The second most generous European country, the United Kingdom is also one of the kindest in donating, taking second place in that category. In 2019, fewer people in Germany donated money to charity compared with the previous year, a recent report by the German Spendenverband revealed, however the amounts they donated were higher.

; The ten most charitable billionaires have a combined net worth of $491.2 billion and have donated $109.7 billion.

As in other African countries, expressing compassion and humanity as part of everyday life is a common practice, according to the CAF. Morgan Franklin is a freelance writer, editor and designer who works across various sectors and largely online. Ireland is the most generous European country, even though its giving behavior has fluctuated over the years. Bloomberg has donated $3 billion to different charities and organisations, most notably the World Health Organisation. Bloomberg has donated $3 billion to different charities and organisations, most notably the World Health Organisation.

In 2018 Swiss charity organizations received donations worth 1.8 billion Swiss francs $1.9 billion, according to the Zewo charity foundation. Between them, these ten tycoons have donated at least $109.7 billion in their lifetime so far. The researchers link the country’s increasing giving behavior to a paradigm shift in the Islamic practice of "zakat," focusing on more sustainable giving. Having donated over $21 billion dollars to various causes himself, the CEO and chairman of Berkshire Hathaway has also started The Giving Pledge to encourage other rich families into philanthropy. Mission: Providing a framework to improve your investing PROCESS, while collecting newsworthy information about trends in business, politics and tech areas. However, as the political and social crisis in the country has become more and more difficult in recent years, with hundreds of thousands of the Rohingya minority being persecuted, the number of people who donated money has dropped significantly. The ten most generous billionaires have a combined net worth of $491.2 billion – but how much do the wealthiest people in the world give away?

The country in which people are most likely to help a stranger is Liberia. The Saudi Arabian billionaire amassed his fortune in banking, founding the Al Rajhi bank with his three brothers.

The United States has been the most generous country in the world over the last decade, reaching an overall score of 58% in the World Giving Index. As industries continue to change, and more money collates at the top, it has never been more important for the world’s richest to help out those who need it. Jacob Wolinsky is the founder of, a popular value investing and hedge fund focused investment website. Kenya is the most generous country in Africa and also one of the biggest risers in the World Giving Index, having increased its score continuously over the past decade. Do you know these lucrative Social Security secrets? In 2018 the country gave away 1.04% of its national income, which is well ahead of the internationally agreed UN donor target of 0.7%. More than half (58%) of Denmark’s population has donated to charity over the past 10 years. The country’s generosity score peaked at 56% in 2015 but has since been in decline. Thailand is ranked 21st thanks to its high score for donating money to charity, with the country ranking forth in the world for donations. While the World Giving Index ranks Denmark 16th most generous country overall, in 2018 the country donated 0.72% of its national income in foreign aid, more than the UN target of 0.7%. Over the past decade, more than half (56%) of the population has given money to charity. A 2019 Giving USA report found that Americans donated $427.7 billion to charity in 2018 alone. The founder of Bloomberg media and former Mayor of New York City is well-known for his charitable giving.

The world’s most philanthropic people: where billionaires are donating their big bucks. Andrew Carnegie jo.type = 'text/javascript'; Please speak to a licensed financial professional before making any investment decisions. Share your comments below. 3 in the list of most charitable celebrities in 2018.

Email: jacob(at) - Twitter username: JacobWolinsky - Full Disclosure: I do not purchase any equities anymore to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest and because at times I may receive grey areas of insider information. Based on the findings, click through the gallery above as we count down the 30 most generous countries in the world. I have a few existing holdings from years ago, but I have sold off most of the equities and now only purchase mutual funds and some ETFs. Li Ka-Shing is the 30th richest person in the world. Because of its philanthropy, we listed George Soros at the 3rd in “The most charitable person in the world“. The ten most charitable billionaires have a combined net worth of $491.2 billion and have donated $109.7 billion. The country’s generosity was ranked in 50th place in 2010, climbing steadily to No. Expressing compassion and humanity is at the heart of most African cultures, which is perhaps why Nigeria – a poor country dealing with separatists, terrorism and other ethnic conflicts – is so generous in charitable giving.
Helping a stranger is the most common way to give here, with 68% of the population reported as doing so.

While seven of the 10 most generous countries are among the wealthiest in the world, three – including Indonesia – are less affluent. Over the last 10 years, the country has achieved an overall score of 45% for its generosity, with helping strangers (63%) being the most common way to give back. Uzbekistan is one of a few former Soviet countries among the 30 most generous countries in the world. We won't send you spam. Charitable giving is becoming more and more common in the United Arab Emirates, the CAF figures suggest.

Finland is the happiest country in the world, according to the 2019 World Happiness Report, and it's generous too. People living in the wealthiest countries in the world are not always the most generous, as the World Giving Index by the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) shows. The third most generous country in the world, New Zealand is the only country to feature in the top 10 of all three giving categories. Melinda Gates Just Promised to Put $1 Billion Towards Gender Equality Over the Next 10 Years, and She Says She Has 3 Priorities She Wants to Focus On, 5 Personal Finance Tips From Billionaires Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffett, and Ray Dalio, We use cookies on our site to give you the best experience possible. In 2019 Austrians donated $783 million to charity, the equivalent of $87 per person, which is twice as much as 10 years ago, according to the Fundraising Verband Austria. = 'FJVoiceFeed'; While the country’s score peaked at 60% in 2012 and 2014, its lowest score of 53% was reached in 2017 – similar to the U.K. and the Netherlands. jo.src = '' + r;

de Bruijn Holding BV/Shutterstock, The super-rich who gave away their entire fortunes, The billionaires giving away fortunes to save the world. Q2 2020 hedge fund letters, conferences and more According to the update, D1's public portfolio returned 20.1% gross Read More, Q3 hedge fund letters, conference, scoops etc. George Soros is a Hungarian-American financier known for his charity and political viewpoints. More from the top 10 philanthropists in the world. In Switzerland donating money is the most common way of being generous to others. For the 10th edition of the ranking, the U.K. nonprofit organization asked 1.3 million people in 128 countries between 2009 and 2018 about their acts of generosity in three areas: helping a stranger, donating money and volunteering time to charity.

The CAF links this to religion, the Theravada branch of Buddhism to be more specific, in which open-hearted giving is practiced. Perhaps surprisingly to many Westerners, Iran, which is often criticized for human rights violations and known for an anti-Western sentiment, ranked better for charitable giving than many Western countries. Despite its gas wealth, much of Turkmenistan’s population is impoverished. The most generous Latin American country, Guatemala scores highly thanks to a strong track record of volunteering, for which it's ranked 15th in the world. Maybe THAT kind of insight makes it clear that ValueWalk Premium is worth another look. Indonesia has the world’s largest Muslim population and faith-related donations are common. While the World Giving Index ranks Denmark 16th most generous country overall, in 2018 the country donated 0.72% of its national income in foreign aid, more than the UN target of 0.7%.

Known as the ‘James Bond of Philanthropy’ for his undercover charitable giving, Charles Feeney has become renowned for his determination to give away the entirety of his fortune.
According to the World Giving Index, nearly half (49%) of the people surveyed said they had donated money, while 56% had helped a stranger and 26% had volunteered time for charity. In Cyprus 41% of the country’s population has given back over the past 10 years, mostly by helping a stranger (53%), while 44% have donated money to charity and a quarter have engaged in volunteering. var jo = document.createElement('script');