In 2009, 10 Pfizer employees exposed the parmaceutalcial giant for illegally promoting the arthritis drug Bextra. After a day in court, he would be driven “home” to Belmarsh and then strip-searched again. Famous Whistleblowers. Samy Kamkar is a computer hacker who exposed the illicit global mobile phone tracking of all users, regardless of GPS or Location Services settings, on the Apple iPhone, Google Android and Microsoft Windows Phone mobile devices, and their transmission of GPS and Wi-Fi information to their parent companies.
Linda Tripp was a relatively low-level White House staffer in the 90s. National Security Agency (NSA) Senior Executive Thomas Drake identified a massively wasteful and ineffective program that sacrificed security and privacy. Contact a qualified whistleblower law attorney to make sure your rights are protected. The contact form sends information by non-encrypted email, which is not secure. Larry Alt and Pete Forcelli, agents at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives (ATF), helped expose issues surrounding the Operation Fast and Furious scandal, the program that resulted in federally-monitored guns ending up in the hands of Mexican drug cartels. She and her team of auditors worked together to investigate and unearth $3.8 billion in fraud at WorldCom, the largest incident of accounting fraud in U.S. history at the time. In one of our successful whistleblower cases relating to aerospace fraud, Julian Assange case ‘politicised’, says whistleblower’s lawyer ... in October 2010 when she first advised the whistleblowing organisation. When she concluded in 2005 that Bush administration politics was tying up the approval of Plan-B, not the safety or efficacy of this morning-after pill, she resigned, stating that FDA science was being held captive by the pro-life movement..
It is completely unprecedented for the receiving state to issue a superseding indictment so late in a trial. Jennifer Robinson, an Australian-born lawyer, first met WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in October 2010 when she first advised the whistleblowing organisation. Defendant: Pharmasan Labs, Inc. and NeuroScience, Inc.
Jim Schrier, a veteran USDA meat inspector, reported clear humane handling violations involving market hogs at a Tyson Foods slaughter facility.
His mental health is in a precarious state. Tory whistleblower is still adamant 13 days on that he saw Matt Hancock flouting curfew in House of Commons Smoking Room bar.
He was an idealist who rejected bribes from his partners when he discovered the systematic corruption that existed within the force. Whistleblower Reward: $1.1 Million (final payment pending) The 3 FAQs About Car Crash Claims Against Distracted Drivers, Superb Accident and Car Crash Attorneys in Mississippi, 3 FAQs About Drunk Driving Truck or Automobile Crash Claims. paid $8.5 million to settle a whistleblower lawsuit that claimed both companies improperly billed Medicare for laboratory for medically unnecessary services. Settlement Amount: $8.5 Million to the individuals who performed the services. Anonymous source Deep Throat gives reporters information that eventually leads to President Nixons resignation. After police officer Frank Serpico reports police corruption to his superiors for several years and no action is taken, he approaches The New York Times with a story that ultimately forces New York City mayor John Lindsay to establish a commission to investigate police corruption. Anyone with a legal problem should consult a lawyer immediately. The governor was dishonorably discharged and exiled. The case led to federal legislation bolstering the False Claims Act in 1986 that made it easier for whistleblowers to collect damages and a record settlement for Gravitt. He still spends 23 hours a day in his cell. Congressional aide James Boyd and secretary Marjorie Carpenter expose documents from the office of Senator Thomas Dodd to show Dodd used more than $200,000 in unreported campaign funds for personal expenses. Years before the scam was uncovered, fund manager Harry Markopolos was trying to raise the alarm on Madoff, but was continuously ignored. tests on Pharmasan’s behalf. Linda Tripp contributed to Clinton’s impeachment trial of 1998 by handing over recordings of Monica Lewinsky revealing details about her affair with the president. While working for the US Public Health Service, Peter Buxtun realizes the agency is studying the effects of syphilis by monitoring 399 African-American men who are neither told they have the disease nor treated for it. The Watergate scandal began when five men were arrested for breaking into the Democratic National Committee headquarters. obtained or overall performance must be confined to that particular case, This scandal eventually led to President Nixon resigning. Through her watershed book Silent Spring, Rachel Carson exposed the residual effects of DDT chemicals on animals and humans, inspiring the widespread ban on DDT chemicals that went into effect in 1972. In July 2013, Dr. Soe Maunglay had … While evaluating $90 billion of mortgages Citigroup was buying from Countrywide and other lenders, former Citigroup vice president Richard Bowen tried to warn about the rise in defective mortgages. What do you expect will happen next? Below are a few famous whistleblowers who exposed massive or egregious wrongdoing by corporations, individuals, and government organizations. Google Chrome, After graduating from Cornell University, Julius Chambers secured a position with the New York Tribune.
Contact a Whistleblower Lawyer First. Gary Aguirre is a former SEC lawyer who reported wrongdoing by SEC officials for their failure to allow a proper investigation of one of the countrys leading hedge funds.