One of them read this news in the papers and became agitated.

She was pregnant at that time. Santamma who worked in the kitchen went and appealed to Bhagavan. He shifted to an underground vault known as Patala Lingam, where the sunlight never penetrated. Natanananda's brother once thought of Bhagavan, "They say that he has the spark of Easwara, if so why can't he read my thoughts and clarify my doubts regarding the nature of the atma." I shall always be here.”. Realisation Many people were cured of diseases with the vibhuti taken from the Ashram. The Guru is both ‘external’ and ‘internal’. After some ten minutes or so, Bhagavan turned to me and said: “Do you know what Lakshmi is doing? Here is what happened once, in his own words: One day, I went up with an intent to submit three questions or requests to Bhagavan. In order to gain that State, you should surrender yourself. By meditation it is further purified and it remains still without the least ripple. Bhagavan made him lie down and kept looking at his heart for about four minutes and left. He gave a brief smile of indescribable tenderness. Create a free website or blog at His mind is gradually purified until he longs to know God, more to obtain His grace than to satisfy his worldly desires. Then, God’s grace begins to manifest. Siddhaguru touched his feet at lake. Those who take refuge at the lotus feet of the supreme On scrutiny as to what remains after eliminating all thoughts, it will be found that there is no such thing as mind apart from thought. Besides this, there are several varieties of medicinal herbs on the hill. She grew up and had three calves within a few years. This kind of a thing happened many times. The jungle around the Ashram was thick at that time and there were cheetahs. In the evening, as the devotees sat on the verandah outside the room which had been specially built for Bhagavan’s convenience during his illness, they spontaneously began singing “Arunachala Siva” (The Marital Garland of Letters). The body therefore becomes improved in health. — Tr. Not wishing to go empty-handed he bought a bunch of bananas and as he had to pass by a temple on his way to Bhagavan he offered one banana to Ganapati purely mentally and took it also to Bhagavan and gave the entire bunch to him.

Both Seshadri Swami and Bhagavan had a soft corner for Kulumani Narayana Sastry. But Ganapati Sastry had a similar experience and you may consult him.' On the fifth day at dusk when Sankarananda was at his japa a great light entered Bhagavan's picture and said to him, "You are not performing the japa in the proper way." Sankarananda said, "I have never been to Kadhirkamam, what does that image look like? But the Guru, who is God or the Self incarnate, works from within, helps the man to see the error of his ways and guides him in the right path until he realizes the Self within. But everyone said ? The devotee’s mind gains strength and is then able to turn inward. Their antics are like the boast of the cripple who said to his friends `If you raise me to my feet, these enemies are nothing before me.'.
After a month, I went up and saw him in front of Skandasramam. The person he saw at Haridwar was Ramana. Bhagavan's main upadesa was that to realize Reality and abide in it was the sum total of all powers and that one should not be distracted by those temporary powers which accrued on the way. in the ocean of bliss. my father and mother, Thou didst abide in my mind, and before When you are frustrated externally and are driven inwards, you feel ‘Oh!