The river is moving and (sometimes) not, All made of the moons silver. Home » Choir » Moscow Nights – Anna Netrebko & Dmitri Hvorostovsky. Of the longing my heart does know.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'andantemoderato_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',108,'0','0'])); Promise me, my love, as the dawn appears Translation of 'Подмосковные вечера (Podmoskovnye vechera)' by Dmitriy Hvorostovskiy (Дмитрий Хворостовский) from Russian to English (Version #3)

This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Lazily the brook, like a silv’ry stream And a song afar fades as in a dream, Dearest, why so sad, why the downcast eyes,

And your lovely head bent so low? Dear, if you could know how I treasure so In the spell of this summer night.

Oh, It’s hard to speak—and yet not to speak Russian operatic soprano Anna Netrebko and Russian operatic baritone Dmitri Hvorostovsky sing “Moscow Nights”, live in Moscow. Als U liedje Moscow Nights in mp3 formaat gratis wilt downloaden, bezoek dan een van onze muzikale sponsors. 1 (Viloteau, Sala, and John Williams versions), Le Consort: Baroque Cantatas (Eva Zaïcik, Justin Taylor), Bruch: Violin concerto No. Dear, if you could know how I treasure so The most beautiful Moscow night. The most beautiful Moscow night. Why do you, darling, look at me from the side, Bending your head so low? Александр Листенгорт Ալեքսանդր Լիստենգորթ Alexander Listengort אלכסנדר ליסטנגורט, Translations of "Подмосковные вечера ...". The evenings near Moscow! 1 (Hélène Grimaud), Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Guitar Concerto No. (OST) - Love & Gun (Love Gun), The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (OST) - The Wolven Storm (Priscilla's Song). A song sounds and is not to be heard In those quiet evenings. Lazily the brook, like a silv'ry stream( The river is moving and not moving,) Ripples gently in the moonlight,(All from the silver moon.) Red Square Concert, June 19, 2013. eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'andantemoderato_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_1',103,'0','0'])); “Moscow Nights” is a Russian song, one of those best known outside its homeland. Но стандартное английское название тут -- вообще "Moscow nights". (In those quiet evenings.) Спасибо, я согласна с Вашими замечаниями.

Hier kunt U ook de vertaling van de liedje Russian Folk Moscow Nights downloaden. 1 (Hilary Hahn), Performing Beethoven – what it feels like to embody a master on today’s stage, Dvořák – Piano Quintet No. Dear, if you could know how I treasure so The most beautiful Moscow night. It is not easy to tell All the things that are in my heart. U kunt de widget gebruiken als een karaoke versie van de lied Moscow Nightsmits er een instrumentale versie(.mid of .kar bestanden) aanwezig is. In the spell of this summer night.

Contributions: 840 translations, 385 transliterations, 1903 thanks received, 59 translation requests fulfilled for 48 members, 2 transcription requests fulfilled, added … The evenings near Moscow! ... Are these evenings around Moscow If only you knew how dear to me Are these evenings around Moscow Why, darling, are you looking at me askew Leaning your head low The evenings near Moscow! Softly shines the moon clear and bright. This most beautiful Moscow night.

Changed the video resource, now it’s playing.

And the darkness turns into light, Dear, if you could know how I treasure so Thanks for the comment!

Moscow Nights – English Lyrics. Lyrics taken from the official source - BTS's ... Подмосковные вечера (Podmoskovnye vechera),, Gochūmon wa usagi desu ka?

18.03.2018 11:04 The Grand Choir “Masters of Choral Singing”, conductor Lev Kontorovich with State Symphony Orchestra of Russia, conductor Constantine Orbelian.

I opened to share my favorite music. (In those quiet evenings.) Stillness in the grove, not a rustling sound Sing! Ripples gently in the moonlight, The song was originally created as “Leningradskie Vechera” (“Leningrad Nights”) by composer Vasily Solovyov-Sedoi and poet Mikhail Matusovsky in 1955 (when both had well-established careers), but at the request of the Soviet Ministry of Culture, the “Podmoskovnye Vechera”; more or less “Evenings in Moscow Oblast” version was prepared, with corresponding changes to the lyrics. Liedje Russian Folk Moscow Nights is beschikbaar gesteld door Lyrics-Keeper.

The river is moving and (sometimes) not, All made of the moons silver A song sounds and is not to be heard In those quiet evenings Why do you, darling, look at me from the side, Bending your head so low? I am so sorry this version which was so beautiful was removed!!!!!!!

Songtekst van Russian Folk: Moscow Nights. That you’ll cherish, dear, through the passing years Stillness in the grove, not a rustling sound Softly shines the moon clear and bright. Learn how your comment data is processed. The river is moving and (sometimes) not, All made of the moons silver A song sounds and is not to be heard In those quiet evenings Why do you, darling, look at me from the side, Bending your head so low? And dawn is getting more and more visible. 2 – Leschenko, Jansen, Brovtsyn, Rachlin, and Maisky (Utrecht, 2007), The best versions of “Je crois entendre encore”, Mozart – Clarinet Concerto (Gimnazija Kranj Symphony Orchestra, Nadja Drakslar). I am Özgür Nevres, a software engineer, an ex-road racing cyclist and also an amateur musician. And a song afar fades as in a dream,(The song can be heard and not heard) In the spell of this summer night. © Copyright հեղինակային իրավունքներ Derechos de autor זכויות יוצרים Telif hakkı Авторские права:

Wij doen ons best zodat de woorden van liedje correct zijn, daarom mocht U opmerkingen of correcties voor dit liedje hebben, stuur die dan alstublieft naar ons.

Lazily the brook, like a silv’ry stream Ripples gently in the moonlight, Moscow Nights Lyrics. on Moscow Nights – Anna Netrebko & Dmitri Hvorostovsky, Moscow Nights – Anna Netrebko & Dmitri Hvorostovsky, Brahms – Piano Concerto No. Moscow Evenings (Lyrics: Mikhail Matusovsky, English Lyrics: Sidney Joseph Bechet) I. Stillness in the grove not a rustling sound Softly shines the moon clear and bright Dear, if you could know how I treasure so This most beautiful Moscow Night Dear, if you could know how I treasure so This most beautiful Moscow Night II. The most beautiful Moscow night. Moskow -> Moscow (и еще в куче мест та же ошибка!) Sommige composities beschikken over een correcte vertaling.