The Mass is the treasure that should be foremost both in the Church and in our lives. We are citizens of heaven, and our love for God and neighbour is our passport to heaven. We would like to go back and change the past, but we cannot. The charity expressed in the collections that take place during the liturgical celebrations of the third Sunday of October is aimed at supporting the missionary work carried out in my name by the Pontifical Mission Societies, in order to meet the spiritual and material needs of peoples and Churches throughout the world, for the salvation of all. You shall hand down this memory to your son. We need to be cleansed of all the dust that has sullied our hearts. Pope… Do this in remembrance of me: come together and celebrate the Eucharist as a community, as a people, as a family, in order to remember me. The Church, the universal sacrament of Godâs love for the world, continues the mission of Jesus in history and sends us everywhere so that, through our witness of faith and the proclamation of the Gospel, God may continue to manifest his love and in this way touch and transform hearts, minds, bodies, societies and cultures in every place and time. The Lord knows that evil and sins do not define us; they are diseases, infections. The remarks Pope Francis prepared for Thursday’s penitential liturgy at Rome’s cathedral archbasilica of St John Lateran are tempting to tea leaf-readers.
So many people have memories marked by a lack of affection and bitter disappointments caused by those who should have given them love and instead orphaned their hearts. Genuine closeness is needed, as are true bonds of solidarity. The wounds we keep inside create problems not only for us, but also for others. The Eucharist is not simply an act of remembrance; it is a fact: the Lord’s Passover is made present once again for us. 16/05/2020. We are weak, frail and mortal. Lk 1:38)? Being forced to observe social distancing and to stay at home invites us to rediscover that we need social relationships as well as our communal relationship with God. We are indeed frightened, disoriented and afraid. 15/05/2020. He sees and loves the beauty and goodness that we are. Mission is a free and conscious response to Godâs call. âLike the disciples in the Gospel we were caught off guard by an unexpected, turbulent storm. And he comes to heal them with the Eucharist, which contains the antibodies to our negative memory. And this we must do in a real way, as real as the Bread that Jesus gives us. And let us also rediscover Eucharistic adoration, which continues the work of the Mass within us. Pope at Mass prays for families. Here is the full text of Pope Francis' Holy Thursday homily, delivered April 9 at the Basilica... Pope Francis prays in St. Peter's Basilica on June 14, 2020. Credit: Vatican Media/CNA. Gen 2:7). The impossibility of gathering as a Church to celebrate the Eucharist has led us to share the experience of the many Christian communities that cannot celebrate Mass every Sunday.