I would have totally got them.”, When we meet somebody, maybe for the first time and we shake their hands. It’s a bias that we have.

In fact, it’s an important response. You are a few clicks away from booking one of the most exciting and thought-provoking talks on the subject. And they won’t lift their head up. Our mission is to provide the most accurate transcripts of videos and audios online. We’re in a heightened state of anxiety during that. Jay has given keynotes and workshops in 20 countries across 4 continents, empowering audiences with a unique perspective on behavior, communication, and leadership. Recommended length is no longer than 30 minutes. It’s your organization that’s suffering. Jay is the co-author of this assessment which has been used by thousands of people and hundreds of organizations. You get about five steps this way and it hits you, and you’re like: “Oh, I should have said this. Twice a month we send you speaking tips, training ideas and lots of useful updates. Well, if you’ve experienced that, trust me you’re not alone. College of Engineering- Industrial and Systems Engineering Dept. They’re texting. We have other archetypes such as the one-upper. When we look at that and we understand that those are the different behaviors that really impact us individually. One of the things that we get really frustrated with is ourselves in that moment. Jay Johnson at TEDxLivoniaCCLibrary. How are you? So we see things like adrenaline, norepinephrine, cortisol flood the system when we’re engaged with those difficult people. So we have to look at this in a different way. I want you to think of a time when maybe you were interacting with somebody who you felt was difficult. And at some point in time in that conversation, you decide: “I’ve had enough of this. However, is their bad behavior worth your heart attack? We don’t think rationally. We also have these archetypes that we tend to create. And ultimately what it does is it causes turnover, absenteeism.

Behavioral Elements is a unique assessment that measures behavioral preferences. ", "Jay presented at an AmeriCorps conference on dealing with difficult people. - Participant, Tallinn, Estonia. As a passenger in the first class cabin, he was killed when TWA Flight 800 came down shortly after takeoff in 1996.

As you’re sitting there and you’re talking to them, maybe getting into an argument, maybe the tensions are starting to rise, you can feel your palms starting to sweat.

This speaker hasn't uploaded any press information yet. This speaker hasn't uploaded any one sheet yet. It’s your heart attack.

Speaker Jeromy Johnson Ted X . We don’t take the time to actually ask; we just label and continue.

Jay holds a Master's Degree in communications and public relations, is a designated Master Trainer from the ATD, and was twice honored with the Excellence in Training Award by the APCC.

What can you use as a leader? Playlists. Highly recommend worth every penny." They’re playing on their computer and they’re not paying any attention to you.

It is the response that stress comes into the body. Our metabolism slows. With nearly 2 million views, Jay's TEDx talk on the subject has revolutionized the way leaders and organizations are approaching conflict resolution in their organizations globally. Certified to train the All In Culture Program. He was a highly effective presenter, the material made sense, and I was able to use some of it later that day. We all know them. He shares photos and spine-tingling audio of Chinese students rehearsing English -- "the world's second language" -- by the thousands. We know that we need to change. But how do we create it? Listen to the MP3 Audio: How to Deal with Difficult People by Jay Johnson at TEDxLivoniaCCLibrary event. Conflict in the workplace between difficult people or not difficult people has serious impacts. Well, at the same time couldn’t we see our friend doing that and say well they’re just headstrong? Please feel free to donate towards this mission. Please suggest your favorite videos and audios for transcription. Your Campus is Globalizing: Can Technology Help Solve Transition Challenges for International Students?

Feed the algorithm Like and Share. Warhol years. Let me be blunt, a-holes are everywhere. Is it something inherent? Behavioral transformation starts with you. The Wildcats, coming off consecutive NCAA Tournament berths, began intra-squad scrimmages over the weekend. Pages: First |1 | ... | → | Last | View Full Transcript.

Browse the library of TED talks and speakers. Do you have what it takes to survive them? Behavior is the root of all success and failure. So I guess maybe we need to look at a different framework of operating from internal.

We can even get acne from having too much stress hormones put into the body. With it, organizations thrive. So some of these labels start to infiltrate the way that we understand the world.

His 2018 TEDx talk that introduced the concept of Behavioral Intelligence as it applies to Dealing with Difficult People has nearly 1.5 Million views and has helped to establish him as an authority on human behavior in the workplace. Flexible, fun, crowd-focused and energetic! Jay Johnson is an internationally renowned speaker specializing in behavior and organizational development. Now part of my framework is behavior and I can guarantee you that at some point in time, when I was talking about those archetypes, you put a name and a face with each one of those individuals. - Motor City Sites, "I was able to use some of it later that day. "Highly Motivational" - Erin McKenzie, Keller Wiliams, "This changed my whole outlook on leadership. I'd definitely attend more of his sessions" - Nick Miller. Thank You

If the answer is no, you will love this keynote on dealing with difficult people. A Leadership Journey to Behavioral Transformation, Psychological Safey - The Lynchpin of Successful Teams, Effective Communication: Keys To Organizational Success, Psychological Safety and Dealing with Difficult People, Unlocking Hidden Messages: The Secrets of Body Language, Michigan Junior Chamber Leadership Conference.

