This is the same Eden that we know from the Bible. The 'Necronomicon Anunnaki Bible' is a masterpiece of Mesopotamian Mardukite Magick and Spirituality providing the most complete collection of Sumerian and Babylonian accounts of human history and civilization in one book, composing in itself a 'bible' and actually proving to be the predecessor and basis of global scripture-based traditions thereafter. There is a great flood. The Sumerian kings list has only eight in the list while the Bible gives 10 patriarchs before the Flood (including Noah). The Sumerians are thought to have been powerful warriors, skilled at agriculture, architecture, and literature. What’s interesting is that these were the gods found within the Sumerian tablets. So you don’t need to ‘see’ God The force or part of it, is already in and around you all the time. Atlantis looks like some kind of fairytale, but it and all these megalithic structures, might be from a time, before out own timeline, call it before that flood, call it whatever you like. He was living in Mesopotamia when God called him to leave there and go to a new land that God would show him (the land of Canaan, present day Lebanon and Israel) (Genesis 12:1–3; Hebrews 11:8–9). Video transcript. This book relays people to their correct dieties.. Ur fell in 2004 BC. The younger generation is being taught things different from what we learned just 30 years ago. It seems reasonable to assume that they belong to the same ori But that was not the case. I think Einstein kinda proved god exists. Here are 10 verses related to Mesopotamia. Yet it is impossible to know WHO is communicating this way… I suppose we will know soon enough. between two rivers. Then the Third Dynasty of Ur The legend of Sargon of Akkad or Agade III. To create man, according to the Sumerians, a god was sacrificed. Ninill was the goddess that ruled over the land, and Enlil was her husband. Law Collections from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor by Martha Different cities rose to power during these times. In Shinar was located Babylon, Erech (Uruk) and Akkad, all sumerian/akkadian cities. The Annunaki have left some strands of evidence that they existed, and the link to giants is one of the many that are still explored today. In the modern world, paper (and various electronic devices) is the medium on which … Kramer: “The achievements of the Sumerians in the areas of religion, education, and literature left a deep impression not only on their neighbors in space and time but on the culture of modern man as well, specially through their influence, indirect though it was, on the ancient Hebrews and the Bible. Has anyone read about Transhumanism ? I read all of Sitchin’s books last year. Preface ix intimate connection between the ancient Hebrews and Sumerians than has been suspected. telling of the creation of man and animals, antediluvian cities and their This person who have had an arm span of 4’6”. Why? Some of us call upon the wrong God for blessings.. Seek Jesus first, He is the way and will reveal truth as we seek it – through Him. As you already know, Noah was in charge of saving all the world’s animals, and it was his great-grandfather who wrote the Book of Enoch. The most advanced Bible Dictionary. What is the purpose of my life in which I believe was given special gifts to understand God and every creation. It talks about Manasseh’s daughters getting an equal inheritance as the sons of other tribes as Manasseh had no sons. This is What we’re going to discuss is the Annunaki in the Bible. In my spiritual readings, including a BA in Anthropology, a hoax? sexagesimal system which counts by 60. It all comes to 1 single source, spread all over the planet and changed due to culture and local differences of people. Before we jump into the scripture itself, let’s try to clarify what we know about the who they Annunaki were. I don’t think many people have actually even looked at this and/or other lost books of the Bible. One of the differences Sumerians really don't show up in the Bible. It tells of the kings who ruled in a minute and 60 minutes in an hour. Ouija boards, astrology, Islam, etc. Religion is a power house built on fear not love ! The Sumerians regarded their divinities as responsible for all matters pertaining to the natural and social orders. This form is no longer accepting new submissions. Keep in mind that this occurs after the great flood, meaning that these giants must have roamed the earth even after the flood occurred. This chart contains a list of … The Myth Of Etana . Genesis 24:10 | View whole chapter | See verse in context And the servant took ten camels of the camels of his master, and departed; for all the goods of his master were in his hand: and he arose, and went to Mesopotamia, unto the city of Nahor. many times to make sure I Genesis 10:1 This is the account of Noah's sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth, who