Look Here for details on qualifying, entering, forms, fees etc. After receiving the bar at arm's length, the lifter shall lower the bar to the chest and await the head referees' signal. The lifter's shoes or toes must be in solid contact with the platform or surface. Any raising of the bar or any deliberate attempt to do so will count as an attempt. Read More » Competition Results . However, the edge of the hands gripping the bar may be in contact with the inner surface of the collar. The signal will not be given until the bar is held motionless and the lifter is in an apparent finished position. Read More » … 2019 BCPA Winter Open Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships - Feb 23 & 24 - Meet Director: Lynne Desautels. Highland games, The deadlift being performed by 2009 IPF World Champion, List of world championships medalists in powerlifting (men), List of world championships medalists in powerlifting (women), U.S. intercollegiate powerlifting champions, Progression of the bench press world record, "The Choice for Drug-free Strength Sport : USAPL Raw/Unequipped Standards", "The History of the International Powerlifting Federation", "AAU World Powerlifting Championships 1971 (results)", "AAU World Powerlifting Championships 1972 (results)", "Powerlifting's Watershed : frantz v. united states Powerlifting federation : The legal case that changed the nature of a sport", "Unlike all too many powerlifters, nine-time world champ", "The Choice for Drug-free Strength Sport", "Raw Unity Powerlifting Championships - RAW Unity FAQ", "Everything You Wanted to Know About Bench Shirts", "Some NASA Members Give Their Take on Lifting in the USAPL", "The Evolution of the Squat Suit Over the Past Twenty Years", "Effects of the Bench Shirt on Selected Bench Press Mechanics", "Is Powerlifting Undergoing a Resurrection? If the personal spotter does not immediately leave the platform area and/or in any way distracts or impedes the head referees' responsibilities, the referees may determine that the lift is unacceptable, and be declared "no lift" by the referees and given three red lights.

The top of the bar not more than 3 cm below the top of the anterior deltoids. The reverse or underhand grip is forbidden, as is a thumbless grip. Failure to bend the knees and lower the body until the surface of the legs at the hip joint is lower than the tops of the knees. Double bouncing or more than one recovery attempt at the bottom of the lift. Failure to lock the knees straight at the completion of the lift. Yesterday was another sad day in the powerlifting community as we learned of the passing of Robb Grisham. Any downward motion of the bar before it reaches the final position. I've not ever put on a meet, but it has to be a nightmare for meet directors to figure out how many awards, etc. Want to see what the competition looks like? The bar shall be held horizontally across the shoulders with the hands and/or fingers gripping the bar, and the feet flat upon the platform with the knees locked.

they need for all the different divisions. With a sense of heartbreaking feeling and great sorrow, Powerlifting I. As a powerlifting lifer, I came up when meets were open meets only. World Open 2019. The spotters may assist the lifter to maintain control should the lifter stumble or demonstrate any evident instability. Become a Member . Any questions can be directed to meet director Russ Agnew at platformsportscoaching@gmail.com. Commonwealth Powerlifting & Benchpress Championships: St John's, CA: Oct 6-13: IPF World Masters Powerlifting Championships: Potchefstroom, SA: Nov TBA-TBD: IPF World Open Powerlifting Championships : Dubai, AE: Entry: Interested in lifting at an IPF Worlds or other international event? It is especially important for a spotter providing a centre lift off to leave the platform quickly so as not to impair the head referee's view. As soon as the lifter demonstrates a controlled final position, the head referee will give the signal indicating completion of the lift and to replace the bar. Find out when the next competition will be and sign up! The head referee's signal shall consist of a downward movement of the arm and the audible command "Down". After removing the bar from the racks while facing the front of the platform, the lifter may move forward or backward to establish the lifting position.

The lift off must be to arm's length and not down to the chest. The spacing of the hands shall not exceed 81 cm, measured between the forefingers.

… You must be a member to compete. Allowing the bar to return to the platform without maintaining control with both hands. The head referee's signal shall consist of a downward movement of the arm and audible command "Squat".