How to Deal with Difficult People: Jay Johnson (Transcript), Happiness Matters: Tshering Tobgay at TEDxThimphu (Transcript), Reimagining Pharmaceutical Innovation: Thomas Pogge at TEDxCanberra (Transcript), The Mindset of a Future Entrepreneur: Chef Geoff Tracy at TEDxMidAtlantic 2012 (Transcript), How to Deal with Difficult People by Jay Johnson at TEDxLivoniaCCLibrary event, The Power of Self-Belief: Layne Beachley (Full Transcript), The Hidden Brain in Your Skin: Claudia Aguirre (Transcript), Full Transcript: “Battle for the Soul of the Nation”- Joe Biden Gettysburg Speech, Full Transcript: Michelle Obama’s Closing Argument Speech for Joe Biden, How to Die Young at a Very Old Age: Nir Barzilai (Full Transcript). I'd definitely attend more of his sessions and hope to benefit from the company's services moving into the future. Is that a way that we want to live our lives? We see somebody do something that we feel like it’s aggressive, but on the other side of things we look at our friend that does the exact same behavior and we say: Wow!

Let’s look at a unique approach through behavioral intelligence. Reach out today for a no-cost discussion, your audience will thank you. And we’ll talk about that in the context of difficult people. Because it’s your heart attack. Now this is a tough question, because we’re in a heat at the moment. Without it, organizations fall.

The person that walks around and gossip all about different people in the office place, almost just to stir up trouble. Listen to the MP3 Audio: How to Deal with Difficult People by Jay Johnson at TEDxLivoniaCCLibrary event. He has served in local government as well as an International Vice President for a global NGO. If you’ve ever been at a party and you tell a story.

Those stress hormones are killers.

Why or why not? So if we can’t change other people’s behaviors, the only thing that we can change is our own behaviors. I can’t make somebody behave in a way that I want them to. I solve human challenges in a delightfully engaging way. What Daniel Goleman calls the low-road is something where we look at… others call it the limbic system… our fear regulation, our fight-or-flight response. How about the gossiper? Jay works with Fortune 100 companies and national organizations such as Ford Motor Company, General Dynamics, United Way, Consumers Energy, Keller Williams, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Crain Communication, Junior Chamber International, UM Health Systems, the Detroit Chamber, and AmeriCorps. Nice to meet you.”, And something in the back of your mind is already hitting you and going: “I’m not going to like this person.”. It’s time for me to walk away.” You walk out.

Jay has given keynotes and workshops in 20 countries across 4 continents, empowering audiences with a unique perspective on behavior, communication, and leadership. Organizations with well-trained, effective communicators will thrive while conflicts will plague the entity that does not sharpen its communication efficacy. And our other systems start to shut down. It was a great event and I really enjoyed him taking the time coming out to speak with us! After viewing the video, what is your perspective on how to deal with difficult people? I think Behavior Elements is very intriguing, easy to understand, descriptive and relatable to on the job experiences, and provides the opportunity for self-reflection as well. Here is the full text of communication trainer Jay Johnson’s talk titled “How to Deal with Difficult People” at TEDxLivoniaCCLibrary conference. And then what happens… somebody has to tell a better story. Our brain is designed for survival. ", "Extremely informative and well-documented presentation. - Mark Tremper, Event Planner, "This talk literally saved my life." Conflict Resolution and Professional Behavior. But again it’s your heart attack. My name is Jay. They’re just sitting there. So we label somebody difficult or a pain in the you-know-what. You are a few clicks away from booking a truly transformational talk on dealing with difficult people. And I’m going to give you an example of a case study… one of my favorite case studies… of when I was working with two different divisions in a management organization.

It’s a natural response that we have. Communication is simultaneously the most important and most difficult element to master in the work environment. We can’t change other people’s behavior. Through this talk, the audience will be empowered to instill psychological safety into their teams, generating exponential growth and development. Jed Johnson (December 30, 1948 – July 17, 1996) was an American interior designer and film director. "Jay was a speaker for our Master's in Training and Development Professional Society event and we got to experience the Behavior Elements activity and had a great discussion about it! When we deal with difficult people, ultimately what we’re doing is trying to get past that response. "Expertly done, very engaging and great value."