God bless Dr Mwandila. Patriotic Front secretary general Davies Mwila says he is not aware that the current application of the public order Act disadvantages the opposition. This weeks pictures are dedicated to the Mutima project and all the lives that are going to be saved through it. Your email address will not be published.

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Laura Reia Leticia | Practice Manager Nicki | Director. There are Zambians out there who passionately care about our country. Women's Health.

Please not just policking and bootlicking other people’s boots, lets all donate. I love pic # 8. Talk is cheap its time to walk the walk, open your wallets and start donating.

By using our services, you're agreeing to our Cookies Policy. Not sitting on our fat butts complaining day in day out about RB,SATA,HH on LT.Bravo Dr.Mwandila! 2.

What are the risks? Cant help noting that juicy fruit beside the young lady in pic 7. on Lombe urges missions abroad to create Diaspora desks. Our own people all they do is spend time in the so called seminars strategising on how they can ask for donations from donors shame!!! Report incorrect details for 'Doctors on Cashel' If the details for this place or person aren't right, let us know by completing the details below. During that time they will help develop a Cardiac Unit at UTH and also help to train the local staff.The traveling team will constitute over 30 medical personnel from New Zealand, including Cardiothoracic registrars, Cardiac Anaethetists, Cardiac technicians, Perfusionists, Theatre, ICU and ward nurses, led by Dr.Harsh Singh a Cardiothoracic Surgeon. I hope you and your team get an official luncheon at state house to further highlight this great initiative.

#4, The aftermath of the floods will not even spare good deeds by those wonderful people. And in a vote of thanks, Dr Munanga Mwandila of Oakland in New Zealand said the delay to implement the Diaspora Policy could be equated to not exploiting readily available rich copper deposits. Mental Health LT is possible to tell us after say a week how much has been raised by the loud mouths here. Day 2 -It wasn't so easy going for the Mutima team.Here they got stuck in the mud en-route to visiting a patient at her home. General Practice Services Driver & Mobility Services Ambassador Lombe made the assurance during a virtual meeting hosted by the Zambian High Commission in Canberra on Tuesday to brief the Diaspora community based in Australia and New Zealand on the implementation of the Diaspora Policy.

I Love this innitiative**==. And in a vote of thanks, Dr Munanga Mwandila of Oakland in New Zealand said the delay to implement the Diaspora Policy could be equated to not exploiting readily available rich copper deposits. Men's Health Even if it is Mosi or Coca-Cola, it does not matter at all so to speak; what matters is the wonderful and save the life job they are going to perform on our brothers and sisters at UTH.

Mwila tu sebanisha mwe bantu. This was a fact finding mission to see what is on the ground and establish to links with doctors and nurses of UTH as well as the Ministry of Health and also to establish working relationships with potential partners including the Cardiac Trust of Zambia, the Roundtable and KCM. I am glad I donated to this project.

Looks nice on pictures!

Day 2 - The Mutima team being made to feel at home when they visited a cardiac Patients home.

Children's Health Your email address will not be published.

just donate to mutima at least the pictures prove they mean business. The mutima team visiting with the cardiac patient, Day 2 - The young lady who is one of the lucky patients who will be operated on by the mutima team doctors, A going away gesture from this underprivileged family - several pumpkins for the doctors who will save their daughters life, The young boy shakes the hands of the people who will help save his life, Day 3 - Meeting with interested Zambian parties, Day 3 -Dr Mwandila talks to Mr. Augustine Seyuba from CTZ, Day 4 - Meeting with Cardiac Trust of Zambia, Day 4 - Presentation during the MOH senior management meeting, It is very encouraging to know that there are some Zambian doctors who still return home to initiate and run important projects like this.

All of them still have members of their immediate and extended families who tell the horror stories of inadequate care they receive from the health service.


Many thanks to your team members as well….bravo! iI wish we could see more of these from patriotic Zambians. mwabombeni bane mwandila & Co. God bless you. Food Services

Listing Specialists with expertise in Rare Disorders, We love to improve so let us know your bright idea. While you in Zambia check Chilubu’s heart.

Even though we may be poor we know how to bless others as well, this is simply awesome. There also many missionary doctors that are doing work in our mission hospitals.Talk of St Francis in Katete, Monze Mission, Mwandi Mission etc. He did his medical training at the University of Zambia, Ridgeway Campus.He will be talking to us about his work with the Mutima Project. Ambassador Lombe urged all Zambian missions abroad to equally create a Diaspora desk to ensure the smooth implementation of the policy and encouraged the Diaspora community to be actively involved.

He said this in reference to what he termed the potential of the Diaspora to contribute to the development of Zambia in terms of direct investment, remittances and tourism. Dr M Mwandila, Department of Surgery, Christchurch Hospital, Private Bag 4710, Christchurch, New Zealand. Food for thought for our own RB to slow down we dont need another state funeral to gobble the much needed K20 bn.