This is a story from the © 2014 4th grade Journeys series by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt as Unit 3 Lesson 13. Written by Jennifer Owings Dewey. These are Afri…, One of the seven great masses of land on the earth, Reading Street Vocabulary Antarctic Journal, one of the seven great land masses on Earth. You can use this as a Tuesday/Wednesday partner reading activity, you can use it as a. Quiz for the selection "Antarctic Journal: Four Months at the Bottom of the World" from the Journeys 4th grade reader. Common Core aligned
"It is the windiest, coldest, most forbidding region on earth, and I am heading straight for it."
Sketchbook in hand, an artist leaves home to spend four months at Palmer Station in Antarctica, the last great wilderness. Click on link above to visit Waltke's Web. This supplemental pack was created to accompany the Journeys 2014 Version fourth grade Unit 3 Lesson 13 - Antarctic Journal. The continents…, causing fear or dislike; looking dangerous or unpleasant, one of the seven great masses of land on the Earth.The contine…, act of anticipation;looking forward to expectation, 4th Reading Street Antarctic Journal Vocab, one of the seven great landmasses of Earth. The pack includes language arts resources for. It includes comprehension questions and vocabulary matching for Unit 5. -Genre Anchor Chart- Narrative Nonfiction (Anchor charts can be printed or enlarged for classroom use.) Pg. The questions are mostly shor
And she fills her sketchbook with drawings of penguin chicks huddled in their nests and seals basking in the sun. These resources are tried and true in my fourth grade classroom! Antarctic Journal Journeys Unit 3 Lesson 13 Fourth Grade Supp. Contents of this unit: If you are: These resources can be used to guide your whole or small group instruction. Reading Street: Grade 4:Unit 4 Story: Antarctic Journal Great to use as a review activity or as students read the text.Helpful Hint: To maximise work area you can set page margin The continents are…, in her journal, the author describes a penguin rookery, which…, at palmer station, the author learns that blue whales eat kril…, Reading Street 4th Grade Antarctic Journal, one of the seven great masses of land on Earth. -Essential Qu. This product was created to add supplemental activities and instruction to Journey's Fourth Grade curriculum.
* Definition matching Day 4 Day 5. The second sheet reviews the weekly comprehension skill. "Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile." A question and answer booklet for the journal Antarctic Journal from the 2013 edition of Reading Street 4.2 (Unit 5, Week 4) Includes multiple-choice and short answer questions. His fractured arm bones will soon heal.
Unit 5 Week 4 This 200 page unit includes fact pages for arctic animals, full color images of arctic animals, blackline masters for interactive crafts, and informational student readers about each animal.
Grade 4 unit 5 "Antarctic Journey" foldable with target comprehension questions. Genre: Journal Comprehension Skill: Main Idea Comprehension Strategy: Text Structure Review Skill: Draw Conclusions Vocabulary: Word. Vocabulary Definitions (1 page)
Comprehension : Main Idea/Text Structure
3-5 Vocabulary in Context – Copy pages A and B back to back, fold on the solid lines, cut on the dotted lines, Illustrate and write a sentence for each vocab word Choose from 500 different sets of reading street 4 antarctic journal flashcards on Quizlet. – use your vocabula, This packet is aligned with Antarctic Journal Journeys 4th Grade Unit 3 Lesson 13. Include North Amer…, one of the seven great masses of land on Earth:example Antarct…, a mental image of what something could look like, temporary loss of strength and energy resulting from hard phys…, one of the seven large landmasses on the earth, a mental image produced by the imagination. Includes: Grades. Vocabulary Strategies: Word Structure They can also be used as literacy centers, independent work station, This supplemental activities unit will make teaching this lesson easier for the teacher and more enjoyable for the teacher! I will be slowly adding the remaining stories for 4th grade thr, Unit Three Lesson Thirteen
* Learning spelling words doesn't have to be boring! Please double check your curriculum, This "Antarctic Journal" Journeys 4th Grade Unit 3 Lesson 13 Google Drive resource is perfect for ELA CENTERS, Literacy STATIONS, Daily 5 ROTATIONS, EARLY FINISHERS, HOMEWORK, Sub Plans, Test Prep, and whole class using Google Classroom.
