Beta appears greatly upset when he learns the Alpha did not kill Lydia and instead misses her and has built a shrine to her in secret. Sometime later, a woman and her young daughter arrived at the hospital to escape from walkers. Michonne warns her if she tries to get Lydia back they'll respond in force, but Alpha assures her Lydia isn't her concern anymore, leaving Beta shocked. He was one of the survivors of the outbreak and a Whisperer. Disney Plus: date de alta un año y llévate dos meses gratis, Plataformas para ver películas y series que ofrecen pruebas gratuitas. He is shown to be extremely protective of his identity to the point that he even murders a fellow Whisperer for recognizing him from his days as a celebrity before the apocalypse. When his victims reanimate and the Alexandrians are forced to deal with the undead, Beta kills the guard stationed outside the building, enters the basement and opens the cell as Mary claims that Alpha lied about Alexandria.
Just like his comic book counterpart, Beta's signature weapon is a pair of large knives. Sometime later, he watches as a woman and her daughter run inside to escape from the dead. In a clearing, Mary kills the walkers but after she's done, she is abruptly stabbed in the stomach by Beta, who reaffirms that she will walk with the Whisperers again. That night, Beta tells Negan that he has not earned the right to eat with them and throws him to the ground. He then takes Alpha's head out of the sack and thanks her, saying that he "finally sees now". Beta nearly spots Alden, but ultimately decides to move on. This Walking Dead article contains spoilers..
Et des guerriers de Hilltop, tout en prenant une raclée.
parecía confirmar la verdadera identidad de Beta, la aparición de ese nuevo personaje al final del capítulo 10x14. "You're changing the rules again," he says calmly. They also have a special bond together having seen each other both at vulnerable moments in their life. At dawn, Beta walks down the road with a group of walkers and Whisperers into the area of the building where the others are hiding Lydia. This list shows the victims Beta has killed: Beta is fiercely loyal to Alpha and follows each and every one of her orders without question, no matter how small and menial or large and dangerous they may be.
He then notices in anger as another Whisperer shares some of his food with Negan. That night, Alpha anoints the woman a "Gamma" and the group praises her as Beta watches with jealousy from behind. Alors que la fin de l’épisode nous a laissé quelques questions sur Alpha, Negan. They wear the flesh of the undead in order to live among them without being detected. Beta kneels in submission and vows that he will never challenge her. Beta and his people break in and quickly discover a trap meant to separate them from the dead. Just then, he spots a cat crossing the road. Casi sin darnos cuenta el tiempo se pasó volando y falta cada vez menos para el estreno de la novena temporada de The Walking Dead . He says they've underestimated them so Alpha assumes that they've sent spies beyond the border and assigns more guards, before sending Gamma to carry a message to their spy in Alexandria. Términos de uso He then patiently waits for Mary to reanimate. Le commentaire sur le visage et la voix de Beta est significatif car il confirme que Beta était autrefois quelqu’un de célèbre. Cuenta con un amplísimo catálogo de películas y series, incluidas todas las de Star Wars y el Universo cinematográfico Marvel. Beta comes across Negan again during the horde, and attempts to kill him for Alpha's death, but is stabbed in the eyes by Daryl and left him for the walkers. Despite that Negan earned Alpha's trust, Beta still despises him. Instead, he smiled at the fact that it was happening. She then destroys the shrine and pleads with him to keep Lydia's life a secret. From the hotel balcony, Beta observes the herd that has now gathered because of his music. He confronts and throws him to the ground before he can keep killing their walkers. Greenleaf Saison 6 : Quelle date de sortie Netflix ? News Corp is a network of leading companies in the worlds of diversified media, news, education, and information services. He informs the other Whisperers they will continue towards Oceanside.
Alpha notes that Beta has been questioning her rather often lately and asks if he is finally challenging her. Alpha decides Henry's coming with them. Décidément, ces derniers temps Ryan Hurst prend beaucoup de plaisir à teaser les fans de la franchise ! CANNESERIES dévoile son édition 2020. Later, Alpha approaches the group and tells them she ran into trouble on the road as she wipes her bloody knife on her pants. Porque Negan, si bien estará presente, forma parte del terror pasado: es momento de que nuevos y peores villanos lleguen para hacer de la superviviencia en el apocalipsis zombie algo mucho más complejo. Beta was a survivor of the outbreak and when he first entered the show he wasn't the brutish man he later becomes - he's seen grieving a friend. Beta doesn't want Negan to join the Whisperers at any cost.
