(cast of aimed shot doesn't profit from rapid fire) EDIT: aimed shot does profit from rapid fire, my mistake sry Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen.

Not every class received massive adjustments, but Hunter certainly saw a healthy amount of class changes (except for the Survival spec, sadly). Hello 70% increased shot speed :) ... Quick shots+rapid fire+trinket+quiver+ all those other stuff i … I even managed to get ranked on Ascendant Council, even though I did die. In pvp I can easily manage a 100+k Aimshot with minimal setup. New Talent: Volley (replaces Piercing Shot) – Rain a volley of arrows down over 6 seconds, dealing Physical damage to any enemy in the area, and gain the effects of Trick Shots for as long as Volley is active. Basically, anything other than a non-scaling pre-defined number of Attack Power. Nerfed classes are going to struggle to top their old DPS parses, thus their numbers remain static when looking at those lists. In pve I'm almost hitting 165k-180k at 460 ilvl Aimed Shots. Try again later. Spirit Mend (Spirit Beast pet ability) healing reduced by 66%.

Visit us at https://lightshope.org, Press J to jump to the feed.

It does, in fact lower the cast time of your aimed shot from 3.0 seconds to 2.1 seconds.

Comment by Thottbot Yes it does. ( Log Out / 

This formula isn’t correct and I shall prove it: The regular non-crit damage I get from this shot does not resemble that final number at all.


So I will start by saying Improved Aspect of the Hawk reduces the cast time for sure, as long as you Autoshot once > Aimed shot when aspect procs. Master Marksman has been redesigned – Your critical shots cause your target to bleed for 15% of the damage dealt over 6 seconds. 1 minute cooldown.

Multi-Shot and Beast Cleave now capped at 5 targets. ( Log Out / 

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Aspect of the Hawk now provides around an additional 2000 attack power at level 85. Your next Aimed Shot will fire a second time instantly at 100% power and consume no Focus, or your next Rapid Fire will shoot 100% additional shots during its channel.

I did ok in some fight and generally was able to keep up with SV hunters in the raid but I think it is just not worth it given that the rotation really grounds you. When it crits it does crazy damage and it is really quite awesome.

Sadly, it's still a horrible ability. Additionally, now the bonus damage is applied to targets above 70% health (was 80%). Multi-Shot focus cost increased to 20 (was 15) and damage is now capped at 5 targets. I get numbers closer to twice that, but not exactly twice. Hooray!

Venomous Bite has been redesigned and renamed Spitting Cobra: When Bestial Wrath ends, summon a Spitting Cobra to aid you in combat for 15 seconds.

Only one Hunter’s Mark can be applied at a time. Disc has jumped up alot on the list though. Now, what does this tell us? Techniques for Breath Control During Rapid Fire. New Ability: Eyes of the Beast – Take direct control of your pet and see through its eyes for 1 min. Rapid Fire duration lowered to 2 seconds (was 3 seconds). First off, here’s the current formula for Aimed Shot as displayed in it’s tooltip on Wowhead. It has never happened to me that i did not have aimed shot coming off cd less than one second when i get a lethal shots proc.

Lock and Load’s proc chance has been increased to 8% (was 5%). Replaces Arcane Shot, is instant cast and costs 20 focus. Usually this means popping Rapid Fire and Readiness right off the bat and getting 30 seconds of hasted aimed shots in.

A powerful aimed shot that deals (248.4% of Attack power) Physical damage.

Then I checked what the cast time of Aimed Shot was with Berserking (troll racial). Source: cast counter in pfui and obvious decrease in the amount of time spent casting. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. During Rapid Fire & Careful Aim combined, don't even bother with Chimera Shot and Serpent Sting.

The nature of our data source is simply broken, and thus makes it so we cannot get the data we’re looking for. Volley is instant cast and has a 45 second cooldown. Written by Meeres Last Updated: 20th Apr, 2019. That I am completely fantastically awesome and infallible in every way? Revive Pet now has a 4 second cast time (was 2 seconds). I’ve always thought this has been a nasty flaw with WoL but I always sort of thought they would develop a fix for it….

Your next Aimed Shot will fire a second time instantly at 100% power and consume no Focus, or your next Rapid Fire will shoot 100% additional shots during its channel.

I’m starting to wonder, like others, if you actually know what you are doing Blizzard…, Pingback: Analysis of the Feb 22 Hunter hotfixes | Rapid Fire. New Ability: Tranquilizing Shot – Removes 1 Enrage and 1 Magic effect from an enemy target. A hard-hitter that generates yelps of awesome when it proccs. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. During artramedes I was killed 3 times due to having reaching 100 sound, something that I never had problems with in the past.

For those interested here are two logs which still count as ranked: As you can see, Aimed Shot is doing most of the damage.

Then the rotation is completely unforgiving wheras SV is still quite fluid and if you do one shot ahead of the other for once is not going to kill your dps.

I would hope that grabs parses from the last 2 weeks, but looking at it it still looks like old data partially. Pets that used to have Tranquilizing Shot as their special family ability now remove 1 poison, magic, and disease effect from the pet.

