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Users can ask the OP (Original Poster) questions relating to a specific aspect of their life, fame, or career. 5. Her work has appeared on Techvibes, SlashGear, Lifehack and others. This strategy is currently being used by various major brands as they are asking customers about their thoughts about new services being introduced by them. 6. As of January 2013, there are nearly 42,000 search results for "Ask Me Anything"[7] on YouTube, making exception for the Strokes' song "Ask Me Anything.". Can a judge suggest to the jury that a witness is lying? In John 14:12-15, Christ said,. Tagged: No tags, suggest one. And also could you please explain the grammatical rule of these sentences? Maybe it's indecisivness or maybe it's anxiety. A relative pronoun acting as both object and subject? Although it hasn't been updated in years, it's still a great place to look for top AMAs that took place in the past. From high-profile celebrities to regular people who've had extraordinary life experiences, there's never any shortage of great AMAs to look up and even participate in yourself. Song meanings ©2003-2020 The second type of proof involves letting moderators verify an AMA host's identity via private information. From this cockpit picture I cannot identify this aircraft. And his reply was "I don't know what Eric asked you about." Go to the stickers and select the Questions sticker. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. How can you tell if Windows XP is 64bit or 32bit if you only have the partition/filesystem on a hard drive? Updated Not surprisingly, the biggest ever AMA to take place on the site was the one posted by Barack Obama, President of the United States on August 29, 2012. Its origins began in an AOL chatroom. Login | Create Account. Song MeaningI think the title of the song contributes a lot to the meaning. Here are some details to consider when planning your AM. What makes AMAs so interesting is the types of people who are willing to host them. Any questions? How does Instagram’s Algorithm work and what does it mean for Advertisers, When, in July of 2016, Instagram first introduced its algorithm; everything changed!And since then, there is one question that still hasn't been answered properly and that is...'How exactly does Instagram feed work? Now, your followers can ask questions by tapping on the question sticker, and they can ask as many times as they want. They can't speak. Hop on to get the meaning of AMA. The person is lost, they have nothing to say, they want things (to read, the lead) but they can't somehow. Any ideas? One of the first appeared on the forums for the UK multiplayer game service provider Wireplay, in which the user known as [COF-HS]Grim… solicited questions[3] about the 1986 science fiction film Aliens. Was my question wrong? rev 2020.10.22.37874, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, English Language & Usage Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us, Your title question and sentence 2 - do you mean. „Ask me Anything“ bezieht sich auf Handlungen, bei denen Einzelpersonen eines bestimmten Berufes (z.B. Geschäftsführer von Tesla) eine Sitzung durchführen, in der die Benutzer ihnen Fragen stellen können. After updating the app, open your profile and select add story options. "Ask Me Anything", also known by the acryonym AMA, is a common chat topic or general discussion forum thread in which posters are encouraged to ask the OP questions relating to a specific aspect of their life, often relating to their career, unique experiences or their fame, when a celebrity is involved. There are some really interesting people who host AMAs on Reddit and this is part of what makes it so great. In that case, check out the easy way to use the Questions Sticker in Stories as the latest feature, which is explained below. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. When Instagram introduced the Snapchat inspired story feature, we thought about what could possible make this platform better? For example, the Instagram account of an online e-commerce brand can be taken over by the brand ambassador of that particular brand and have them engage with their brand’s user base. The Internet Slang, SMS, Texting & Chat Acronym /Abbreviation/Slang AMA means Ask Me Anything. The person is lost, they have nothing to say, they want things (to read, the lead) but they can't somehow. Ask Me Anything Lyrics. The term AMA has been in usage since the 1990s. div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999999)) These are from users who have questions for people who haven't yet held AMAs, in hopes of gathering upvotes from others who want to see these types of people host an AMA. Contrast "I requested some help from him", where the thing requested is the direct object. In fact, Reddit created a whole PDF guide designed to walk first-time AMA hosts through the entire process. Users love it when their favorite brand or influencer initiates a great contest or giveaway on Instagram. In addition to this, there are many other updates like Instagram questions, that are being offered by this social networking platform to its users. 10 jaar premier Rutte. Her getting things done attitude makes her a magnet for the trickiest of tasks. "Our Lord Christ foresaw that this article would go hard with human reason, and that it … song: "Ask Me Anything", AMA means "Ask Me Anything". Find out what is the most common shorthand of Ask Me Anything on! It also helps spread the word and can sometimes be enough to get the appropriate individual's attention to host one. © 2007-2020 Literally Media Ltd. No thanks, take me back to the meme zone! Not just this, the social media channel is apt for building communities and networks. Why is the range of a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot shorter than that of a router? As of January 2013, the community has more than 127,000 posts, 3.1 million comments, 7600 members and 5700 followers. With many ditransitive verbs, you can put the indirect object before the direct, without a preposition, as, I gave him the book = I gave the book to him. If you wish to share any of it with others, you can directly share it as a story and also type your answer on it. Besides, the asked question can also be shared as a story without revealing the person’s identity which is preferred by many people. And now the new Instagram challenge that is catching the wind is the Instagram Takeover challenge, where generally the Instagram account of a brand is controlled by a well-known influencer.
(function() { [1] Ask Female Anything – The History of Ask Female Anything, [2] Ask Female Anything – Frequently Asked Questions, [3] Wireplay – Ask me anything about 'Aliens'…, [4] LiveJournal – ask_me_anything's profile, [5] LiveJournal – don't let me drown's Ask Me Anything post, [7] YouTube – Search results for "ask me anything", [8] Tumblr – Posts tagged "ask me anything", [10] Tumblr – Posts tagged "ask me a question", [13] Reddit – /r/IAmA Archive from May 29th, 2009. “Ask Me Anything” is a common chat topic or general discussion forum thread in which posters are encouraged to ask the OP questions relating to a specific aspect of their life, often relating to their career, unique experiences or their fame, when a celebrity is involved. [16] As of January 2013, the subreddit has more than 2.5 million subscribers. by It is basically a fun tactic that is used by influencers as well as brands to increase their user engagement rate in a short span of time. 6. Weitere Informationen zu Cookies und insbesondere dazu, wie du deren Verwendung widersprechen kannst, findest du in unseren, Chartanalyse – Unterschiede zur Fundamentalanalyse. For more, you can check out this archive of past AMAs from all sorts of famous people including Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jerry Seinfeld, Tony Bennett, and others. In April 2011, specific novelty blogs dedicated to answering questions from the perspective of fictional characters begn popping up on the site, in which the blogger will answer questions with either fan artwork (shown below, left), GIFs and other media content from the work in question (shown below, center) or images of the blogger cosplaying as the character (shown below, right). Any questions? Reddit also has a lengthy, dedicated page laying out all the AMA rules, policies and frequently asked questions.