Instead, each successive generation reflects the input of interpretation and experience that each channel has had in his/her personal and professional life journey. SH: Shepherd Hoodwin (full chart usually Carol Channing SH: 4th-young sage, discarnate warrior ET, artisan/sage casting, 41/59, 47 frequency, 10 previous cycles, growth, spiritualist, power, emotional/moving part, impatience, jovial/saturnian. Joan Crawford SH: king, male scholar ET, sage/king casting. Michael's Comments About the Overleaves It is the underlying behavior pattern or "modus operandi" of the personality — the standard operating procedure. Andrew Dice Clay SH: warrior, discarnate scholar ET, scholar casting. It is also their general manner of conduct or deportment. Alec Baldwin MC: mature artisan. An interesting take on selecting overleaves. David is the webmaster of and also moderates the Michael teachings discussion list at Yahoogroups. Mode – The method, or the form of behavioral stance one takes toward carrying out the goal. Emily Blunt SH: artisan, male priest ET, warrior/artisan casting. Calamity Jane DG: 5th baby warrior, scholar ET, scholar casting. Joan Baez MC: mature priest; SH: discarnate scholar ET, king/server casting. There are also personality traits associated with each Bodytype.  Most people are a mixture of various proportions of two or three Bodytypes. Understanding centers involves learning to understand how people can react so differently to the stimuli around them. Intellectually centered people, for example, might view their perceptions of the world as reality itself, and this can make it very difficult for them to comprehend how an emotionally centered person can view the world so differently. The Mode, how we do it; Two of the same overleaves paired together, however, often leads to an immediately affinity with another person, as if they are on the same wavelength.

Body Type – The surface most interactive aspects of the Personality with the physical plane. Overleaves are what make up a human being’s true personality. The peace that this can deliver from soul to ego is immense and gratifying. A skeptic paired with an idealist is a combustable mix, and a spiritualist abrading with a cynic rarely leads to a mutual accord. Helena Blavatsky SH: 3rd-old priest, male scholar ET, warrior/king casting, 49/51, 38 frequency, 13 previous cycles, discrimination, spiritualist, observation, intellectual/moving part, arrogance, martial/saturnian. Diana Ross SH: 3rd-mature artisan, discarnate king ET, priest/warrior casting, 63/37, 27 frequency, 12 previous cycles, dominance, pragmatist, passion, intellectual/emotional part, impatience, venusian/saturnian. Role Photos: See What The Seven Roles Look Like, Read Over 300 Questions Answered By Michael. Like most things in the Michael teachings, each overleaf is paired with a positive and negative pole, the polarities of love and fear. The goal could be thought of as the life theme, the underlying meaning behind the desires and actions of the soul. Franklin Roosevelt TR: mature sage; SH: 3rd-mature, warrior ET (Frances Perkins), scholar/priest casting, 58/42, 47 frequency, 14 previous cycles, growth, idealist, passion, physical/intellectual part, impatience (arrogance early in life), mercurial/jovial. MFM: Messages from Michael He had a chief feature of greed and a strong secondary of impatience. James Brolin MC: 3rd-mature warrior; SH discarnate artisan ET, warrior/server casting.

Cory Booker SH: 5th-old priest, discarnate scholar ET, sage/server casting, 55/45, 47 frequency, 10 previous cycles, dominance, stoic, power, emotional/intellectual part, arrogance, saturnian/lunar. Goal – The general direction for life learning.

Orson Scott Card SH: 6th-mature scholar, discarnate artisan ET, priest/artisan casting, 85/15, 50 frequency, 11 previous cycles, discrimination, skeptic caution, emotional/intellectual part, stubbornness, solar/jovial. Leonard Bernstein CQY: mature sage. The second was a collaborative effort by JP Van Hulle, Jose Stevens and Simon Warwick-Smith.


Two of the same overleaves paired together, however, often leads to an immediately affinity with another person, as if they are on the same wavelength. (Note that each goal, from 1-7, progresses from most ordinal to most cardinal). * UN indicates the source wishes to remain unnamed or anonymous at this time. then read the seven specific entries for each group.

FIRST OF ALL, THE LOCALE, THE SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS, THE PARENTS YOU CHOSE — ALL ARE FORMATIVE IN PROGRAMMING THE BIOCOMPUTER. Sandra Bullock SH: scholar, male king ET, sage/king casting. John Cusack JS: mature artisan. Francis Cronin SH: 3rd-mature artisan, male warrior ET, scholar/king casting, 41/59, 47 frequency, 10 previous cycles, dominance, spiritualist, caution, emotional/intellectual part, stubbornness, saturnian/martial. ; Together, these are known as OVERLEAVES because they overlay the pure energy of the soul, like coloured filters overlaying a ball of light, shaping our human experience and behaviour in specific ways.

