By the time of his death in 1197, Emperor Henry VI had subjected almost the entire Italian peninsula, including most of the Papal States, and Sicily to his rule. Combining a streak of hardheaded practicality with an intellectual’s interest in ideas, Innocent transformed the theory of papal monarchy and pushed the papacy in new directions. Sergius and Bacchus in December 1189 or January 1190. The fleet arrived in Constantinople, and after a siege the city fell into Latin hands (April 12, 1204). Elected pope on January 8, 1198, Innocent III reformed the Roman Curia, reestablished and expanded the pope’s authority over the Papal States, worked tirelessly to launch Crusades to recover the Holy Land, combated heresy in Italy and When Innocent reflected on the first pope and Peter’s legacy in these sermons, he presented a luminous vision of the papal office and the pope’s role in Christendom.
E 'stato selezionato da papa Callisto II per varie missioni importanti e difficili, come ad esempio quello di Worms per la conclusione del concordato di Worms , l'accordo di pace fatta con Sacro Romano Imperatore Enrico V nel 1122, e anche quella per la Francia nel 1123 che la pace fatta con il re Luigi VI . Anche terzi autorizzati utilizzano queste tecnologie in relazione alla nostra visualizzazione di annunci pubblicitari. This began Innocent’s long campaign to eradicate heresy, which lasted until the end of his pontificate and culminated in the Albigensian Crusade. Questo articolo è acquistabile con il Bonus Cultura e con il Bonus Carta del Docente Nel 1130, come papa Onorio II stava morendo, i cardinali hanno deciso di affidare l'elezione ad una commissione di otto uomini guidati da cancelliere pontificio Haimeric, che ha avuto il suo candidato cardinale Gregorio Papareschi frettolosamente eletto papa Innocenzo II. Innocent, he wrote, had often remarked, “Who touches tar is dirtied by it” (Ecclesiasticus 13:1). La sua elezione è stata controversa e i primi otto anni del suo regno sono stati caratterizzati da una lotta per il riconoscimento contro i sostenitori di antipapa Anacleto II . Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. John Doran was Senior Lecturer in Medieval History at University of Chester, UK.
Carta del Docente. Per venerabilem (“Through Our Venerable Brother”), the decretal letter he wrote in 1202 reserving this right, quickly became part of canon law, even though Innocent’s claim was without precedent. After the Greeks regained control of the Byzantine Empire and church, they rejected papal authority, and the two churches have remained divided. Omissions? Pope Innocent II (1130-43): The World vs the City, (Inglese) Copertina rigida – 24 giugno 2016, Visualizza tutti i formati e le edizioni, Scegli tra gli oltre 8.500 punti di ritiro in Italia. Innocent was consumed by a passion to reconquer Jerusalem and the Holy Land, which had been lost following the Battle of Ḥaṭṭīn in 1187. Later popes called for Crusades against disobedient Christian rulers and even cardinals of the church. Il 22 luglio 1139, a Galluccio , figlio di Ruggero II Roger III, duca di Puglia , teso un agguato alle truppe pontificie con mille cavalieri e catturato Innocenzo.
Outraged, Innocent excommunicated the Venetians, but he could not thwart their plans. Anacleto ed i suoi sostenitori di essere in controllo sicuro della Basilica di San Pietro , in ultima analisi, l'incoronazione ha avuto luogo nella Chiesa Lateranense (4 giugno 1133), ma per il resto la spedizione hanno dimostrato abortito. Iscriviti ad Amazon Prime: consegne senza costi aggiuntivi in 1 giorno su 2 milioni di prodotti e in 2-3 giorni su molti altri milioni, film e serie TV su Prime Video, incluse le serie Amazon Original, più di 2 milioni di brani e centinaia di playlist senza pubblicità con Prime Music, centinaia di eBook Kindle su Prime Reading, accesso anticipato alle Offerte Lampo di e spazio di archiviazione per le foto illimitato.
One of the most influential pontiffs of the Middle Ages, Innocent built the papacy into a more powerful, prestigious institution than it had ever been before. Following the death of Pope Honorius II in 1130, he was elected pope on February 14, if only by a minority of cardinals. Immediately after his consecration, he received homage from the leaders of the Roman nobility. Lothar probably entered clerical orders in Rome while he was a young boy. On August 15, 1198, he sent letters to the kings and bishops of Christendom, imploring them to take up the cross and launch a new Crusade. Faced with these challenges, Innocent moved quickly and effectively to recover the Papal States and also attempted to exercise his rights as feudal overlord of the kingdom of Sicily.