He is completely loyal to his leader, Alpha, following her orders without question and respecting her decisions completely and looking up to her. Aunque últimamente se va pareciendo la trama más a la de los cómics (como la aparición de ese nuevo personaje al final del capítulo 10x14), todavía siguen habiendo muchos momentos (así como personajes) que van por libre con respecto a la obra original.
Upon hearing a fellow Whisperer proclaim him as the "new Alpha", Beta punishes him by having Alpha's reanimated head bite his ear off, showing that he refuses to replace Alpha and still accepts her as his leader even though she is dead, showing his respect, loyalty and admiration of Alpha. In Season 10 Episode 12 of The Walking Dead, someone thinks they recognize Beta.Find out who Beta’s hidden identity really is. In the present, Frances starts crying in the middle of a herd, attracting the attention of the walkers. He often advises Alpha on critical matters, and she, in turn, often confides in him. Sinopsis:
Beta reads the note he picked up earlier again. "A Certain Doom" When a Whisperer defies Alpha's strategies, Beta tries to kill him but is stopped by Alpha. This makes him one of four main characters in the TV Series to be recognized with a relative "celebrity" status prior to the apocalypse. Beta gets over Lydia's absence quickly however. As Beta is devoured by walkers, his face is revealed and Negan is in small shock, recognizing Beta from before the apocalypse. She then cuts the Whisperer on his arm and leg and hands the knife to Beta. Alpha reminds him she'll need to be strong for what comes next and Beta assures her she will be. Enraged by his remark, Beta claims that Alpha can still hear him, before commanding Rufus to take off his mask.
Occupation This shows that he will do whatever is necessary to preserve Alpha's leadership over their "pack".
Beta also decided to wear a ski mask to hide his identity from strangers to preserve his image as an inspiring musician before the apocalypse while descending into a ruthless killer to stay alive.
"Guardians" Beta is shown to be quite capable of cold-blooded murder and was fully prepared to kill both Henry and Lydia on Alpha's orders, showing that he has no qualms about harming adolescents and nearly even broke Henry's arm. Despite their spiteful relationship he does not try to assault and kill Negan. Ryan Hurst sème le doute. A walker draws Beta's attention to Lydia who begins turning the horde again, but as Beta goes to follow her, he is confronted by Negan. Sometime following their attack on the communities, Beta and the rest of the Whisperers move to a warmer state to avoid the harsh winter during the next months. Beta later attempts to inquire what has happened to her but Alpha does not tell him and asks to be left alone. Ella será interpretada por Cassady McClincy. He even kills a fellow Whisperer who offered Negan food, and left Negan to die at the hands of walkers. The Walking Dead es una serie de televisión estadounidense que se emite en la cadena AMC. En attendant d'en savoir plus, découvrez à quoi devraient réellement ressembler les personnages de The Walking Dead d'après les comics. He's starred in a range of films and TV shows, such as Remember The Titans, Taken, Sons of Anarchy, Outsiders and Rango. The group discovered an ingenious way to be protected from attacks of the dead by killing and skinning them and wearing their skin in order to mask their scents and move freely among herds in order to attack other survivor camps and settlements.
Beta follows her and says she needs to punish Frances.
Décidément, ces derniers … At the Whisperer camp, Beta consoles a dying Whisperer and then tells a tracker to find Lydia or else "they'll all walk with the guardians." Mid 40s
He and the Whisperers then creep upstairs. He then takes a group of Whisperers with him to go look for Lydia on Alpha's orders. To honor her, he even adds a piece of her face to his mask, showing that she was one of the people he admired most in life, alongside his best friend. Nous connaissons tous l’acteur derrière le masque, bien sûr. En effet, après avoir semé le doute quant à la possible présence de Beta dans Tales of the Walking Dead le nouveau spin-off, l'acteur a récidivé. En effet, lorsque le journaliste lui pose la question suivante : "Il y a-t-il une chance de voir Beta à nouveau dans les six épisodes bonus de The Walking Dead, que ce soit sous forme humaine ou autre ? In the woods, Beta uses his knives to remove the bark from the nearby trees in order to extract sap, which is being harvested by the Whisperers. They run off, find an abandoned car and hide in it to avoid the walkers but Mary decides to lure the walkers away from Adam and the rest. In their first interaction, Daryl fired a bolt at Beta, who shielded himself with a door. Nous utilisons des cookies pour vous garantir la meilleure expérience sur notre site.