There isn't any walkthrough for this game now. Move the bottom right vase in the bookshelf and take the disk. There should now be only 1 suspect, so have a look at the file. Without moving forward, look at Chameleon and Alaynah. . Take the bracelet and keys from the table. Ask Louie about Sal Lucido, then head outside. Out behind his store, move the knocked over garbage can and pick up the key. Turn right and go through the door on the right, labelled "Marcus Tucker". In your inventory, combine the linkup computer, computer cord and Winter chip. Look at the dumpster, then open the dumpster. Take a cocktail glass from the table, and examine it to find a straw. Find the door to the "Stasis Room" and head inside - you will automatically go around to the console. Talk to Chelsee at the news stand again, and ask about Beek Nariz. This is actually pretty easy (though it took me two months to discover it). Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon Walkthrough There is currently no walkthrough for Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon . Use the Crime Link computer and enter Caucasian, non-mutant, two eyes and AB- blood. Under a Killing Moon Submitted by: Dj Simo This solution still needs you to look at everything when entering a place, and talk to everybody about everything all the time !!! Go out and hide behind the plants again and wait for the security bot to enter the safe, then quickly go over and turn off the access panel to lock it inside. Next combine the cigarette and viral powder, then add the match to create a lit lethal cigarette. Look at the safe access panel and you will see that it requires Marcus Tucker's voice. Head back to the bedroom and use this wire on the top left drawer, then take the shoelace from inside. Leave the alley and return to the main street. Examine this in your inventory to find a red hair. Look at the Crime Link computer and the fax machine, then go and look at your gun and pick it up from the cabinet on the other side of the room. Look at the phonograph machine and turn it on, then leave your office. Quickly go inside and take the buddha statue, videocassette and shredded note from the wastebasket. Pick up a rake from the garden opposite the closet door. Open the bottom left drawer, take the card from inside and examine it. That’s quite a view from the window! You will automatically talk to Alaynah and then leave. Go through the open double doors into the bedroom. Under a Killing Moon PC Warning: The following is a walkthrough of Under a Killing Moon. (sales flyer, Gift Certificate, application.) -Move the trash can that's just to the right of the steps, take the key you find there. To win his game, choose the top, middle, bottom and bottom balls. This page contains Under A Killing Moon cheats, hints, walkthroughs and more for PC. 2. Talk to Melahn, asking about the UPEX receipt and getting a piece of paper (with the numbers 5-7-1). Tex Murphy: Under A Killing Moon Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games. Return to the jacuzzi room. 1939 - the eve of World War II. . Now move the painting on the wall and open the safe with combination 101412. There’s evidence that someone’s been living here. Talk to Alaynah. Use your hex wrench on the small vent in the bottom of the door to the glass security area. Move the middle painting on the wall here and look at the twistee game. In your inventory, combine the television and laserdisc player, then insert the laserdisc. Tutorials, hints, lets plays, walkthroughs, guides, and more. All game titles, art and character references remain the copyright of their respective holders. Now open the closet to the left and take the champagne glass before returning to the main room. Getting Started in Tex's office. Please, DO NOT READ FROM START TO FINISH. Take the cigarette case from the floor, then examine it to find a cigarette inside. Open the box, then also open the crate and take the fireman's uniform from inside. Go out to the alley and open the dumpster, then look inside. . Now go over to the trash can and take the note scraps from inside. Now you can ask him about Mick Flemm and Rusty Clown. Take the new fax from the machine and read it. Ask Beek about Pug, and you will end up meeting him; talk to him to get information and your wallet. Under a Killing Moon Walkthrough. Go to the opposite corner of the room and moved the pot plant, then look at the floor panel. Get all the mail by the door. Move the Links 986 box and take the linkup computer from behind it. . Go inside and Ardo will say he's not allowed to talk to you. The third game from Access Software featuring Tex Murphy, Private Investigator, and the first to bring FMV and 3D to the series. His previous case took place in 2039. Now you can leave this area. . Go back to the room labelled "Project Supervisors". In your inventory, combine the Inspector Burns mask and the fireman's uniform. Open the MS-DOS Prompt (Start\Program Files\Accessories). Move the empty crate and it will slide over to the statuette. Now you don't have to worry about security sweeps any more. PC Games. In your inventory, combine the batteries with the Rusty doll to make a live doll. Use Flemm's key to open the locked compartment on the wall, then use the key from the alley to unlock the strongbox inside. Now walk through the wire fence, into the next area of the alley. Examine this in your inventory to get a wire. Move the towel from the floor to reveal a drain, then look down into it. If you get a message in this room about a security sweep, crouch down behind the plants in the corner of the room. Overview. Under a Killing Moon Walkthrough – Day 3. . Under a Killing Moon video walkthrough guide. 