Cassim’s wife stayed at home mourning, uttering lamentable cries with the women of the neighborhood, who came, according to custom, during the funeral, and, joining their lamentations with hers, filled the quarter far and near with sounds of sorrow.

Their father divided a small inheritance equally between them.

There once lived in a town of Persia two brothers, one named Cassim, and the other Ali Baba.

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Sometimes she presented the poniard to one breast, sometimes to another, and oftentimes seemed to strike her own.
“Do not be afraid,” said Morgiana, “the man you see there can neither do you nor anybody else any harm.

Ali Baba And The Forty Thieves Story Summary Once upon a time, there lived two brothers named Cassim (or Kasim) and Alibaba, who were sons of a merchant and had an equal amount of inheritance. When he reached the entrance of the cavern, he pronounced the words, “Open, Sesame!” The door immediately opened, and when he was in, closed upon him. Thus the captain and his troop were forced to retire a second time, and much more dissatisfied; while the robber, who had been the author of the mistake, underwent the same punishment, which he willingly submitted to. When he had passed in and out as often as he wished, he stood before the door, and pronouncing the words, “Shut, Sesame!” the door closed of itself.

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Therefore, without showing the least surprise or trouble, he confessed all, and offered his brother part of his treasure to keep the secret.

They drove away the mules, who strayed through the forest so far that they were soon out of sight, and went directly, with their naked sabres in their hands, to the door, which, on their captain pronouncing the proper words, immediately opened. She had not waited long before the captain of the robbers got up, opened the window, and finding no light, and hearing no noise, or any one stirring in the house, gave the appointed signal by throwing little stones, several of which hit the jars, as he doubted not by the sound they gave. The troop, to the number of fourty, weil mounted and armed. ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES.

They conveyed themselves into the town with the same precaution as before; but when the robber and his captain came to the street they found the same difficulty; at which the captain was enraged, and the robber in as great confusion as his predecessor.
Ali Baba’s garden was very long, and shaded at the further end by a great number of large trees. He led them through the streets till he came to Ali Baba’s, at whose door he designed to have knocked; but was prevented by his sitting there after supper to take a little fresh air. Download a Copy of 3 Favourites From Arabian Nights, Read More 3 Favourites of From Arabian Nights, How The Children Became Stars – Fables and Folk Tales, Puss in Boots – Short Classic Picture Books, The Lion Who Wouldn’t Try – Helping Promote Better Behaviour, Human Values Foundation Stories on Values 2019 Edition – By children for children, 6 Effective Solutions to Uplevel Your Kid’s Reading Skills at Home, A Special Nest – Inventive solution to a problem. The robbers stayed some time within the rock, during which Ali Baba, fearful of being caught, remained in the tree. But as the safety of the troop required the discovery of the second intruder into the cave, another of the gang, who promised himself that he should succeed better, presented himself, and his offer being accepted, he went and corrupted Baba Mustapha, as the other had done; and, being shown the house, marked it in a place more remote from sight with red chalk. .wf-active .logo-text,.wf-active h1,.wf-active h2,.wf-active h3,.wf-active h4,.wf-active h5,.wf-active h6{font-family: 'Poppins';}

The other two asses he loaded with bags of gold, covering them with wood also as before; and then bidding the door shut, came away; but was so cautious as to stop some time at the end of the forest, that he might not go into the town before night.

When the troop was all got together, the captain told them the reason of their returning; and presently the conductor was declared by all worthy of death.

endobj 20) Morgiana went out, early the next morning to a druggist, and asked for a sort of lozenge which was considered efficacious in the most dangerous disorders. 0. “I expect as much,” replied Cassim haughtily; “but I must know exactly where this treasure is, and how I may visit it myself when I choose; otherwise, I will go and inform against you, and then you will not only get no more, but will lose all you have, and I shall have a share for my information.”. He stopped his mules, addressed himself to him, and said, “I have brought some oil a great way to sell at to-morrow’s market; and it is now so late that I do not know where to lodge. He quickly laid as many bags of gold as he could carry at the door of the cavern; but his thoughts were so full of the great riches he should possess, that he could not think of the necessary word to make it open, and instead of “Sesame” said, “Open, Barley!” and was much amazed to find that the door remained fast shut.