To paraphrase the Farmer in the Dell, and, more recently, Omar Little (*removes sunglasses*)... the cheese stands alone. And it is, in short, glorious. Suffice it to say, there are a lot… and when you start throwing in annual "Do Us a Flavor" options like Biscuits & Gravy -- plus Wavy, Kettle Cooked, and Stax -- shit gets complicated.

Hell, at one point, Frito-Lay even released Cheetos with Doritos flavoring (and vice versa). Call it one of the more underrated theme songs in cartoon history. So bonus points for being salty and reliable in a pinch, and offering a hint-o-lime flavor that's like the LaCroix of the snack world (it's an essence!).

used as a substitute for professional medical advice, In fact, I'm not sure that's a real thing. Age has tempered my need for frosted or iced ones, though. What we were talking about again? If you don't see your favorite snacks on the list, make sure to add them. It went into my fried chicken seasoning. Mr. Picincu is a regular contributor to these platforms where she provides either health-related content or coaching to those who are interested in achieving a balanced lifestyle. (Does research).

But the fundamentals really haven't changed: Peel it off the cellophane and delicately savor each pectin-packing… oh, who are you kidding, just crumple the damn thing up and devour it. These foods are rich in nutrients that may help protect against heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. On the other hand, the filling is the best part of the Oreo, and Double Stuff provides both more of it, and easier access to it (regular Oreos are much more prone to breakage when you try the twist-and-scrape maneuver). For those of us who still malign the death of the Keebler Tato Skin (RIP, you elven beauty), here's the only chance to get that nostalgia blast.

-- AK, The humble Twinkie has never felt the need to cover itself in sprinkles or frosting or different flavors like its loudmouth cousin Zingers or the elusive Chocodile. Somehow, it tastes even better when left to become stale and hard due to the ravages of time. It takes longer to unroll. You're dismissed.

Cheeseburger! I took it, broke it up, and put it in a salt shaker. It tastes like meat because it is meat, and it comes in little bags or by the pound, just in case your road trip hasn't made you constipated enough. -- ML, When was the last time you had Bugles? Unless they're the buttered popcorn ones. Cinnamon! Added to that, these suckers pack more saturated fat than a White Castle Crave Case. But the hole is the real winner here, and if you're an adult who says you never put one on your finger and then eat around it until you have a nice little cookie ring, then pretend that you're engaged to Ernie the Elf and plan to move into his tree house as soon as he has the balls to just tell his parents about us and get it over with… sorry. I get it. advertisements are served by third party advertising companies. Rolled for the salsa at the bottom of the jar. "Heath Bar. A sesame cookie that is fried and covered with honey. -- ML, By far my preferred method for consuming Rice Krispies. Unprocessed foods are those that are in their natural state, such as fresh fruits and veggies.

French fries, fried chicken, and other fried foods: Cooking them in vegetable oil doesn't make them healthy. There's a reason that Doritos Locos Tacos became Taco Bell's biggest-selling item nearly immediately, and it sure as hell wasn't what was inside the shell, after all.