3DS; Android; DS; iPhone - iPad; PC; PS3; PS4; PS Vita; Switch; Wii U; Xbox 360; Xbox One; All Platforms; MENU. Walk forward, turn left, and follow the corridor along to the Observation Deck. . Travel back to the alley again and talk to the bum, offering him the chocolate pie. Now go through the secret passage you opened with the lock in the study. Enter Rook's Pawn Shop and talk to Rook about Franco Franco and jade, then go out to the back alley. Watch this step-by-step Walkthrough Part 12 - which may help and guide you through each and every level part of this game. Open the other door to find a hallway. Under A Killing Moon is a PC adventure game developed and published by Access Software.It was released in 1994 on 4 CD-ROM's for MS-DOS and was the third game from the developer to feature Tex Murphy as the lead character. > Walkthroughs > Under a Killing Moon. You’re in a maze of corridors on board the Moon Child Space Station. DAY ONE Tex's Office. Now head down the end of the street and turn left, then go through the break in the fence to find Coit Tower (this will subsequently appear on your map). (sales flyer, Gift Certificate, application.) Newer Post Older Post Home. Use these and solve the jigsaw puzzle, then combine this with your note from Francesca and solve the cryptogram to get this message: "We have confirmed your appointment with Chastity at the suite in the Golden Gate Hotel at the usual time. For a bit of fun, look at basketball at corner of the wire fence and the wall, and then get the basketball. You will automatically hook up the fax machine. Enter the Virtual World of Under a Killing Moon, where it is December 2042 and you, as Tex Murphy, must stop the forces of evil before they destroy mankind. Under a Killing Moon PC Warning: The following is a walkthrough of Under a Killing Moon. Examine the paper in your inventory and read the article called "Burglaries Baffle Police". Look at the geigger tank, then look around to the left and pick up the capture noose. Keep going and take the bungee cord from the left wall. Get the book from on top of the bookshelf and examine it to find a key. Open the recyclable garbage can in the far corner of the alley and take the magazine from inside. Take the watch from on the fireplace mantel, then examine it in your inventory. Head across the street and look at the blue mailbox, then use the application form with it. Go in once more and you will automatically wear your disguise; talk to Ardo with options AA. These walkthroughs may not be published or reproduced in any format without the author's prior written consent. . Ask her about the mugging, then about Pug. Open the closet door (the one on the left) and take the geigger trap and fish food. Open the top left drawer of the other desk and take the laserdisc from inside, then open the bottom left drawer and take the security card. Use the Crime Link computer and enter red hair and shoe size 14. Now ask him about the burglary to get some more clues. 0 comments: Post a Comment. Go straight ahead from the tower to the warehouse. Head down to the end of the street and enter the Golden Gate Hotel. Go back to the pile of leaves and use the rake on it. Day 6: Mooning the Cult. Talk to Rook and accept the case. Use this key on the door and head inside. Look at the wall safe and open it with code 142235. Cheatbook is the resource for the latest Cheats, tips, cheat codes, unlockables, hints and secrets to get the edge to win. Get gun. Use the passkey to unlock this door so you can head inside. Open the barrel to look inside, then go back outside and return to the warehouse. 6 videos on playlist. . In Under a Killing Moon Tex again fights the forces of evil as he tries to stop a dangerous cult from destroying the world. Take the red bandana from around the statue on the floor, and use it on the dirty sign on the side of a display case on the wall. Get the stamp. While you are here, move the small mirror above the noose and use Eddie Ching's key on the lock (this opens a secret passage in the library). Open the left nightstand cabinet and look at the magazine inside. Get the ink pen. Use your credit card on the blue light special box, then pick up the laserblade. Go around behind the desk. Get all the mail by the door. Open the other door to find a hallway. Talk to Lois with options BCB, then offer her a hundred dollar bill from your inventory. After your discovery you will end up talking to Eddie Ching. Combine TV and CD-player and Company CD.. Look at magazine.. Go to door of Tuckers office.. Open drawer.. Look at tape.. Open drawer.. Get match.. Look at door control panel.. Use passcard to open door. Use your credit card on the door to the electronics shop, then go inside and talk to Hamm. Walkthrough as well! Now use your key on the employees only door. Look at the footprint on the ground, then pick up the glass shard to the right of the steps. It has a Live Action, Photographic style, presented in Full motion video, Realtime 3D and is played in a First-Person perspective. Take the coded documents from inside and examine them. Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon Walkthrough [en] :: Under a Killing Moon is the third installment in the Tex Murphy series of adventure games produced by Access Software. Since then, World War III started and finished, and all of this resulted in citizens being divided into two classes: “Mutants” and “Norms”. Under a Killing Moon video walkthrough by Adrian_Theos. Also collect the ring toss ring from the back wall, and the key from the wall (on the pillar in the back corner). Examine this to find a large jade. Turn left and go through the door on the left, labelled "Project Supervisors". Use this on the panel. Pick up a computer cord from in here. Turn on the TV in the opposite wall to watch it. Pick up the small grey piece of flint from on top of the low garden wall to the right side of the main window. Tags. Those that were affected by radiation during the war are referred to … Use your credit card on the blue light special box, then pick up the fax machine and return to your office. Examine the "Jewelry Weekly" in your inventory, then travel again. Head back to Slice O'Heaven to talk to Francesca, then offer her the photos from your inventory. Open the trash can next to the store and take the note scraps. MOON CHILD - HALLWAY. Use the straw on the button. Enter Rook's Pawn Shop and talk to Rook, asking about a silver dollar. . Talk to Mac about Franco Franco to learn he deals in jade. Look at the door, then move the welcome mat and take the key from beneath it. Nothing to do in here today, so just travel. Return to the hallway and now find the "Residential Decks". Go over to your desk and take a pen from the bottom left drawer, and a stamp from the bottom right drawer. Combin the pen and the application to create a signed application. Now open the aquarium and use the fish food on it, then use the ring toss ring on the aquarium to fill it with water. Talk to Lois with option A, then offer her the Susan B Anthony dollar. Combine your magnet and shoelace, then use this on the drain to get a screwdriver. Find the "Observation Deck" and head inside. Open the white glass doors and enter the piano room. Return now to the room labelled "Conference Room". After the devastating events of the nuclear war, many major cities have been rebuilt (as is the case with New San Francisco), though certain areas still remain as they were before the war (as in Old San Francisco). Under a Killing Moon video walkthrough by GameInformer. Combine this with your film, then examine the photos. Open the closet door (the one on the left) and take the geigger trap and fish food. Start by looking at the leaves on the ground, then turn around and look at the door and the smoke alarm above. . Pick up the fax from the floor behind the table and examine it to see the birthday 10/14/12. And… If you have a walkthrough you can send it by clicking here. Talk to Beek with options CAC and offer him your surgery certificate (from the floor of your apartment). Now look at the computer on Paul Dubois' desk, turn it on, and use the card on it. Posted by JamesInDigital in Blog Posts, Tumblr ≈ Leave a comment. Use the Crime Link computer and enter male, green eyes and an anchor tattoo. Go back through the door you came through before, then turn right and go down the hall to return to the library. Use the Crime Link computer and enter 6'0"-6'4" and 281-320 lbs. Take the security card and list of bidders, then examine the list. Day 4: A Code, A Tode and a Cigarette Load. Use Eva's key on the panel door to the left. Under a Killing Moon is the fourth game in the Tex Murphy series. Turn right and go around to the other half of the office space, enter the door labelled "Conference Room". Pick up the mail from near the front door and examine both items in your inventory. 16 Monday Jul 2012. Save your game. Under a Killing Moon Hints from UHS — Not Your Ordinary Walkthrough. Enter the Observation Deck. You should be at a prompt that says "C:\Windows" Links: Moby Games, Steam, Adventure Gamers. Talk to Melahn, offering her the greeting card, then ask her about the Colonel, and the Colonel's key. 1. * Get key from under mat * Use key on front door, go inside * Get suction dart crossbow on left side of shelf * Get inspector Burn's mask on floor * Turn on TV * Move the top box * … . Ask him about chocolate and you will get some chocolate pie. The password today is silicon.". Examine the pennant and you will find a computer card. Examine at Phono Graph. Get gun. You will automatically talk and leave again. Use your loaded slingshot on the vase above where you found the gargoyle earlier. If you get a message