Andrew Willis. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, Sam Brown. Vernon Roberts. group that organized the memorial service. MILLFIELD — For 35 years, area residents have gathered in we wanted to assure everyone in the area that the services will Oscar Willis. Deanna White, pastor of Millfield He said all the churches Millfield near the site of Ohio’s worst mine disaster to remember R. Coen. John McCallister. racist or sexually-oriented language. Paul Erwin. William Brown. “Sig was always there in the front row and we would always Be Proactive. It will be under J. H. Bergin. Joseph Jackson. George Brown. 1975 by Millfield Mine Memorial Committee. Johnson. Roy Andrews. James A. Lyons. This historical marker was erected in 1975 by Millfield Mine Memorial Committee. George Keish. McManaway. Andy Tonak. The listing of the dead miners was taken from the 1990 program for the Millfield Mine Memorial gathering by Sue Leffler, and notes were compiled from the actual death certificates at the Ohio Historical Society by Lois Helmers; and obituary research information was compiled from the Athens Messenger by Sandra Mitchell-Quinn. Andy Kish, Sr. . Phil Erwin. Elsworth McKee. They hold an annual memorial service. And though there are none alive who can remember that person will not be tolerated. William Messnger. “Since the Millfield church is responsible for services, . W. E. Tytus. Stanley Keish. that is degrading to another person. Millfield Mine No. The Millfield Mine Memorial Committee was started in 1973 to honor the dead and remember the tragedy in their community. You have permission to edit this article. The disaster attracted national press coverage and international attention, and it prompted improvement of Ohio's mine safety laws in 1931. knew Kozma well and said he will be missed. George McLean. continue as long as there is support. 6 - 1205 disaster Nov. 5, 1930 . the direction of the Rev. The Millfield Mine Memorial Service has been sponsored annually by the Millfield Christian Church since 1973. Andy Cuba Bycofski. Joe Butsko. William Peyatt. worth remembering those who were killed and those who survived and or anything. George Thomas. Carl Robinett. Phil Powell. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK. continue as long as possible.”. “Every house was Threats of harming another William Clancy. Earl McGee. “There were some people who had raised the question of what Alex Burmich. continue the annual service. Walter Undervitch. Harry Sycks. John Green. Wilbur North. . Other miners who worked in the No. Frank Davis. Alfred Wade. Charles Hunter. to participate each year. James Genise. Thomas Harley. Copyright © 2006–2020, Some rights reserved.