He established a much larger papal territory than any of his predecessors had controlled, and, from his pontificate on, the pope functioned as an important secular prince in central Italy.
Innocent’s creative and passionate rhetoric became a part of his ruling style, and his deeds matched his rhetoric. In spite of his youth and lack of administrative experience, the cardinals quickly elected Lothar pope on the same day that the aged pope Celestine III died (January 8, 1198).
The struggle for the succession to the throne would be the most difficult problem Innocent faced in his first years as pope and would be complicated further by imperial and papal relations with southern Italy and Sicily. Anacleto aveva il controllo di Roma, in modo da Innocenzo II prese nave per Pisa , e da lì ha navigato per mezzo di Genova in Francia, dove l'influenza di Bernardo di Chiaravalle prontamente assicurato il suo cordiale riconoscimento da parte del clero e della corte. Finally, in 1208, following the assassination of the papal legate, Innocent launched a Crusade against the heretics and gave the participants full Crusader indulgences and privileges. I termini concordati a Mignano sono stati poi riconosciuti. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Utilizziamo cookie e altre tecnologie simili per migliorare la tua esperienza di acquisto, per fornire i nostri servizi, per capire come i nostri clienti li utilizzano in modo da poterli migliorare e per visualizzare annunci pubblicitari. Even after a political settlement brought the fighting to an end, the Cathar heresy flourished in the region until the beginning of the 14th century. Elected pope on January 8, 1198, Innocent III reformed the Roman Curia, reestablished and expanded the pope’s authority over the Papal States, worked tirelessly to launch Crusades to recover the Holy Land, combated heresy in Italy and southern France, shaped a powerful and original doctrine of papal power within the church and in secular affairs, and in 1215 presided over the fourth Lateran Council, which reformed many clerical and lay practices within the church. Il 25 luglio 1139, Innocenzo fu costretto a riconoscere la regalità e dei beni di Ruggero con il trattato di Mignano . Papa Innocenzo II ( latino : Innocenzo II , morto 23 Settembre 1143), nato Gregorio Papareschi , fu Papa dal 14 febbraio 1130 fino alla sua morte nel 1143.
Papal authority was represented by the Sun, and the Moon signified the power of lay princes. Sulla base di una maggioranza semplice di tutto il collegio cardinalizio, Anacleto era il papa canonicamente eletto, e Innocenzo era l'anti-Papa. Non è stato possibile aggiungere l'articolo alla Lista. The German princes were divided over the succession, southern Italy was in political shambles, and the Christian states in the Holy Land were in the hands of the Muslims. In a decretal letter, Vergentis in senium (March 25, 1199), that he sent to Viterbo, a city within the Papal States, Innocent declared that heresy was treason against God. At the beginning of his second year as pope, Innocent turned his attention to the problem of heresy within the borders of Christendom. Spedizione GRATUITA senza alcun importo minimo disponibile fino al 30 settembre. 1 Early years 2 Papacy 2.1 Second Lateran Council 2.2 Treaty of Mignano 3 Notes 4 References 5 See also Papareschi came from a Roman family, probably of the rione Trastevere. His teachers, Peter of Corbeil and Peter the Chanter, were the most accomplished theologians in Europe. In one of his first letters, Innocent ordered King Philip Augustus of France to take back his wife, whom the king had abandoned. When Innocent was elevated to the papacy, the political situation in Italy and Germany was precarious because of Philip of Swabia’s and Otto of Brunswick’s competing claims for the imperial throne. Innocent undoubtedly chose the day of his consecration carefully. Innocenzo II morì il 24 settembre 1143 e gli successe Papa Celestino II . Una seconda spedizione di Lotario III nel 1136 non è stato più decisivo nei suoi risultati, e la lotta protratta tra i pontefici rivali è stata terminata solo con la morte di Anacleto II il 25 gennaio 1138. Può. Innocent accepted the result, mistakenly believing that the conquest of Constantinople would reunite the Latin and Greek churches. After Paris Lothar studied in Bologna, whose university was the preeminent one for the study of canon and civil law. Pope Innocent II (1130-43): The World vs the City: John Doran, Damian J. Smith: Libri in altre lingue