I had previously recommended the exclusive use of safety lamps, Davies, John, 20 Sep 1862, Miner, Fall of coal in Shuttle mine, Davis, William, 21 Jun 1864, (accident: 06 Jun 1864), Miner, Burned by an exploison of firedamp in the Crumbuke 4 ft mine ; died 21st. There is a small section on social activities including a football team and management get-togethers. The firedamp issued out of the roof, which fell on the props being drawn. The colliery closed in March 1991 and demolition began later that year.
He worked first as the deputy manager and then as the sales manager. Fall 10 yards long, 6 yards wide and 3 yards thick.
Inspector of Mines, 1869 Mines Inspectors Report (C 124), Manchester District by Joseph Dickinson, H.M. ), HMP Forest Bank and Youth Offenders' Institute. The engineman was trusting solely to hearing the bell [More information ...], Greenhalgh, John, 04 Feb 1868, Boy, Run over by a waggon which he and other boys were taking down a brow, Grundy, J., 09 Jul 1856, (accident: 25 Jun 1856), Explosion of firedamp, died 9th July [More information ...], Hamer, Edward, 07 Sep 1864, (accident: 03 Sep 1864), Pony driver, Crushed by waggons ; died 7th, Harrison, Joseph, 05 Nov 1859, (accident: 08 Oct 1859), Collier, Exploison of firedamp in the Four-feet Mine. Tony Carroll worked at Agecroft from 1959 to about 1980. He also goes into depth on the Unions, strikes throughout the 1970s and 80s along with Thatcher and Agecroft’s ‘scab pit’ status. The leather band of the indicator which had 1½ hours before had been refixed, slipped loose. 6) by John Gerrard, H.M.
To make squares disappear and save space for other squares you have to assemble English words (left, right, up, down) from the falling squares. Inspector of Mines, 1884 Mines Inspectors Report (C 4429), Manchester District by Joseph Dickinson, H.M. (Doe seam) [More information ...]. The engineman was trusting solely to hearing the bell [More information ...], Thomas, Robert, 03 Dec 1875, aged 28, Coal Miner, Roofstone falling between two props, Thornley, John, 16 Nov 1906, 12 nop.m., 6thth hour of shift, aged 22, Collier, Whilst getting coal at the face of working place a stone fell on to him, from between 2 slips 3 feet apart, a previous fall revealed these two slips and left the stone end free ; at the other end it was also free by a slip at right angles ; deceased was getting coal from this, it showed in the coal from roof to floor. The colliery had two spells of use; the first between 1844 and 1932 when the most accessible coal seams were exploited and a second lease of life after extensive development in the late 1950s to access the deepest seams.. The old Nos. 1 and 2 - Coal: Coking, Gas, Household. Lettris is a curious tetris-clone game where all the bricks have the same square shape but different content.
power station. document.write(a000()) Agecroft Colliery was a coalmine on the Manchester Coalfield in the Agecroft district of Pendlebury that first opened in 1844 in the historic county of Lancashire, England. Inspector of Mines, 1861 Mines Inspectors Report, North and East Lancashire District, by Joseph Dickinson, H.M. Give contextual explanation and translation from your sites ! The leather band of the indicator which had 1½ hours before had been refixed, slipped loose.