You want to use CD's with Aimed Shot during Careful Aim, prioritize Rapid Fire when not.

WP + 1.6 * RAP * 0.724 + 776 = 1870 + 18628,23 + 776 = 21274,23. It may be necessary to take several deep breaths before holding the breath. An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. ( Log Out /  Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account.

Well, unfortunately all our hopeful wishes were wrong.

Change ), A World of Warcraft-blog about hunters, pets and achievement hunting. As you can see, Aimed Shot is doing most of the damage. Some theorized a percentile Agility increase, others said that we would get a straight increase to damage such as +5% increased damage or similar.

This could have the potential for making “Aspect dancing” more important and more a core part of hunter gameplay.

What I’m saying is World of Logs have no means of separating data by time which causes problems like this. The main issue stems from the fact that World of Logs does not have a cutoff date in it’s top 200. Remember that the full rotation is all about maximizing Auto Shot usage, so prioritize getting Auto Shots off and using Multi-Shot and Aimed Shot in the downtime between shots.

It does, in fact lower the cast time of your aimed shot from 3.0 seconds to 2.1 seconds. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it will be removed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.

Cross-realm zones will not benefit low population realms, Fun items with on-use abilities from Classic (Level 1-60). You can start using those when Rapid Fire wears off, or the target drops below 80% health, which ever happens first.

WP + 1.6 * RAP * 0.724 + 776 = 1870 + 18628,23 + 776 = 21274,23. Quick Shots reduces Aimed Shot's cast to 2.31 seconds, Rapid Fire reduces it to 2.14 seconds, and both simultaneously reduces it to 1.65 seconds. A Marine in a combat environment may not have the time to fire a shot during the natural respiratory pause. From this we can draw the conclusions that a lot of people aren’t used to playing Marksman yet or are just using the wrong rotation. Carve and Butchery now capped at 5 targets. Which is why this blue post makes me happy: We are also looking at nerfing Aimed Shot, but compensating hunters through Aspect of the Hawk. As you can see, Aimed Shot is doing most of the damage. Double Tap is a level 90 marksmanship hunter talent. Aimed Shot focus cost increased to 35 (was 30). Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below.

WP + 1.6 * (RAP + 2000) * 0.724 + 776 =. I am using it as a focus dump and during Rapid Fire or Heroism I try to spam it as much as possible. Marksmanship Hunter PvP Guide - Battle for Azeroth 9.0.1, Shadowlands Hunter Leveling Guide & Best Leveling Spec 1-60, http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/1954-Cataclysm-Beta-Build-12857-, http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/1986-Patch-4.0.1-PTR-Build-13033, http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/1991-Patch-4.0.1-PTR-Build-13082, http://blue.mmo-champion.com/t/27026394294/new-hunter-build/, http://blue.mmo-champion.com/t/24702152874/hunter/, http://warcraftmovies.com/movieview.php?id=178075, http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/20743504316?page=9#167, http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/20747314610#2. Download the client and get started. Many classes will find some of their more popular abilities that were removed many expansions ago returned, and their skill acquisition adjusted due to the massive level squish introduced in this same update. Misdirection threat percentage increased by 100%. Example: Arcane Shot focus cost increased to 20 (was 15). No… It tells us that there’s only a very small sample of Marksman logs out there since before patch 4.0.6 the only Hunter spec allowed was Survival. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. This closely resembles the data I’m getting from recount and femaledwarf. During the Careful Aim window use it on Aimed Shot, otherwise use it on Rapid Fire; Cast Aimed Shot on cooldown, but only when you don't have Precise ShotsAimed Shot on cooldown, but only when you don't have Precise Shots

What happens though if we add that extra 2000 RAP that Aspect of the Hawk now will provide? New Ability: Scare Beast – Scares a beast, causing it to run in fear for up to 20 seconds. Apply Hunter’s Mark to the target, allowing the target to always be seen and tracked by the Hunter. Stable size has been increased to 200 (was 60). Which is basically a ~18% nerf to Aimed Shot’s total damage. Here’s the problem, “Last 2 weeks” includes all the entries prior to the last two weeks as well as long as they managed to get into the top 200. Source: cast counter in pfui and obvious decrease in the amount of time spent casting. As it is now, Aspect of the Hawk provides so little extra dps that if you think you might be moving within the next minute or so then you should probably be in Fox instead.

General Rotation: Keep Double Tap on cooldown.

I’m not sure this is a big enough nerf to take Aimed Shot out of the rotation for Marksman… Further testing will give us a more accurate view of what’s going on. b.

Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. How has the state of dps been affected by the patch? You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! avg. Serpent Sting duration increased to 18 seconds (was 12 seconds). I do hope they take it gently with Aimed Shot though.

The following Talents have been adjusted: New Talent: Bloodshed – Command your pet to tear into your target, causing your target to bleed over 18 seconds and increase all damage taken from your pet by 15% for 18 seconds.

Wing Clip can now be used with bows, guns and crossbows.