Super Saiyan 3 Xeno Bardock while wearing a Time Breaker mask. Bardock SSJ4 besitzt gewaltige Kräfte.
Masked Saiyan is the state taken on by Xeno Bardock after being taken control of by Towa. In the Super Bardock Saga, he is shown wearing the same Battle Armor, Scouter, and bloodstained bandana as his counterpart from The Father of Goku and Episode of Bardock. In some arts, Bardock's red headband's lace appears bigger than the regular headband. Upon achieving Super Saiyan 4, Xeno Bardock attempts a cease-fire with Xeno King Vegeta by appealing to his Saiyan Pride indicating he does have some respect for the King of Saiyans and is simply opposed to him being an underling of Mechikabura and the Dark Empire. However, he is a bit of a lone wolf and has yet to be shown interacting with his son, grandchildren, or great-granddaughter. When Super Mira proceeds to attack Xeno Trunks, the Masked Saiyan fully breaks his mask and reveals himself as Xeno Bardock, teaming up with Xeno Trunks, the two manage to fight off Mira, causing him and Towa to retreat. Dragon Ball Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community.

In Dragon Ball Heroes it is just a head but in Dokkan Battle, an image of Great Ape Xeno Bardock's Great Ape form (based off his counterpart's Great Ape form) appears. Xeno Bardock can also transform into a Great Ape while in this state. Auch seine Energiereserven sind gewaltig, wodurch seine stärkste Attacke, das Einarmige Giga-Kamehameha, zu einer mächtigen Waffe wird. Although he shares some similarities with the main timeline Bardock, such as the red headband and the scar on his left cheek. During certain boss battles, he can transform into his Great Ape and Super Saiyan 2 forms, which are unplayable. 8 Comments. After breaking free from Towa's control, he keeps his broken mask and uses it when turning into Super Saiyan 3 during his fight with Xeno King Vegeta. His respect for Xeno King Vegeta is similar to the respect Goku had developed for his Saiyan rival Vegeta. As a Saiyan who still has his tail, Xeno Bardock is able to transform into a Great Ape when absorbing enough blutz waves. Normally his Time Breaker Mask prevents the Great Ape transformation as it shields his eyes from Blutz Waves (though like Sunglasses the mask still allows him to see) as they are absorbed primarily through the eyes, though only when it is fully intact as the Mask's Blutz Wave Shielding loses its effectiveness if the mask is broken. During their fight, Dark Masked King removes his red cloak and the Time Breaker mask, while Xeno Bardock puts his own Time Breaker mask and transforms into Super Saiyan 3. However using the last of his strength, he is able to use the sword to clear the darkness surrounding the Time Patrol and free them from Mechikabura's void. Main articles: Super Saiyan 3 and Xeno-Evolution, SH2-SEC2 Bardock (Xeno) card showing Xeno Bardock as a Super Saiyan 3 without his Time Breaker Mask. Durch den Ultra-Burutsuwellen-Emitter wurde seine Stärke vervielfacht, was ihn zu einem mächtigen Krieger macht. Auch Bardocks Persönlichkeit hat sich nach seiner Verwandlung nur leicht verändert. 5K Views.

Xeno Bardock (バーダック:ゼノ, Bādakku: Zeno) is a version of Bardock from another dimension. Xeno Bardock and Xeno Trunks (Super Saiyan) vs. Xeno Bardock (Masked Saiyan/Great Ape Masked Saiyan) & Mira vs. Xeno Trunks, Xeno Bardock (Base/Super Saiyan 2/Super Saiyan 3), Xeno Trunks (Base/Super Saiyan 2/Super Saiyan 3) & Chronoa vs. Mira (Base/Runaway/Super Mira), Towa, Xeno Dabura, General Bon, Psi Devilman, Shun Shun & Haru Haru, Xeno Bardock (Masked Saiyan), Xeno Vegeta (Black-Masked Saiyan), Towa (Dark Demon), Mira (Super Mira), Haru Haru & Shun Shun vs. Despite their success, Xeno King Vegeta is fatally injured by Dark Broly, leaving Xeno Bardock to confront the son of Xeno Paragus alone. Dark Broly (Resurrected). Apply and begin building your own modding community using our site technology, with no experience needed.Find out more about this amazing opportunity. Xeno Bardock possesses the Super Saiyan 3 form which he acquires via Xeno-Evolution. So wurde er noch selbstsicherer, als er es vorher schon war und agiert nun noch energischer, da er sich seiner Sache, mit seinen neuen Kräften, sicher ist. By Andrewdb13 Watch. Main article: Time Breaker Mind Control As the Masked Saiyan, Xeno Bardock is able to fight on par with Super Saiyan Xeno Trunks, and when teamed up with him is able to overpower Super Mira. After his battle against Xeno King Vegeta, Xeno Bardock returns and at some point acquired the Super Saiyan 4 form. Nachdem Coolzer besiegt wurde, rief er noch, vor seinem Tod, seinen Komplizen Jilairan. Bardock SSJ4 ist Bardock auf der Stufe des vierfachen Supersayajin, auf welcher er nur in Dragonball AF vorkommt. Xeno Trunks likewise respects Xeno Bardock due to being aware of his history of confronting members of the Frieza Clan such as Xeno Frieza and Chilled, which is something he and Xeno Trunks have in common as Xeno Trunks also has a history of confronting members of the Frieza Clan.

PBBS-06 Super Saiyan 3 Bardock (Xeno) card that features Xeno Bardock & Chronoa's Victorious Freeze Attack CAA in World Mission, An image of a Great Ape appears over Xeno Bardock in Dragon Ball Heroes, Great Ape Xeno Bardock in Dragon Ball Heroes. Finding that he is outmatched, Xeno Bardock places his broken Time Breaker mask back on for more power and transforms into Super Saiyan 3 - which gives him enough power to battle Xeno King Vegeta. We aim to grow to support many more games and modding communities.

Though he has yet to interact with his family members working under Chronoa, he has interacted with Xeno King Vegeta's son and alternate timeline grandson, as he fought alongside Black-Masked Saiyan while he was the Masked Saiyan and has fought Xeno Trunks as the Masked Saiyan, before being freed by the Time Patrol, later repaying his debt to Xeno Trunks during the Mechikabura Revival Saga by taking on the Dark-Masked King and Xeno Paragus allowing Xeno Trunks and the rest of the Time Patrol move onward to stop Mechikabura from making his wish to Dark Shenron. Seine Narbe an der linken Wange besitzt er natürlich immernoch und er trägt auch immernoch in jeder Szene seine Sayajin-Uniform. Together, the team makes a living by traveling to various planets where they decimate the defenses of these civilizations and prepare them for Frieza's Planetary Market. Xeno Paragus is beaten down by Xeno King Vegeta until Xeno Bardock intervenes. He also avenges Xeno King Vegeta's death at the hands of Dark Broly by defeating Xeno Paragus' son using Xeno Trunks' Key Sword. As the Masked Saiyan, he confronts the Time Patrol (represented by the player and their deck) alongside the Black-Masked Saiyan, Dark Towa, Time Breaker Dabura, Super Mira, Haru Haru, and Shun Shun.