For any questions, please contact: to with the subject “Events Assistant Applicant – [Your Name]”. We estimate the weekly time commitment to be from ten to fifteen hours. Applicants must be able to attend virtual meetings which are held in Eastern Standard Time. The program is designed to provide deep training in magazine editing and production, coupled with opportunities to work on a dedicated writing or multimedia project with an editor-mentor. Note that we do not publish flash fiction or genre pieces. The program, which runs from the beginning of January through June 2021, aims to provide deep training in magazine editing and production. Guernica welcomes submissions from writers at all stages of their careers. We strongly encourage people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, people with disabilities, and individuals who may contribute to the diversity of our perspectives to apply. This will include developing ideas, topics, and themes for events, outreach to potential participants, and event production (exclusively digital for the foreseeable future). Translations are welcome. Familiarity with Zoom is required and a knowledge of other digital event platforms a plus. Commitment ranges from 2-5 hours a week. For any questions, please contact: grace(at)guernicamag(dot)com. Longform nonfiction - Essays, memoir, and reportage, typically 3,000 - 7,500 words. Up to 5 fellows will be chosen to participate.
– Opportunities to pitch pieces for publication. Translations may have appeared in their original languages, but not in English. Allow. © Authors Guild. At Guernica, we’ve spent the last 15 years producing uncompromising journalism. Please send up to five poems of any length. Terms of Use. Up to six emerging writers, editors, and multimedia journalists will be selected for a six-month fellowship, which will include: – Opportunities to work across the editorial planning and production cycle of the magazine, – Fact-checking, formatting, and copy editing, – Assisting with publicity and social media. We are only interested in original, unpublished manuscripts. Our focus when reviewing applications will be on finding emerging writers, journalists, and editors with clear passion for digital publishing and literary reportage, and evident intellectual curiosity. To submit, please include: 2) A three- to five-page writing sample or link to portfolio of multimedia work; both published and unpublished work is fine. We estimate the weekly time commitment to be from ten to fifteen hours.
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and the reading period will close on 11/18/20. We are currently accepting submissions in the following categories: Applicants should submit a cover letter, a 3-5 page writing sample, and a project pitch. Come be our Events and Marketing Assistant! We are pleased to announce that Guernica is looking for applicants to join its winter/spring fellowship, which will be conducted remotely. Newest Annual Volume Notes Academic Advances by Oxfordian Scholars and Shows That Shakespeare’s First Play Dates to the 1560s September 15, 2020 — The latest issue of the Shakespeare Oxford Fellowship’s peer-reviewed scholarly journal, The Oxfordian, has been published. Your work must not have been published elsewhere, including on your personal website or blog. With contributors from every continent and at every stage of their careers, we are a home for singular voices, incisive ideas, and critical questions. By continuing to browse or by clicking "Accept All Cookies," you agree to first- and third-party cookies being stored on your device to enhance navigation of our site, and to help us analyze our site traffic and personalize our content and ads.
The inaugural Guernica Fellowship Program is currently seeking applications.