'Cause down the shore everything's all right Cause down the shore everything's all right

I know a place where the dancin's free Sha la la la la la la la la I got no time for the corner boys Down in the street making all that noise Or the girls out on the avenue 'Cause tonight I wanna be with you Sha la la la I'm in love with a Jersey girl Or the girls out on the avenue Sha la la la la la la

I'm on my way to see that girl of mine So don't bother me man I ain't got no time Sha la la la la la la la When you're in love with a Jersey girl Sha la la la la la la la la Sha la la la la la la la la

Tonight I'm gonna take that ride

Cause tonight I wanna be with you Cause nothing matters in this whole wide world

You and your baby on a Saturday night

I see you on the street and you look so tired

I know that job you got leaves you so uninspired

Sha la la la, sha la la la, sha la la la Across the river to the Jersey side Live 02 Jul 1981 version. Sha la la la I'm in love with a Jjersey girl Go in the bathroom and put your makeup on Sha la la la I'm in love, I'm in love with a Jersey girl. When I'm wrapped up in my baby's arms

And drop her off at your mom's Take my baby to the carnival Lyricapsule: The Surfaris Drop ‘Wipe Out’; June 22, 1963, Lyricapsule: The Byrds Drop ‘Mr. Cannot annotate a non-flat selection. You know she thrills me with all her charms Sing sha la la la la la la 'Cause down the shore everything's all right This is just a preview!

18 Non-Traditional Yet Perfect Wedding Songs, NEW SONG: AC/DC - "Shot In The Dark" - LYRICS, HOT SONG: 21 Savage x Metro Boomin - "My Dawg​" - LYRICS.

We're gonna take that little girl of yours, 4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy) [Live 1975/85], Fire [Live at the Winterland, San Francisco, CA - December 1978], It’s Hard to Be a Saint in the City [Live 1975/85], Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) [Live 1975/85], You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch) [Live 1975/85], Darkness on the Edge of Town [Live 1975/85].

Sha la la la I'm in love with a Jersey girl When you're in love with a Jersey girl

Bruce Springsteen Lyrics "Jersey Girl" (originally by Tom Waits) I got no time for the corner boys Down in the street making all that noise Or the girls down on the avenue 'Cause tonight I wanna be with you Tonight I'm gonna take that ride Across the river to the Jersey side

It would become one of Springsteen’s favorite songs and his cover would be played on the radio more than Wait’s version, leading some, like the New York Times, to believe Springsteen had written it. And I'll take her on all the rides
Sha la la la la la la

'Cause tonight I wanna be with you Hearing this song made me want to drive across New Jersey and fall in love with a Jersey girl … You and your baby on a Saturday night We're gonna take that little girl of yours

And I'll take her on all the rides You and your baby on a Saturday night Sha la la la la la la Sha la la la la la la Sha la la la la la la la la Nothing matters in this whole wide world

We're gonna take that little brat of yours and drop her off at your mom's Or the girls out on the avenue 'Cause nothing matters in this whole wide world Tonight I'm gonna take that ride Jersey Girl Lyrics: I got no time for the corner boys / Down in the street making all that noise / Or the girls out on the avenue / Because tonight I wanna be with you / And tonight I'm gonna take

Lyrics to 'Jersey Girl' by Tom Waits. Sha la la la la la la You're lyin' all dressed up on the bed baby fast asleep You know all my dreams come true "Jersey Girl" lyrics. Down in the street making all that noise

Sha la la la la la la la la The song was played as the first fan requested song at his October 3, 2009 show and was the final song performed during the last October 9, 2009 show before the demolition of Giants Stadium. When you're in love with a Jersey girl 'Cause tonight I wanna be with you, Tonight I'm gonna take that ride

Copyright: Writer(s): Tom Waits Lyrics Terms of Use, I got no time for the corner boys Tom Waits Lyrics "Jersey Girl" got no time for the corner boys, down in the street makin' all that noise, don't want no whores on eighth avenue, cause tonight i'm gonna be with you. When I'm wrapped up in my baby's arms Take my baby to the carnival I see you on the street and you look so tired

Nothing matters in this whole wide world When I'm wrapped up in my baby's arms

cause tonight i'm gonna take that ride, across the river to the jersey side, The New York Times, of course, rectified their mistake with a note at the bottom of the article. When I come by to take you out to eat

I got no time for the corner boys Sha la la la la la la I know a place where the dancing's free I'm on my way to see that girl of mine Sha la la la la la la

Glad he included it on the Live album, in front of a New Jersey audience of course. Sha la la la la la la la la Sha la la la la la la I'm on my way to see that girl of mine You're lyin' all dressed up on the bed, baby, fast asleep

Go in the bathroom and put your makeup on I know that some day she'll wear my ring So don't bother me, man, I ain't got no time The above lyrics are for the live 02 Jul 1981 performance of JERSEY GIRL at Brendan Byrne Arena in East Rutherford, NJ, during The River Tour.. During The River Tour, Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band performed a series of six consecutive concerts at Brendan Byrne Arena in East Rutherford, NJ, on 02, 03, 05, 06, 08, and 09 Jul 1981.

Down in the street making all that noise And I'll take her on all the rides, 'Cause down the shore everything's all right General CommentYes, it's a Tom Waits song, but it's one that Springsteen absolutely had to record at some point.

Now baby won't you come with me Sha la la la I'm in love with a Jersey girl Because the Springsteen version of the song was more played on radio and because Springsteen was often associated with New Jersey, it was not unusual for people to mistakenly think Springsteen had written it. My little girl gives me everything

You and your baby on a Saturday night An annotation cannot contain another annotation.

Note: When you embed the widget in your site, it will match your site's styles (CSS). You and your baby on a Saturday night

When I'm walking down the street with you, Sing sha la la la, sha la la la, sha la la la

You know all my dreams come true When I'm walking down the street with you Down in the street making all that noise CHORUS: Sha la la la la la la When you're in love with a Jersey girl, Bon Jovi Lyrics provided by SongLyrics.com.

Sha la la la la la la la la

When you're in love with a Jersey girl, Sing sha la la la, sha la la la, sha la la la

My little girl gives me everything I know that job you got leaves you so uninspired Jersey Girl Lyrics: I got no time for the corner boys / Down in the street making all that noise / Or the girls down on the avenue / Cause tonight I wanna be with you / Tonight I'm gonna take that

Sha la la la I'm in love with a Jersey girl Across the river to the Jersey side

Well, you know all my dreams come true Sha la la la, sha la la la, sha la la la, You know she thrills me with all her charms

My little girl gives me everything Now baby won't you come with me Cause down the shore everything's all right "Jersey Girl" lyrics. When I'm walking down the street with you A Springsteen cover that was originally written and performed by Tom Waits, “Jersey Girl” is the final song off of Live/1975-85. Take my baby to the carnival

Sha la la la la la la. Sha la la la, sha la la la, sha la la la, When I call your name, I can sleep all night

You know she thrills me with all her charms I know that some day that she'll wear my ring Across the river to the Jersey side Sha la la la la la la

(CHORUS) 'Cause nothing matters in this whole wide world