Or so we think. The sequels also played around with the Force, but this time, the result were definitely mixed. We'll address why that's the case with Emperor Palpatine a little later, but they all fared better than the returning characters from the original trilogy. Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker were two Jedi always at odds with each other. Unfortunately, … I think Windu needs to survive as his conflict with Anakin/Vader ended really abruptly after so much build up. Especially in Star Wars, where people are getting their limbs chopped off, falling from cliffs, and being electrocuted all the damn time. And then, the hunt to destroy any remaining followers of the religion to eradicate them once and for all.
You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. This last line is the most intriguing part of the entire theory. Finally, the issue of "falling from great heights" is unpacked. That's a fair claim, but the Redditor actually digs in pretty deep. In Star Wars, people fall. 0.
But for all its faults, George Lucas actually gave us some incredibly cool new characters for the Star Wars canon. There's Anakin falling in Attack of the Clones. Whether you loved or hated it, it's hard to deny that The Rise of Skywalker served as a mostly horrendous ending to the Skywalker Saga. Lucasfiilm clearly felt that they needed to make things right with fans after some of the creative decisions made by Rian Johnson, but that led to them arguably making no one happy. Mace was born about 70 years before the events of A New Hope, putting him in the same Elder Jedi role as Obi-Wan Kenobi. Yes, it was sometimes hard not to cringe watching the Jedi in the prequels unnecessarily spinning around for the umpteenth time in a single battle, while those flips were definitely a tad over the top. Oh, and most crushingly, Luke Skywalker was a broken down failure who never became a true Jedi Master and just went into hiding.
Now we just have to hope he says his best line: "This party's over. On the plus side, the prequels, didn't let down characters like Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Yoda, or C-3PO. Mace Windu's demiseLucasfilm The newer theory from wren620 includes some pretty undeniable examples that Jedi can survive falls from a great height, mostly drawn from the … Only readers with Midichlorian counts over 20,000 dare go further! It feels like the legacy of the Star Wars sequels will revolve around the competing vision of two filmmakers - J.J. Abrams and Rian Johnson - both of whom played a game of one-upmanship, undoing the other's work because they had their own specific ideas about what Star Wars should be. The series may have ended mere days ago, but with The Mandalorian Season 2 on the horizon including Ahsoka Tano, the story is far from over. The sequel's leads weren't trained in a traditional way, but just like these movies overlooked what it really meant to be a Sith (was Kylo ever more than someone who was attuned to the Dark Side?
Every product was carefully curated by an Esquire editor. Abrams has said repeatedly that the history of the franchise is important to him, as Rise of Skywalker seems intended to tie off a series of loose ends for the three-trilogy saga.
Windu, who sat beside Yoda at the head of the Jedi Council, never quite got along with Skywalker. on why the Star Wars prequels beat the sequels! Han Solo and Leia Organa's marriage fell apart after they failed their son. Okay, say what you will about the prequel trilogy: it's long, it's self-indulgent, it's a baroque mess of green screen madness and confusing political mumbo jumbo. Like any theory, there's some evidence suggesting it's false. The challenge of making the sequels was to create a new story, and while they did succeed in that respect, they ultimately failed to build on what came before in a satisfying manner.
Could Windu have died on impact, falling to his death on the roads of Coruscant? It's true. Anakin, Yoda, Darth Vader, and even a bunch of characters from the relatively obscure Star Wars animated series have all been electrocuted a ton.
As we mentioned a little earlier, where we picked up with characters like Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, and Han Solo in the sequels was downright depressing.
Sure, Darth Vader's cry of "Nooooooo!"
R2-D2, uh, turned himself off. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. But, none of them have died. This is an exciting time to be a Clone Wars fan. While the prequels featured a lot of peculiar creative decisions, George Lucas being the man in charge meant there was a cohesive story which had a beginning, middle, and end. Now, we just have to hope Lucasfilm decide to do something with Windu down the line, as there's no denying that some sort of return would be a lot of fun to see. And we're not talking about Watto.
The clip shows Ahsoka practically leapfrogging from ship to ship before falling a vast distance and landing on solid ground without so much as a bruise. Only time, and Samuel L. Jackson's busy schedule, will tell. The concept of Midi-chlorians was so silly, that George Lucas had pretty much ditched the idea by the time Attack of the Clones rolled around. Why would Windu's fall be different from any of these?
Oh, and Emperor Palpatine's story arc was a million times better in those early movies than the clone with the inexplicable plan we got last year. It seems like the modern-day heroes might need help from some of the Jedi of before.
Samuel L. Jackson as Darth Vader Is the 'Star Wars' We Deserve. Rian Johnson expertly choreographed that battle aboard Snoke's Star Destroyer, but when Abrams had Rey face down Kylo Ren, excitement was lacking, and the iconic weapons barely factored into his finale. Those aren't the outcomes we wanted for any of the characters, and it's not like they even ended up finding redemption for the most part.
Well, those barely scratch the surface, and it's crazy to think just how many lingering plot threads these sequels left us with. Moments from The Phantom Menace paid off down the line (even if you occasionally had to struggle to find them), whereas it was impossible to watch The Rise of Skywalker without being befuddled by sudden U-Turns. That leaves one last deadly force: fall damage.
Losing a limb is practically a rite of passage for Jedi, considering the number of times we've seen it on screen. ... Declaring Mace Windu dead is all conjecture.
You can see that scene below: Ahsoka falls from the sky and lands just fine, so who's to say that Mace Windu couldn't have done the same in Coruscant? The adventures we all imagined them having together came to an abrupt end, and their victory in Return of the Jedi was short-lived. We're talking about one of the most powerful Jedi Masters of all time here. It seems like Palpatine is back in Skywalker. We got to learn how Anakin Skywalker fell under the spell of the Emperor and learned what led to characters like Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda ending up where they did in the original trilogy.
Therefore Jedi Master Mace Windu survived as well." Anakin bursts into the chamber, and Palpatine forces him to make a choice: allow Windu to cut him down, or save Sidious, who, as the dark lord says, "Has the power to save the one [Anakin] loves." Lando Calrissian disappeared into the ether.
Will Hayden Christensen Return to Star Wars? It was even revealed recently that, in early drafts of Return of the Jedi, Lucas intended for Force Ghosts to be able to come back from death to help Jedi fight against Sith Lords.
And not only that, but a Redditor has explained that, even though the Sith scene was pretty brutal...there's nothing in there that really confirms a death.
The sequels, however, didn't do the original films justice for the most part. No one said they had to have a happy ending, but man, what an ending for so many of our favourites! Did Mace Windu Survive? When Disney released footage of Rise of Skywalker at their big D23 celebration, J.J. Abrams actually included a shot of Jackson as Mace Windu in the clip reel. For this point, you might be best off checking out our breakdown of The Rise of Skywalker's biggest unanswered questions! Archived. It's hard to say if they will, of course, as that was one heck of a fall Windu ended up taking... Click on the "Next" button below for our take
People fall from great heights in Star Wars all the time.