The lifter must then make a reasonable attempt to return the bar to the racks. , CPU Coaching Certification and Coaching Facilitators, Aug 6th - Meet Director - Stephanie Needham, British Columbia Powerlifting Association. Only designated spotters may remain on the platform during the lift. 2018 Lift the Rock Powerlifting Championships - November 18 - … Supporting the bar on the thighs during the performance of the lift. The lifter may enlist the help of one or more of the designated spotters or enlist a personal spotter in removing the bar from the racks. Failure to assume an upright position with knees locked at the commencement and completion of the lift. 09 Oct 2020 More.. Mr. Loknath Bolar Passes Away . Shri. The signal shall be an audible command "Press" and given as soon as the bar is motionless on the chest. 03 Oct 2020 More.. IPF Technical Rules and Anti-Doping Rules change . The signal will be given as soon as the lifter is set and demonstrates control with the bar properly positioned. If blocks are used, they shall not exceed 45 cm x 45 cm. The signal to replace the bar will consist of a backward motion of the arm and the audible command "Rack". A designated spotter, having provided a centre lift off, must immediately clear the area in front of the head referee and move to either side of the bar. As long as the bar is not so low that it touches the lifter's belt, it is acceptable.

The lifter shall not hold the collars or discs at any time during the performance of the lift. You can register for this meet here. Deliberate contact between the bar and the bar rest uprights during the lift to assist the completion of the press. Meet Director: Barry Antoniow Host Club: Invictus Powerlifting Email : bantoniow@hotmail.com Phone number: (905) 436-0049 Eligibility: Current member of the OPA, Resident of Ontario, have meet OPA qualifying total within the previous 24 months ALL ENTRY FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE AND NON-TRANSFERABLE - PLEASE NOTE:  IT MAY TAKE THE MEET DIRECTOR UP TO A WEEK TO ACCEPT PAYMENT Contest Name: Junior/Sub-Junior Championships Contest Date:  30th October - 1st November 2020 Type of Contest: …. The lifter may be given an additional attempt at the same weight at the head referee's discretion if failure in an attempt was due to any error by one or more of the spotters. The lifter must lie backward with shoulders and buttocks in contact with the flat bench surface. The International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) is pleased to announce a new agreement with The Canadian Centre for Ethics in … Contact of elbows or upper arms with the legs. World Open Powerlifting Championships 2000; World Masters Powerlifting Championships 2000; World Sub-Junior and Junior Powerlifting Championships 2000; World Open Bench Press Championships 2019; 1999; 1998; 1997; 1996; 1995; 1994; 1993; 1992; World Men Powerlifting Championships 1972 - 1991; World Women Powerlifting Championships 1980 - 1996 ; World Junior Powerlifting … If this is not done until the lifter is on the platform for an official attempt, any necessary explanation and/or measurements will be done on the lifter's time for that attempt. Any downward motion of the bar during the course of being pressed out. Any change in the elected position that results in the buttocks breaking contact with the bench or lateral movement of the hands (between the referee's signals). Not more than five and not less than two loaders/spotters shall be in attendance. 2019 UBC New Years Powerlifting Championships - Jan 20 - Meet Directors: Bryan Wong and Parker Ram.

Meet Director: Barry Antoniow Host Club: Invictus Powerlifting Email : bantoniow@hotmail.com Phone number: (905) 436-0049 Eligibility: Current member of the OPA, Resident of Ontario, have meet OPA qualifying total within the previous 24 months ALL ENTRY FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE AND NON-TRANSFERABLE - PLEASE NOTE: IT MAY TAKE THE MEET DIRECTOR UP TO A WEEK TO … Robb was a IPF Cat 2 referee and long… Read more 10/06/2020 The IPF and CCES Announce Partnership Agreement for Anti-Doping Services. This page was last edited on 15 October 2020, at 00:42. Failure to make a reasonable attempt to return the bar to the racks. 04 Oct 2020 More.. Saddest News.... Powerlifting Legend. After the signal to commence the lift has been given, the bar is pressed upward. The bar must be laid horizontally in front of the lifter's feet, gripped with an optional grip in both hands, and lifted until the lifter is standing erect. Smt.