In 2020, sure the market for this beer will be high and it may be in demand. McDowell’s No.1 is one of the best selling liquor brands in 2020 which are mostly preferred by Indians. It is the best whiskey brand and it was developed by United Spirits Ltd. The price of McDowell’s No.1 is from INR 600 to 850. In 2020, sure its sales are going to be huge than in the previous years. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Royal stag lovers know the better about his taste taste wise royal stag is best this alchol is very refine royal stag company process very well on his taste people love royal stag alcohol.royal stag package look different and rich type alcohol. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. It will give you a pleasantly bitter taste but in the end, you will feel a refreshed experience. It is mainly due to its uniqueness and standard. 03606414 | Wigglesworth House, Fourth Floor, 69 Southwark Bridge Road, London, SE1 9HH, UK. If you continue to use this site, you consent to our use of cookies. Royal Stag is the leading whisky in the Indian market. Alcohol Poisoning – Whisky is a drink that has very large percentage of alcohol in its structure (around 40%), much more than beer or wine (around 8-13%). The above-noted alcohol content may differ from the alcohol content displayed on the bottle label due to the timing of changes in vintage dates or production lot codes. This brand has been own by the popular French company in the year 1997. This brand was launched in the year of 1862. Royal Lemonade These brands are either global leader or one of the top selling brands of a select market. Seagram is now part of Pernod Ricard due to worldwide takeover. 2. It is top-selling in India due to its imported malt scotch. One of the key reasons for the brand’s success is its quality that… This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This liquor brand also consists of strong effects and odor. Seagram’s markets it in India. Pour 60 ml of RS in a Collins glass and top up with cola if you are not scared by those reviews on cola. It is a blend of the best scotches malts from Scotland and Indian grain spirits. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. The following table shows the alcohol percentage (alcohol %) of common beers, cocktails, drinks, luquors, and spirits. Customers are advised to read the bottle labels to confirm the actual alcohol content of their purchases. All brand data is supplied in millions of nine-­litre cases. Signature Whiskey Alcohol Content – 42.8% ABV (Alcohol By Volume) This liquor brand is owned by Kishore Chhabria and it is one of the famous whiskey brands. This list is from their website, I have tested only the highlighted one. In the year 1990, it was launched. In general, the Royal Stag is otherwise known as Seagram. This manufacturer of these liquors will make use of the smooth woody character and light malty aroma taste. The brand was launched to tap into India’s thirst for more premium drinks. Strain into an old-fashioned glass over ice cubes. Even though the alcohol percentage is more, but it will never cause any harm to health. The alcohol content in this brand is limited. It seems to be the fastest growing brand in Indian market. I like Royal Stag’s exceptional smoothness, taste and its malty-flavor. The price of Stella Artois is from INR 500 to 1300. Terms & conditions | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy | Please drink responsibly | Log in $('#force').val(count) Best Selling Liquor Brands In India 2020: Below, you can check out the list of top 10 best selling liquor brands in India 2020. ———————- Global spirits volumes inched up 0.3% in 2016, according to IWSR data. It’s all started in Bombay, so it is named as Bombay sapphire. Choice is yours.