11, no. See the ordering page for a list of the available journals. UK Subscriptions only £48 p.a. Back issues of BackTrack are available from volume 29 (2015) onwards. Published monthly, Backtrack is THE magazine for all who are interested in British railway history.

THE best, most thought-provoking, pieces written by our knowledgeable team of writers that have appeared in Backtrack and Classic Speedway magazine since Retro Speedway was formed in 2004. A sample, July 2017, has been added to the site so you can see the type, range and quality of the 9, no. See the book ordering page for details of all the books, offers and how to order. they are familiar with links to a conversion site have been provided in the links section. to be accepted. Often he considers aspects of 'received' railway history and tries to examine new aspects of them or to dispel common myths.

It is packed with lots of interesting railway articles and pictures. You can now download our digital edition and view it on your iPad, iPhone, Android, Smartphone, Android Tablet, Kindle Fire, PC or Mac. This allows readers to:-.

allow existing subscribers to register and change their details e.g. 1 onwards, appearing monthly but with occasional gaps, in which he looks at "old themes from new perspectives, bring(s) apparently disparate themes together or put(s) some specialized railway subject in a more general historical context". See the guidelines for authors and photographers page. Published monthly, Backtrack is THE magazine for all … [1] address.

The editorial in the 'introductory issue' promised that each issue would contain "at least one article on each or the 'Big Four' companies ... (or their respective BR region)", would have "a branch line article in every issue" and would ignore current developments and the preservation scene. If you are thinking of writing an article or submitting some images for submission to BackTrack here is some advice and guidelines on which subjects, styles and photographs are likely BackTrack is a monthly magazine, published by Pendragon Publishing, concentrating on researched articles and photographic features about British and Irish railway history. See what's in the Novembers journal. If you want to advertise in BackTrack please see our page for advertisers. At first quarterly and then bi-monthly, Backtrack went monthly in 1995 and has gone from strength to strength, justifying its founder’s identification of a niche in the railway publishing market for a high quality historical journal. From the beginning the magazine has maintained a reputation for its production values and each issue Post:Pendragon Publishing,PO Box No.3,Easingwold,YorkEnglandY061 3YS, E-mail:pendragonpublishing@btinternet.com. Trevena was forced to retire from active participation in 1989 for health reasons[2] Pendragon, 2012 (online at Pendragon Publishing). The samples shows the type, range and quality of the railway articles which appear in the magazine every month. You can download either or both of these free at:- Jellyfish Ltd, If you run or own a site and Different people are familiar with different systems of measurement. It is available through newsagents in the UK and by subscription from the publisher, but does not rely on advertising income and therefore does not publish an ABC circulation figure. In particular, the magazine hosts a long-running series of pieces by Michael Rutherford, which started in Vol. In turn, Jenkinson's health lead him, at the end of 1994, to hand on the post of editor to Michael Blakemore, the present incumbent.

This section lists some of the outlets which sells the journal. Casebinding of your BackTrack journals is available between the 1st Jan and 31st Mar for binding your previous years journals. Advertising is kept to a minimum (usually inside-front-cover and inside-back-cover only). Put an estimate on your vintage toys with the Toy Collectors Price Guide.

1 under the title 'Provocations' and became 'Railway reflections' from vol. Why not join the growing list of BackTrack subscribers? Backtrack was first published in 1987 with the aim of presenting British railway history. BackTrack Index.

If you want to order a back issue see our how to order back issues page. A simple song helper. The magazine was founded in 1986 by Nigel Trevena, of Atlantic Transport Publishers (based in Truro, Cornwall), for the purpose of "recording Britain's railway history" (strapline until mid-1993).

railway articles which appear in the magazine every month. No subjects more recent than ten years before publication are entertained, although contemporary developments affecting historic subjects are mentioned when necessary and current approaches to railway history are occasionally analyzed. CLICK HERE for more details. November 2020 BackTrack is out on the 15th October. edition are available.

[5] Please see the Binders page for further details. Floor 22, want to be included please see the links section. Print versions of the Back Track Cumulative Index to volumes 1 to 25 and to volumes 26 to 30 are both out of stock. See the links section. by Direct Debit, Early railway history from the 'pre-Stephenson' era.
A links section has been added of sites of interest to the site visitors. 2020 edition will be out on the 20th November. contains a wealth of photographs reproduced to the highest standards, including a generous selection of historic colour.
Some with Imperial and some with Metric. Initially edited by David Jenkinson, then by him with Barry C. Lane and latterly by Lane alone, it aimed to provide prototype information relative to railway modellers, including scale drawings, and features on high-quality models and layouts. more details. SE1 9SG.