Version 2 ★4.3. Holdin' on to sixteen as long as you can; change is comin' 'round real soon, make us women and men, A E D E A little ditty about Jack and Diane, A E D E A (spoken)two Play the E and D with the index finger barring the highest three strings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------, (hit power chord first, then strum on the higher strings), Two American kids grown up in the heartland, Diane debutante, back seat of Jacky's car, Suckin' on chili dog outside the Tasty Freeze, Diane sittin' on Jacky's lap, he got his hands between her knees, Jacky says "Hey Diane, lets run off behind a shady tree", Dribble off Bobby Brooks, let me do what I please, sayin', Long after the thrill of livin' is gone, sayin', Jack, he sits back, collects his thoughts for a moment, Scratches his head and does his best James Dean, "Well there Diane, we gotta run off to the city", Diane says, "Baby we ain't nothing", but Jacky says, Change is comin' 'round real soon, make us women and men, Two American kids doin' the best they can, ===============================================================================. Try these video lessons and learn fast. All content on this page is the property of the copyright owner of the original composition. Learn how to play Jack & Diane by John Mellencamp. Key Variations.

Learn the song with the online tablature player.

Jack And Diane Chords by John Cougar Mellencamp tabs @ Ultimate Guitar Archive 1 of 2.
Jack and Diane-John Cougar Mellencamp Intro: G D G D C (3X) 1st Verse: G D C D A little ditty bout Jack and Diane G D C D G Two American kids grown up in the heartland G D C D Jack, he's })(); Intro:

John Cougar Mellencamp - Jack And Diane Chords Learn the song with the online tablature player. This song is heard on the album 'American Fool' released in 1982. --e----------------, Learn how to play exactly like John Mellencamp. JACK AND DIANE Tab by John Mellencamp. /* TFP - E-chords - Below */ use barre chords): A E D E A A (x3), ATwo American Ekids grown up Din the EheartlandA, ADiane debuEtante, back seat oDf JacEky's cAar, ASuckin' on cEhili dog outDside the Tasty EFreeze, ADiane sittEin' on Jacky's lap, he got his Dhands beEtween her kAnees, AJacky says "HeEy Diane, lets run off bDehind a shady tEree", ADribble off BoEbby Brooks, let me dDo whatE I plAease, sayin', ALong after the Ethrill of Dlivin' Eis Agone, sayin', ALong after the Ethrill of Dlivin' Eis Agone, AJack, he sits bEack, collects his Dthoughts for a Emoment, AScratches his Ehead and does his Dbest EJames DAean, A"Well there DiaEne, we gotta run oDff to the city"E, ADiane says, "BEaby we Dain't EnothinAg", but Jacky says, Change is comin' 'round real soon, make us women and men, ATwo American Ekids doin' the Dbest Ethey Acan.

%PDF-1.5 %���� A Jack, he's gonna E be a foot D ball sta E r. A Diane debu E tante, back seat o D f Jac E ky's c A ar.

Rating: 4.3/5 (24 votes) Song versions: Tabs. Jack And Diane Chords (ver. About My name is David Potsiadlo, and I created Songnotes to share my collection of guitar tabs, chords… var opts = { A E D E A E D E A. --b--10--9--10-9--7 Bass. Guitar Tabs Universe SONG : Jack and Diane ARTIST : … use barre chords): A E D E A A (x3) 1st Verse: A A little E ditty bout D Jack and D E iane.

}; Version 1 ★4 × Tabs too difficult? adunit_id: 100000049, EADGBE Intro. Play Advices.

Jack And Diane by John Cougar Mellencamp Tab Different Versions Chords, Tab, Tabs. Chords ratings, diagrams and lyrics. Jack And Diane Tab Other Tabs by me: - 3 AM -Matchbox 20 - Far Away -Nickelback Legend: .. - palm mute * - let ring x - dead note / - slide Tabber: Guitarmaster94 Artist: John Mellencamp Song: Jack and Diane Album: Words and Music - John Mellencamp's Greatest Hits Tuning: Standard (EADGBE) Intro (electric w/ distortion and acoustic guitar) pm .. 1 .