also had sons after the flood. | The Bible Sumerians: Is The Bible Plagiarism. These gods are very similar to the gods that you would know from ancient Greece and Rome, and this is the first time that we hear about the garden of Eden. today it is known our second and third chromosomes are fused. The Samaritans were a people group in the Bible that lived in the area of Israel following the Assyrian conquest. The scripture that is of the main importance is [Genesis 5:18]. In one of the first stories ever to be written in the … According to these tablets, the Anunnaki, or Anannge, were angels. Who are the sumerians in the bible Each Bose product has a unique serial number or 4-digit code located on the product or original packaging. The Sumerian tablets were written by the Sumerians. I have study and read a lot in philosophy. Did the Sumerians and Illuminati invent the God of the Bible? The earliest record of a Sumerian creation myth, called The Eridu Genesis by historian Thorkild Jacobsen, is ... the Utnapishtim episode in the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Genesis flood narrative in the Bible. Home Sumerian language is different from all The Book of Enoch is named after the pre-Flood patriarch but scholars contend it was written post-Flood. There is much hidden from us, yes but how much of that is the result of evil, demonic forces? I’ve heard parts of them but I’ve came to believe that the annunaki are the fallen angels. This world is not what you think it is.. The Sumerian King List states that Eridu was the “city of the first kings,” stating: “After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridu”. Ancient Sumerian Astrology: Melchizedek the Astrologer. These people build, Baalbek, Sphinx, Gizeh, Yonaguni, created these stomped straight cutoff mountains at nazca.. And some of them survived and shared their knowledge with the Sumerians. There is also a Babylonian version of the myth, which is called "The Descent of Ishtar," and she is known elsewhere as Astarte. Why is god naming his holy book after other gods?? There is still enough around us, to state that there had to be a very intelligent human race thousands of years ago, no they were not stone age dumb cavemen.. of his evil deeds. Abraham, the founder of the Jews,was said in the bible to have come from Ur, which was at one time Sumerian city. They tell us what may have really occurred on Earth and to the Earth. I’m still searching, but what I’ve discovered so far rings true in my being. His body and his blood was mixed with clay to create the first human being – in the likeness of the gods. According to these tablets, the Anunnaki, or Anannge, were angels. Who created this words? I always thought it suspicious why they would purposely remove Enoch’s tales from the Bible. I really believe that the Anunnaki are still here. Found within many of his famous books, Sitchin explores ancient mythology, megalithic structures around the world and various books to demonstrate that an extraterrestrial race visited the planet. They produced great literature, their laws were as benign as British common law (C. Leonard Wolley, The Sumerians, New York: W.W. Norton, 1965, Pages 90-122), and their mathematics were only improved upon by the brilliant Greeks. Genesis 10:1 - Now these [are] the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood.. but by the time of Abraham no longer spoke Sumerian. Ur was not called Ur of the Chaldeans until the time of the Neo-Babylonian Old Testament Today it is hard to realise how little was known about Assyria and Babylonia 150 years ago. Mesopotamia & the Fertile Crescent. The Akkadian Empire Historians consider Sumerians "proto-Euphrateans" who lived near the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The Sumerians were possibly the earliest society to emerge in the world, in Southern Mesopotamia more than 5000 years ago. It’s interesting to note that the Sumerians believed that man was created in the image of god, much like the Bible … Keep an open mind.. AVERBECK Sumer, The Bible, and Comparative Method 93 although the northern and western regions were much more advanced than previously thought and developed independently of southern Mesopotamia during the first part of the Uruk period, they did not achieve the high level of cultural development that we know from the Sumerians in southern Mesopotamia, the so-called 'cradle of … Within the Sumerian tablets, Ninlil asks the Council of seven to create what is called “Eden.” This is a heavenly garden. You’ll also find mention of Enki, which is a Sumerian God who is considered the Lord of the earth. | Biblical Archaeology All physical beings in the scriptures are more developed forms of ‘living beings’ who are also ‘lower’ than ‘God’. In the Sumerian tradition, in which much of the Bible is rooted, the story is called, "From the Great Above to the Great Below" or "The Descent of Inanna." We know this is controversial for many to read, but we are asking those with open minds to consider the scriptures in a different light. This is the currently selected item. Not surprisingly, the Watchers were in charge of watching over “Eden.”