In this interview he talks about his career; from the initial training, to his job as a ‘shunter’, all the way through to retirement after being an accident inspector for the Coal Board. The fireman was fined £2 for not prohibiting open lights on such an emergency. 6) by John Gerrard, H.M. Collieries after Nationalisation in 1947 Colliery Location Opened Closed Agecroft Agecroft 1870 … He evokes a picture of police charging pickets and explains how the transport vehicles were sometimes mistaken for vehicles carrying ‘scab’ miners. The engineman was trusting solely to hearing the bell [More information ...], Edwards, James Salisbury, 28 May 1901, aged 17, Carter, On May 28th, James Salisbury Edwards, 17, carter, was delivering provender at the Agecroft Colliery of Messrs. A. Knowles and Sons ; whilst urging horse to ascend the road leading to the pit bank he stumbled and was run over [fatality reported during the year but not classified as a reportable accident], Evans, Henry, 23 Dec 1852, aged 11, Crushed by the cage being unexpectedly drawn up the pit, Forber, James, 13 Jun 1890, aged 34, Miner, Killed by top coal falling unexpectedly from slips as they were taking it down [More information ...], Foster, John, 04 Jan 1859, aged Boy, Drawn against the pulley, and precipated down the pit shaft. The English word games are: The SensagentBox are offered by sensAgent. (Good roof) (Trencherbone), Tyrer, John, jnr., 07 Jul 1874, aged 14, Wagoner, Run against by a waggon in consequence of the brake having broken, Wainwright, William, 21 Feb 1903, (accident: 10 Nov 1902, 10.30 p.p.m., 2ndnd hour of shift), aged 61, Collier, Struck on leg by handle of crane. | Verdict of manslaughter against Booth [More information ...], Moon, Thomas, 08 Mar 1876, aged 19, Coal miner, Coal falling as he was working wihthout sprags set, Morris, John, 27 Oct 1898, aged 39, Sinker, Premature explosion of powder whilst charging a hole in hard stone with wood stemmer bobbin of compressed powder which stuck was being forced down, Neild, John, 02 Dec 1891, aged 28, Miner, Suffocated by gases when shutting off a fire in the mine supposed to be from spontaneous combustion. Collier, Richard, 07 Jun 1878, died after falling from a coal waggon on the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway siding at the terminus of the Chain Road from Agecroft Colliery : Collier, Thomas, 10 Oct 1859, … Eco, Cookies help us deliver our services. His right foot was torn off and found fast between the rope, lashing chain and tub, which supports the belief he was riding.
Died 26th. Inspector of Mines, 1863 Mines Inspectors Report, by Joseph Dickinson, H.M. It exploited the coal seams of the Middle Coal Measures of the Manchester Coalfield. (Good roof) (Trencherbone seam), Tomlinson, Benjamin, 04 Jan 1859, aged 60, Drawn against the pulley, and precipated down the pit shaft. Boggle gives you 3 minutes to find as many words (3 letters or more) as you can in a grid of 16 letters. more information on some of the fatalities shown above, a simulated map showing the immediate vicinity of Agecroft Colliery, list of collieries/pits etc. 1896 - Nos. Agecroft Colliery was a coalmine on the Manchester Coalfield in the Agecroft district of Pendlebury that first opened in 1844 in the historic county of Lancashire, England.It exploited the coal seams of the Middle Coal Measures of the Manchester Coalfield.The colliery … Inspection and inquiry [More information ...], Williams, John, 15 Sep 1869, aged 28, Miner, Coal falling. John Beswick worked at Agecroft, starting around 1967/8. Inspector of Mines, 1860 Mines Inspectors Report, North and East Lancashire District, by Joseph Dickinson, H.M. He speaks about social events too, like miner’s galas, races and football as well as drinking at the labour club. Inspector of Mines, published in 1854, 1854 Mines Inspectors Report, by Joseph Dickinson, H.M.
SALFORD AGECROFT COLLIERY REMEMBERED IN STYLE . Inspection and inquiry [More information ...], Jervis, J., 06 Feb 1860, aged 12, Boy, Run against by a tram, on a jig brow rope breaking, Jones, John, 09 Nov 1872, (accident: 31 Oct 1872), Coal Miner, Burned by a shot which blew the stemming, no gas having been noticed ; died Nov, 9th, Jones, Samel, 26 Feb 1884, aged 45, Miner, Burst a blood vesel in winding his tub up brow with a crane, Jones, Thomas, 01 Apr 1903, 8.30 A.p.m., 3rdrd hour of shift, aged 38, Collier, Crushed by tub which ran on to him whilst in jig-brow repairing. The first pit was sunk by Andrew Knowles and Sons and worked an area to the south of the Pendleton Fault. A housing development has been built on Agecroft Road on the Thermalite factory site and a prison, HMP Forest Bank and Youth Offenders' Institute, built close to the power station site. 5 shaft sunk (610 metres in depth, 7.3 metres in diameter) to provide ventilation and for winding men and equipment into the mine. Some workers at the pit participated in the miners' strike from 1984–1985. A union official told us he was surprised we were here to picket at Agecroft Colliery because when they had a strike the Agecroft men had given them financial support and stood on their picket line!
6) by John Gerrard, H.M. Tony Carroll 21-11-2012.