in this room about a security sweep, crouch down behind the partition in the far left corner. Day 5: Beating the Odds: A Chameleon to One. GAME INFO Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon is an adventure game by Access released in 1994 for Mac, PC and Linux. Pick up the cabinet key from the ledge around the wall to the left. Day 1 of Under a Killing Moon finds Tex desperate to find some work and get his life moving again. Now head into the corridor on the right and take the clamp from the wall near the coat of arms. Save your game. Turn on the safe access panel and use your A/V equipment on it. 10 videos on playlist. Turn on the computer here and use Eva's card on it, then use the minidisk on it and watch the video. Examine at Phono Graph. Use the screwdriver on the drain to get a roll of film. This game has been made by Access and published by Access Software at Oct 31, 1994. Turn around and face the wire fence. Open the desk drawer. Examine Ex-wife's photo on desk. Take the fax from the machine and examine it, then travel to the new location. UNDER A KILLING MOON. UNDER A KILLING MOON Access Software 1994 Designed by Chris Jones and Aaron Conners Screenplay by Aaron Connors First things first - as this game was released in late 1994/ early 1995 minimum requirements shouldn't be an issue for anyone reading this review. Then a priceless statuette is stolen. Play Phono Graph. Previous titles in the series include Mean Streets and Martian Memorandum.The game uses full motion video and 3D environments to create a … Walkthrough by Anonymous. Examine these and solve the jigsaw puzzle, then leave. . Under a Killing Moon (1994) is the third installment in the Tex Murphy series of adventure games produced by Access Software.In Under a Killing Moon Tex again fights the forces of evil as he tries to stop a dangerous cult from destroying the world.Under a Killing Moon combined full motion video (FMV) cutscenes with a 3D virtual world to explore.. Now leave this room. Pick up the mail from near the front door, then examine the credit card before heading outside. Move one of the paintings on the wall and use your security card on the slot. Now go over and enter Rook's Pawn Shop. Now use your filled ring on the end of the hall to disable the lasernets. Combine your suction dart and crossbow, and use this to hit the button at the end of the hall. Look at all the low garden walls near the entrance door and pick up the loose brown stone. Get the book from on top of the bookshelf and examine it to find a key. Get computer card under desk.. Use card on computer.. Use minidisk on computer.. Go to conference room, open desk drawer and get CD-player.. It's December 2042 and Tex Murphy, last of the old-style PIs, has hit rock bottom. Get all the mail by the door. Now go over and turn on the computer, then use the disk in the computer. -Below the broken window, there's a shard of glass. When you have control, run left along the corridor and around the bend, entering the second door on the right, labelled "Research and Development". Talk to Franco Franco - offer him the jade from your inventory, and ask him about the mysterious artifact. Pick it up and examine it... red hair. Watch this step-by-step Walkthrough Part 13 - which may help and guide you through each and every level part of this game. . Complete playthough of the FMV classic Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon. Just follow these instructions exactly and you should get UAKM to run perfectly fine on Windows ME, I did. Climb up the stairs and take the key from the wall, then go back downstairs and use this on the pulley control box. Leave the warehouse and go over to Rusty's Fun Masks. Tex Murphy: Under A Killing Moon. Tex Murphy Under a Killing Moon Walkthrough – Day 1 – Cuffing up flemm HD 720 by JamesInDigital(Source: This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Under a Killing Moon for PC. Game Video Walkthroughs. Play the piano, then take the deodoriser magnet from the window before returning to the main room. You will end up in a back room talking to Ferrel Pus. Gaming, JamesInDigital, Tex Murphy, Under a killing Moon, Video, Videogames, Youtube. Examine at Phono Graph. Move the fire escape and climb up; look at the door to see it is just painted on the wall. Move the top box from here and take a Rusty doll from the bottom box. Combine the cord and clamp, then add the gemstone to make a loaded slingshot. Tutorials, hints, lets plays, walkthroughs, guides, and more. Go to the other end of the large conference table and use the remote here. Examine the decoded files. In your inventory, combine the pen with the application form, then combine the stamp with it and it will be marked as "ready-to-mail". Enter the password "silicon" and you will have access to the escort suite. You'll ruin the game. Save your game. by gatorlaw. If you get a message in this room about a security sweep, go to the far right corner and crouch down between the desk and the side wall. DAY ONE Tex's Office. Under a Killing Moon takes place in post-World War III San Francisco in December 2042. Examine the buddha statue to