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song: "Jack And Diane",

G D C D A little ditty about Jack and Di- ane, G D C G Two American kids growin' up in the heart land G D C D Jack, he's gonna be a football star; G D C G Diane debutante, back seat of Jack y'sG D C D G D C G div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999999)) h�b```e``�e`b`H�b�c@ >�3GÚ � �8�, `c`l��@�iiU�;Řo�뺣'X���!�f� �b`�:�g� 0 �� endstream endobj 28 0 obj <> endobj 29 0 obj <> endobj 30 0 obj <>stream h�bbd``b`*@�� H0��W3�����@b6�`dXR��H�q�� �S� endstream endobj startxref 0 %%EOF 46 0 obj <>stream --e---------------- --g--9---9--9--9--7 2) John Mellencamp. use barre chords): AEDEAA(x3) 1st Verse: AA little Editty bout DJack and DEiane ATwo American Ekids grown up Din the EheartlandA AJack, he's gonna Ebe a footDball staEr ADiane debuEtante, back seat oDf JacEky's cAar AEDEAEDEA 2nd Verse: ASuckin' on cEhili dog outDside the Tasty EFreeze ADiane sittEin' on Jacky's lap, he got his Dhands beEtween her kAnees AJacky says "HeEy Diane, lets run off bDehind a shady tEree" ADribble off BoEbby Brooks, let me dDo whatEI plAease, sayin' ;�"��g�d鴛�3 �DF/����+���2]��$��"��7+��aC�fx̧�,���g�w�*ݍ�iY�p����G,��a�D0����ml1q�֛�v����,�������Z���mG���j��K�˞��信N�ռ(4�"Oy�nO�,*kPA�")\���Ҿ ~����{ű��w�Ϗ���|�����9�m�pCW��l�O����������p�)p��]�.u�y+�I~�~B�"t=��H�6��-����>k������ܒ���Xt����^���6�I\�����wlk�{��g�+��6/oy�� �+� endstream endobj 31 0 obj <>stream Long after the thrill of livin' is gone, rock on Intro Lick Drum Solo (A cappella): Oh, let it rock, let it roll.

Chords. A Two American E kids grown up D in the E heartland A.

');var c=function(){cf.showAsyncAd(opts)};if(typeof !== 'undefined')c();else{cf_async=!0;var r=document.createElement("script"),s=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];r.async=!0;r.src="//";r.readyState?r.onreadystatechange=function(){if("loaded"==r.readyState||"complete"==r.readyState)r.onreadystatechange=null,c()}:r.onload=c;s.parentNode.insertBefore(r,s)}; Chords 1 . Mellencamp John - A Ride Back Home Chords, Mellencamp John - Between A Laugh And A Tear Chords, Mellencamp John - Farewell Angelina Chords, Mellencamp John - Hand To Hold On To Chords, Mellencamp John - Key West Intermezzo Chords, Mellencamp John - Minutes To Memories Chords, Mellencamp John - Peaceful World Acoustic Chords, Mellencamp John - Rain On The Scarecrow Chords, Mellencamp John - Teardrops Will Fall Chords, Mellencamp John - Without Expression Chords, Mellencamp John - Your Life Is Now Chords.

h��W[��6~�W��Y76�f���^��f'i�cz�I� �lȂ�"�w��{$���ʹ�X. Version 1 ★4.8. Chords Diagrams. More versions. Version 1 ★4.

Chords, lyrics, and guitar tabs all crafted with care by Songnotes. Version 1 ★3.6. -----Add new tab Help us to improve Take our survey! Jack and Diane - John Cougar Mellencamp Capo 2nd Fret [Intro] G D G D C x3 [Verse 1] G D C D A little ditty bout Jack and Diane G D C D G Two American kids … Learn to play guitar by chord / tabs using chord diagrams, transpose the key, watch video lessons and much more.