These spelling and vocabulary puzzles and activities that go along with the Reading Street Story "Antarctic Journal" give students several opportunities to practice the spelling words in a variety of fun ways to really make it st, This PowerPoint was created to use with the Journey's Lesson 13 for fourth grade.
Learn reading street 4 antarctic journal with free interactive flashcards. 3-5 R. Genre.
* A fill in the blank This is a trifold that can be done independently or in small groups for the story Antarctic Journal of the 4th grade Journeys series (2014, 2017 Common Core). In groups, I have students give an example of the word, and then I check with each group, Included in this packet are 2 worksheet activities to help with Antarctic Journal vocabulary words. Vocabulary Definitions Vocabulary Sentences Additional Resources. Great to use as a review activity or as students read the text.Helpful Hint: To maximise work area you can set page margin, Skill practice (or homework) sheet for Journeys Fourth Grade: Antarctic Journal (Unit 3, Lesson 13) Science: Earth Sciences, Adaptations If you have the 2014 edition some of the stories may be different from those I have created. Posters:
This unit will be great and en, This supplemental pack is aligned to the Journeys 2011/2012, 2014, and 2017 curriculum for 4th grade. This includes: The continents ar…, Reading Street Unit 5 - W4: Antarctic Journal, Act of anticipation; looking forward to; expectation, One of the seven great landmasses on Earth. Hiragana - Part 4: Long Vowels & Double Consonants | Guide to Reading Japanese, Hiragana: Double Vowels + Ka-Line Long Vowels, Reading Street Vocabulary: Antarctic Journal, act of anticipating; looking forward to; expectation, One of the seven great land areas of the world. Fourth Grade If you are using Journeys in your classroom, then these supplemental materials (based off the story "Antarctic Journal”) will make the learning more hands-on and exciting for both you and your studen, This is an 8 page supplemental set with an answer key to accompany "Antarctic Journal" by Jennifer Owings Dewey.
This is a file of comprehension questions that accompany the fourth grade Reading Street Program. These words are those featured in Harcort Reading books for 4th grade. Excellent for comprehension check, independent/group work, center, or homework. By Jennifer Dewey. (2014, 2017 Common Core), Antarctic Journal - 4th Grade Reading Street, Antarctic Journal | Journeys 4th Grade Lesson 13 Google | Distance Learning, Journeys 2014 Version Fourth Grade Unit 3 Lesson 13- Antarctic Journal, SF Reading Street Grade 4 Antarctic Journal Comprehension Trifold, Reading Street Spelling and Vocabulary Activities | Antarctic Journal, 4th Grade Reading Street Spelling and Vocab Full Year Bundle (Printable only), Antarctic Journal, Four Months at the Bottom of the World: Journey's Lesson 13, Hartcort Journeys 4th Grade Lesson 13 Antarctic Journal Vocab Packet, Fourth Grade Journey's Supplemental Activities: Antarctic Journal Lesson 13, Antarctic Journal Reading Street 4th Grade partner reading centers group work, "Antarctic Journal" QUIZ (Journeys Grade Four Reader).
This is a great partner reading activity to help the students get used to that common core language that we are all trying to integrate into our classrooms! Also included in: Journeys 4th Grade Unit 3 BUNDLE: Interactive Supplements 2014/2017 • GOOGLE, Also included in: Antarctic Journal | Journeys 4th Grade | Distance Learning and Printable Bundle, Also included in: Student Sheets/Close Reading Unit 5 Bundled for all 5 Main Selections, Also included in: Journeys 4th Grade Unit 3 Trifolds Bundle! Writing: Voice, Persuasive Ad Genre: Journal Click on author's photo to learn more about her. Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? Teachers Pay Teachers is an online marketplace where teachers buy and sell original educational materials. Genre: Journal **Please Note: This is from an older version of the Journeys program.