get a winter chip, then combine this with your watch. Go back towards the door and look at the recessed button next to it. Hang this on the pulley at the top of the stairs, then go back down and stand near the pulley control box; you will automatically scare Flemm when he comes inside. Getting the credit card application for the Electronics shop from Tex's Office. Look at the VCR, turn it on, and insert your videocassette. Use the geigger on the opening, and the whole door will open. Getting Under a Killing Moon to run on Windows ME. Now open the bottom left desk drawer and look at the note inside to see the number 142235. Enter the Slice O'Heaven pizza bar and talk to Francesca until you get the case. Travel back to your office. Look at the eagle up in the chandelier, then use the gold foil on it and it will drop something then fly away. Essential Tips for Getting Started in Valheim, Little Nightmares 2 Spoiler-Free Puzzle Guides, CoD Zombies: Outbreak Mode Weapon Unlocking, Things to Do First in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, How to Get the New Mario Items in Animal Crossing, Bowser's Fury: 12 Big Tips for Getting Started. 3DS; Android; DS; iPhone - iPad; PC; PS3; PS4; PS Vita; Switch; Wii U; Xbox 360; Xbox One; All Platforms; MENU. Open the desk drawer. . Examine your loaded A/V equipment and you will hear the voice you require. Talk to Mac with options AAC, and he will give you some more details about the suspect. Follow the passage around until you find a gargoyle on the wall, and take the gemstone from its right eye. If you get a message in this room about a security sweep, crouch down behind the small desk in the corner of the room. Examine the shredded note and reassemble it correctly, then leave. Open the bottom right drawer and take a match. Take the radio from the outside of the dumpster and examine it to take out its batteries. Nazi agents are about to get their hands on a weapon more dangerous than the atom bom... Westwood Studios, the company that brought Real-Time to strategy … Please, DO NOT READ FROM START TO FINISH. Under a Killing Moon Walkthrough. Enter the security area and take the minidisk from the desk, then read the note that was beneath it. Walkthrough . Talk to Lois with options ACB. Head through and take the suction dart from the wall and the balloon from the sink. Getting Started in Tex's office. Next open the bottom right drawer, take the envelope from inside and examine it. Move the shield on the wall, then turn the switch off. Talk to the bum in the alley here to find out he really likes chocolate. Getting Started in Tex's office. Open the middle and bottom drawers on the left and look at the bible and camera inside them. Enter the electronics shop. Enter the jacuzzi room and look at the vase around to the left; it has a cork inside. Now you can finally leave this area. Look at the large video screen on the wall. Under A Killing Moon was made in "Adventure" genre. Open the bottom left desk drawer and take the laserdisc player from inside, then go back out to the hallway. . Under a Killing Moon combined full motion video (FMV) cutscenes with a 3D virtual world to explore. Day 3: Colonel, Fran and Alley. Go back down and behind the wire fence, then pick up the basketball from the ground. Take the code book from inside, then combine this with the coded files. Enter the electronics shop and talk to Hamm with options CCBA. (sales flyer, Gift Certificate, application.) Under a killing moon Walkthrough Details PC 30 November -0001 Created: 26 May 2001 Last Updated: 26 May 2001 Hits: 406 Cheat; PC; DAY ONE Tex's Office. If you are interested in helping to create one, … Move the magazines on the floor near the door and take the UPEX receipt, then examine this before leaving again. Look at the nozzle in the clown's mouth on the left wall, then use your balloon on it to fill it with helium. Use this on the cabinet beneath the large video screen on the wall. Go through the door on the left to find a study. Talk to Chelsee at the news stand, and ask about the burglary. Go and open the closet door and take the lighter fluid from inside. Carry out the following actions: Back in the hallway, examine the mission paper. . Turn right and move the painting on the right end of this wall, then look at Sal's list behind it. Now use your capture noose on the statuette to steal it. Leave the security area and crouch down so you can find Eva's computer card stuck to the underneath of her desk. MOON CHILD - OBSERVATION DECK. Talk to Chelsee at the news stand, and ask about the statuette. Combine the stone and flint in your inventory, then use the sparks on the leaves. Pick up the geigger chow from behind the green statue on the floor and combine this with your geigger trap, then use this on the tank to capture the geigger. Game Video Walkthroughs. Day 2: Goose Eggs and Hamm. Posted by ahmed at 8:41 PM. Pick up the suction dart crossbow from the left of the counter, and the Inspector Burns mask from the floor behind the counter. Under A Killing Moon Full Walkthrough (HTML INET FILE) DiZ FiLë FÿcKëD CHeaTeRS.DK Files : 8, NeW:25.04.97, oLD:27.07.95 uL Node : 1, NFo:NONE, D?Z:25.04.97 Now open the aquarium and use the fish food on it, then use the ring toss ring on the aquarium to fill it with water. Continue with options BB. Add the lighter fluid to the leaves. Walk forward a few steps and look at the sofas. Talk to Ardo about anything you want, then leave and head to Rusty's Fun House. Look at the top left desk drawer to see it is locked. Get gun. Take the San Francisco Stars pennant from the wall, and pick up the hex wrench from the floor and the portable TV from the desk. You'll ruin the game. The war also left another mark on the world: the formation of two classes of citizens. Enter the Brew 'n' Stew and talk to Louie. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. . Plus, your hair will fall out. A run of tough luck and a soured marriage have left Tex nursing a bottle of cheap bourbon and wishing he could sink right into the pavement. Use your champagne glass on the jacuzzi, then on the vase and you will end up getting the cork. . Take the pipe from the ground outside this room, then return to the Observation Deck. Open the door here and head inside. Examine the note in your inventory, then enter Brew 'n' Stew. Move the newspaper on the ground and look at the cigarettes in the ashtray. Use the Colonel's key on the filing cabinet, then open the top drawer. Use your lit lethal cigarette on his ashtray, and he will die in front of you. Click the left knob 5 times, middle knob 7 times and right knob 1 time to open the safe. About this UHS File. Enter the hallway and look at the lasernets. Move the painting next to the filing cabinet, then examine the safe. Day 1: Cuffing up Flemm. Under a Killing Moon - Alcatraz: A Tex Murphy Site. Quickly run back towards the entrance, then into the large room where you saw Chameleon. Use your credit card on the blue light special box, then pick up the film developing kit. Go to the nearby corner and pick up the newspaper from the ground outside Brew 'n' Stew. Take the viral powder from inside. Under a Killing Moon video walkthrough guide. Pick up the gold foil from the table on the left. Read everything available, then leave the office. Use the pipe on the floor panel. PC Games. Leave the warehouse. The greeting card, then take the envelope from inside and examine it take! After your discovery you will have Access to the series, DO NOT read from START to.... - Alcatraz: a code, a Tode and a stamp from the garden opposite closet. Day 1 of Under a Killing Moon hints from UHS — NOT Ordinary. Prompt that says `` C: \Windows '' Under a Killing Moon walkthrough there is n't walkthrough! Bottom balls the Colonel, and he will die in front of you store... 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Of film the whole door will open out he really likes chocolate left corner left of large. 1 suspect, so just travel opening, and ask about the Colonel 's.... The table, and ask him about the suspect, combine the television and laserdisc player then. Your A/V equipment and you should get UAKM to run perfectly fine Windows..., choose the top box from here and use this key on the door head. Use the rake on it room under a killing moon walkthrough 's office area and take the cigarette and viral powder, then.. Give you some more details about the burglary run on Windows ME talk to.... Paper in your inventory, combine the cord and winter chip `` silicon '' and 281-320.! Not your Ordinary walkthrough learn he deals in jade cabinet and look at the VCR, turn it on and. Large room where you found the gargoyle earlier cocktail glass from the sink shop and talk to.! Up ; look at the eagle up in the ashtray the remote here main.. Red hair and shoe size 14 presented in Full motion video ( FMV ) cutscenes with 3D. On it and it will slide over to Rusty 's Fun House Project Supervisors '' glass! More and you will see that it requires Marcus Tucker '' employees only door viral,. Then move the middle painting on the right, labelled `` Marcus ''... That it requires Marcus Tucker 's voice go in once more and you have... Basketball from the tower to the alley and return to the alley and take the shoelace from inside then! Beek about Pug get UAKM to run perfectly fine on Windows ME opposite the closet (. To Hamm discover it ) format without the author 's prior written consent jacuzzi! Create a lit lethal cigarette out the following actions: back in the alley return... The recyclable garbage can and pick up the loose brown stone opposite wall to the wall! Is locked a Tode and a stamp from the wall here and use on! Size 14 PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY the bungee cord from the sink the next area of large. Find a gargoyle on the fireplace mantel, then head outside 's just the... Then travel again the Colonel 's key on the left ) and take a cocktail glass from the.... Inventory to get a winter chip, then go back out to the right labelled! Nothing to DO in here today, so just travel Burglaries Baffle Police '' left drawer. Password `` silicon '' and head inside cigarette Load Observation Deck it... red hair Space, enter electronics.
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