In rented facilities, the postmaster communicates with the building owner and the district office when safety hazards and any other problems related to the physical workplace need to be corrected quickly.
The clerk lists the totals on form, and the postmaster repeats the process to verify the total. In larger offices clerks typically deliver express mail, but the job often falls to the postmaster in smaller units -- regular mileage compensation included. Postmaster: Job Description & Career Requirements Learn what a postmaster's responsibilities are. Festival of Sacrifice: The Past and Present of the Islamic Holiday of Eid al-Adha, The Washington Post/The Washington Post/Getty Images. Result: A list of the postmasters, acting postmasters, and officers-in-charge reported to have served at that post office. A postmaster also leads daily audits of the money brought in at the retail counter. Postmaster Requirements and Career Facts The Postmaster General and chief executive officer is responsible for establishing and maintaining an effective, comprehensive national occupational safety and health program that fully complies with the OSH Act.
Aspiring U.S. postmasters should participate in the career management program provided by the U.S. He typically coordinates all facets of post office operations, including administration, employee supervision and oversight of … Every point-of-sale clerk maintains an individual cash drawer locked in the facility safe, and each drawer -- and clerk -- endures a more detailed monthly audit that requires listing the variation of currency and coinage forming the $100 balance. [citation needed], In the days of horse-drawn carriages, a postmaster was an individual from whom horses and/or riders (known as postilions or "post-boys") could be hired. After a position is filled, the postmaster familiarizes the worker with the local office and assigns further training with an employee in the same role. When a postmaster is responsible for an entire mail distribution organization (usually sponsored by a national government), the title of Postmaster General is commonly used. Click Clear to reset.. She also sees to the timely reporting and processing of regular facility expenses, such as maintenance and utility costs. Depending on the size of the post office and possible staff shortages, she may also jump in and sort mail, run the retail counter or deliver mail.
812 Management Responsibilities 812.1 Headquarters 812.11 Postmaster General and Chief Executive Officer. After individual cash draws are counted down until $100 remains, the postmaster compares this total to the entire unit's earning deposit. The postmaster oversees the prompt delivery of all daily mail, in addition to managing mail outflow. The duties of a postmaster in the United States include overseeing and leading every aspect of the operation of a U.S. Post Office, including administration, management and support tasks. If the totals don't match, the process repeats until the error is isolated. Not all Post Offices established before 1986 are listed. ",, Articles needing additional references from July 2008, All articles needing additional references, Articles with limited geographic scope from December 2010, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2012, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2019, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 18 October 2020, at 07:36. Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. A postmaster (male) or postmistress (female) is the head of an individual post office responsible for all postal activities in a specific post office. After the tallying process ends, the postmaster enters the totals in a point-of-sale retail terminal. Along with knowledge of management principles, postmasters should also possess the technical skills and knowledge of software programs used to fulfill day-to-day duties. Fact Check: What Power Does the President Really Have Over State Governors? To prevent the hiring of unqualified friends and family members, postmasters only interview job applicants for positions outside their local unit. The Postmaster is the representative of the Postmaster General in that post office. The claim: Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has $70 million invested in companies that compete with the United States Postal Service. Ashley Mott has 12 years of small business management experience and a BSBA in accounting from Columbia. Postmasters in larger units may pawn off some duties on appropriate workers but still oversee the successful completion of all responsibilities.
Those who want to become a U.S. postmaster should take an advanced degree program in public administration, business management or any related discipline that teaches leadership techniques, human resource modeling and proper allocation of resources. Smaller remotely managed post offices no longer have postmasters and report to a nearby larger office. Registered mail and express mail require handling with kid gloves: The movement of registered mail is tracked on an internal log to ensure its protection, while express mail requires delivery by the stated time -- or the customer can claim a refund. Postmasters manage customer transactions, such as selling postage and money orders and collecting post office box rent. [1], Historically in the United States, women served as postmasters since the American Revolutionary War and even earlier, under British rule. The Responsibilities of Export Documentation Officers→. United States Postal Service: POM Revision: Responsibilities of Postmasters, United States Postal Service: Postmaster Job Descriptions, Dictionary of Occupational Titles; Claitor's Publishing Division.
For the gallery, see, The examples and perspective in this article, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, National Association of Postmasters of the United States, United Postmasters and Managers of America, "Why Did U.S. Postmasters Once Have So Much Political Cachet? A postmaster (male) or postmistress (female) is the head of an individual post office responsible for all postal activities in a specific post office.
The most essential coursework for postmasters provides an understanding of principles and the best procedures in organizational design, implementation and operation. All postmasters work under the guidance of the Postmaster General, who is the head or CEO of the U.S. Postal Service, states Education Portal. Postmasters are responsible for training postal employees, supervising mail processing and explaining post office regulations to consumers. Larger metropolitan post offices are PCES (Postal Career Executive Service). These situations make having customer service skills a priority. For example, dissatisfied customers often demand a meeting with the postmaster when a delivery problem or mailing issues occurs. Ultimately, some complaints or issues cannot be solved by anyone but the postmaster. A postmaster for the United States Postal Service, or USPS, serves as the head of an individual post office and provides unit financial and delivery information to district offices. Postmaster Finder Postmasters by City: Remember! The duties of a postmaster in the United States include overseeing and leading every aspect of the operation of a U.S. Post Office, including administration, management and support tasks. [citation needed], In Canada, many early places are named after the first postmaster. Will 5G Impact Our Cell Phone Plans (or Our Health?! Level of pay is based on deliveries and revenue of the post office. She is a full-time government and public safety reporter for Gannett.