deformed into an hourglass shape. sandglass. Hourglass synonyms. phr. There is a good oak pulpit, with hourglass holder, and some heavy 15th-cent. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Top synonyms for hourglass (other words for hourglass) are hour glass, watchglass and sandglass.

I think an hourglass running out would help the notion; perhaps her little tilings upon his knee, or in his hand. chronometer. phr. A clock or watch, especially one lacking a chime or other striking mechanism. Sometimes it will be nearly globular, again long and thin, or it may be constricted like an hourglass. It seems to refer to paired crossing lines as part of hourglass figures. pointer. Noun. clock. remaining life. timer. What Is The Difference Between “It’s” And “Its”? All refused to answer her inquiries, but one of them, with a sinister smile, placed the hourglass and skull beside her. adj. The latter had an hourglass on his head, and in his hand a scythe, with which he aimed a blow at Mercury's feet. . 10 Types Of Nouns Used In The English Language.
Find more ways to say hourglass, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. “A suit with gathered fabric across the waistline can create the illusion of an hourglass figure in a woman who would like to look curvier.”. The hourglass figure can of course be construed as the "filled-in angle" enlarged. At the sound the bearded old man raises his sceptre, opens his mouth, and turns an hourglass. phr. The marble was but roughly hewn, in lines that held the suggestion of an hourglass. sand clock. Another word for hourglass. timepiece. To calculate it one must reckon a century for every turn of the hourglass. hourglass-shaped.