is displayed under "Replication Relations". Now HANA Database is successfully created in SAP Cloud Platform. Please note that the auto-filled default value will be /hana/shared//. Login to HANA Studio with user having system privilege USER ADMIN. The instance log path differs between the SYSTEMDB and each tenant. Most of the steps are performed exactly as for a standard SAP HANA database managed system setup, you just do it for two databases at once instead of one. you have successfully created HANA Databases in SAP Cloud Platform. If you want to use this template please make sure that you use the template "SAP HANA DB (instance level separated)" on database system level. Click on "Display" or "Edit". Choose Databases & Schemas which is under SAP HANA/SAP ASE section. GRANT REPO.READ ON “xyz-package” TO PRAM; //This will give read access to package name ‘xyz-package ‘ to user. It will be deleted automatically in the secondary database as well. Note: that expert knowledge in SAP Solution Manager and SLD is required to successfully perform this setup. Note: If above query is executed from different user apart from “SYSTEM” then you’ll not get the list of all the tenant databases . You'll find it on the tab “Technical Systems”.

You have successfully logged into SAP HANA Database Administration home page. This would lead to problems in the monitoring and also the reporting. This should at least be the case for the HANA master node.

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Also here you have to adjust the paths during the setup of the tenant DBs, as again the default auto-filled value will contain the. Go to the next step. Now you can press the highlighted green arrow to create user. You should only do this if the system is not used in any logical components or monitoring yet.
The template "SAP HANA DB (NEW)" also contains these SR specific metrics but they are shipped as inactive by default. If the information supplied from SLD, correctly displayed in the LMDB, you can perform the Managed System Configuration.