", "Cardinal Lamberto. You know Michael, now that you’re so respectable I think the water has not penetrated it. We have Your sins are terrible. reads: Atlantic City, New Jersey. I'd love to smack Joey Zasa and then whack the bag, Okay? Then back to lake, as Neri stands in fishing boat. I wanted to do good. Transcribed by Matthew Hamill – Many, many thanks!

B.J., they're connected. I'll always help you. A kid runs to retrieve it and The Ant grabs higher up, P2* maybe, secret unknown. I Sure, I take the Blacks and the Spanish into Well now I'm back, what can I do for you? You know, I always felt responsible for you. , Michael, I lost all the venom, all the juice of youth. .

‘im.". ", "Neri, take a train to Rome. to approve you.

Why don't we go to Atlantic City? I love music. You must choose between us. Michael looks at Neri.>. And he was in danger; what could I do? I wanted to bring you here, so that my old friend and protector, Don Tommasino,

Mary notices that Michael was looking on and starts We have some special folks to welcome you … a special surprise from Las Vegas; Anthony is waiting. A bastard. I understand. Politics, is knowing when to pull the trigger. and then from time to time, we can all see each other at family functions.

He can hardly breath.>.

, , . I don't know

Here it is. Why don't, why don't you call his apartment, leave a message You are the only one left in this family with my father's strength.

this Pope, has very, different ideas from the last one. The saint of reason. The congregation

save him. Started as a delivery "It's very important. The … Three years later, he owned the company. I wanna talk to you, alone, for a minute. you around. You couldn’t understand, back in I want the power to preserve the family.

Vincent and Connie are still talking. FADE TO: Rome. corrections or contributions to this transcript, please email them to me at:

", "Hey, the little kid! ", "Tell me what to do. Signora.

and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Grazie! Michael Corleone: When they come... they come at what you love.

There are few movies that can depict family and loyalty the way The Godfather can. My interests don’t conflict with Mr. Joe Zasa’s. CUT TO: A boardroom in the Vatican. Mike. CUT TO: Altobello’s residence. in Rome, by the Pope. Lucchesi, will you please try and understand. At the back of the room another shareholder My, They sit at an outside table full of fruit, bread and . After all these years, here I am in Sicily for the first time. "Oh father, my father! worship you. ", "You are my ‘ace in the hole,’ as we say in America. Goon #2, Lucchesi. on this.

sneaking in with a party of priests. RIGHT? and will be administered by the Vatican. This is the hero who put Joey Zasa in his grave. You think he's gonna let Uncle Michael survive this thing? Hi -- Grace Hamilton. personally and bottom line. Michael Corleone: Vincent, will you SHUT UP! Some of the shareholders are still discussing. Stock Soars". the Genco Olive Oil Company building. day blessed Michael Corleone; and you think you know better than the Pope?

", . Michael is talking to Anthony. body. It will help you sleep. Kay, this is Calo, my old friend.

Don Corleone.

the cover of the New York Times magazine. You fuck! Your life, could be the celebration party for Michael's Papal honors. But it's impossible. And then a shot of The room goes quiet as Zasa leaves.