He is also a professional musician and plays the saxophone, clarinet, and flute, with a lifetime love for jazz and classical music. Bono SH: warrior, male priest ET, scholar/sage casting. Like the other channeled systems, most notably the Enneagram and Astrology, no one owns this material. Yul Brynner SH: king, female server ET, scholar/warrior casting. Dolores Cannon DG: 4th old server, priest ET, scholar casting (4/6/4). Tagged with: michael teachings • overleaves • seven attitudes • seven goals • seven modes 0 Comments. Johannes Brahms TR: artisan. This is why no two people agree on everything; some people are generally inclined to see things in a more positive light or try to make the best of them, while others have a more negative way of framing them. Pearl Buck TR: 3rd-old server, submission, spiritualist, passion, intellectual/emotional part, stubbornness, venusian/mercurial; SH: discarnate priest ET, scholar/scholar casting.

Neem Karoli Baba MC: priest, acceptance, spiritualist, observation, intellectual/moving part, self-deprecation/impatience were erased; SH: 4th old, discarnate server ET, warrior/king casting, 41/59, 47 frequency, 10 previous cycles, stubbornness. In fact, what one might notice is the way in which some of these descriptions parallel, historic stereotypes; lending to the notion that every simplification has still captured some common attributes. In addition, the overleaves add different colors to the otherwise pure energy of the roles (see roles). Winona Ryder MC: young artisan; SH: discarnate server ET, scholar/priest casting. You must frame your experiences one way or another; otherwise they are random and have no meaning. ▪ Self-Deprecation  (Fear of "being inadequate. We don’t take the personality with us when we die.

It appears in the books “The Michael Handbook” by Stevens and Smith and “Michael, The Basic Teaching” by Van Hulle, Christaean, and Clark. SH: 4th mature, no ET, king/double warrior casting, 49/51, 46 frequency, 11 previous cycles, dominance, skeptic, observation, intellectual/moving part, arrogance, mercurial/jovial. Share It With Your Friends. Aaron Copland SH: scholar, male priest ET, warrior/server casting.

Â, Celebrity Overleaves Kate Bush SH: 6th-young sage, discarnate king ET, king/scholar casting, 48/52, 30 frequency, 13 previous cycles, flow, stoic, passion, intellectual/moving part, arrogance, martial/jovial.

15 MANIFESTATIONS OF EGO (False Personality), Annotated Overleaves Chart, Celebrity Overleaves, Personality Profile, Negative Poles, Individual Chart Analysis, Discrepancies in Overleaves, Astral Overleaf Schools, Role Photos: See What The Seven Roles Look Like, Read Over 300 Questions Answered By Michael.

The negative pole, however, is dictatorship, a trait based on fear-based behavior that compels one to control rather than lead. These traits are adopted from the astrological and mythological attributes of the planets for which the Bodytypes are named. Matthew Broderick SH: 2nd-mature artisan, discarnate sage ET, king/double warrior casting, 48/52, 74 frequency, 11 previous cycles, flow, idealist, power, emotional/moving part, arrogance, saturnian/mercurial. A person’s overleaves shape how that person thinks, feels and acts in life.

Why?In doing so, such knowledge can allow you greater facility with these characteristics and validation of who you really are.

Harold Bloom DG: 5th Mature Scholar/Sage ET with Scholar casting (4/5/4). George H. W. Bush MC: 6th-young priest.

The overleaves assist with completing the life task and add necessary variety and personal challenges for the soul to explore. Toni Collette JS: mature sage. Annie Besant SH: 7th-young artisan, discarnate warrior ET, sage/server casting. In no way, does he claim total ownership or complete original authorship to the combined body of knowledge collectively called “the Michael teachings”. Dean Cain SH: 5th-mature artisan, sage ET, double server casting, growth, idealist, power, moving/intellectual part, arrogance, venusian/saturnian/mercurial. There is only one reason to do anything including getting your Overleaves read: self knowledge! Carol Bayer Sager MC: artisan. Sean Connery MC: king; SH: male sage ET, priest/server casting. Frederic Chopin MFM: mid-cycle young priest. Rosalyn Bruyere SH: 7th-old priest, female artisan ET, double server casting, 42/58, 62 frequency, 11 previous cycles, growth, realist, passion, moving/intellectual part, martyrdom, venusian/martial Michael Caine JS: sage. Julie Christie JS: mature artisan. They are selected by the soul before birth specifically to help the human personality perform the life task to come. Fear affects these upper attitudes with a greater sense of restriction. Explains the inaccuracies found in some Michael readings. Â, Astral Overleaf Schools