. at Akkad. Though the Bible does not specifically say, Abraham may have been a Sumerian. Sumerians left behind scores of written records, but they are more renowned for their epic poetry, which influenced later works in Greece and Rome and sections of the Bible… If you read the Sumer texts about Anu in a wrestling match, and compare it to the Old Testament Job with his wretsling match, you may find that Anu and Jacob were the same person. When you begin to look deep into the Bible, you’ll see that there are some similarities that often go overlooked by even the most religious people. 2020-02-26 aprilmomoffour Archaeology, Bible, faith. A tradition exists that Abraham was a great Sumerian astrologer who studied in the Sumerian cities of Ur and Mari. | Homeschool Resources The Akkadian Empire rose to power with Sargon from 2334 to 2279. It is only natural that anthropologists, historians and those who study religion to look for parallels between the earliest docoments of the Old Testament and the Sumerian/Babylonian/Akkadian religions in Mesopotamia. Humanity restarted in the past, and some leftovers of knowledge, people etc.. were the base of our known timeline we live in right now. If the field of academia were a legitimate institution they would argue why these theories were false or not very likely but instead they would rather label us as crazy. The most widely read book in all of history, the Bible has pushed the faith of billions of people and has shaped the very world that we live in. It could be that these texts go against what the church has been telling us for centuries. The Bible mentions plenty of stories about Samaritans, and the hatred between Jews and Samaritans features prominently in the Gospels. I agree with Openmind, He/She comes the closes to my believe on a matter in which we did not witness but have come to accept based on what we have learned. The Table of Nations in Genesis 10. Such occurrences include Giants in the Bible. Even in our own Bible, we see that there is some proof behind the Annunaki that many people shrug off as a mere myth itself. I will keep researching, I guess some aliens were banging my ancesters as I have B- blood type, It is no coincidence, that many religions share common basics, well known stories. I like your logic, Indeed we humans are trained to compete and rule over each other, while there are enough resources for all of us, we don’t see each other equally, some want more and some get nothing. The Nibiru Cataclysm: Has Planet X Returned To Our Solar System? The Sumerians were not only advanced in astrology, but in all other aspects of culture as well. Patriarchal Life in Canaan. Elish is an Akkadian creation story with some parallels with Genesis 1-2. They were wonderful. the. is very similar to Noah’s flood story (Genesis 6-9). These are very important parts of Scripture that often go overlooked by readers, but shed some light on a different side of the Bible and the very faith that billions of people believe in. Indeed, man, as he is today, was created by the Gods, but these Gods are not supernatural spiritual beings but aliens from another planet. The last book of the Bible is the Book of Revelation, and the last verse is 22:21. Song of the Hoe, and Enki and Ninmah. Sumerians built the Ziggurat of Ur in a city of the same name to worship a moon deity, Nanna. Next lesson. The Annunaki were also tied to the Watchers which are found in the Book of Enoch. This was a society that invented writing, and had advanced knowledge of mathematics, science and astronomy. Bible=Bi-Bull=2 Bulls. There is no mention of giants in the NIV or the Complete Jewish Bible. Religions spread all over the globe, but within our known history of mankind, we not connected in the past. Hard to say what went on that many centuries ago, however, alot of it seems somehow to ring true. Who are the Sumerians ? Your email address will not be published. Or Sophia’s story………. Webmaster:, Sumerian Flood Story Tablet at U of Penn Museum (replica), Sumerian King List, called the Weld-Blundell prism at Long before the Bible, There were the Sumerian Tablets. The people nowadays living in Egypt, are not the people who build Gizeh… people came, claimed, destroyed and re-used.. There is the "Curse of Agade" because Use this table of contents to go to any section: Contents. Mesopotamia: The country between the Tigris River and the Euphrates River; Abraham a Native of; Nahor Lived in ; People Who Lived In, Called Syrians; Balaam from; The People of Israel … The exact wording is: “And the women conceiving brought forth giants, whose stature was each three hundred cubits.”. Your are not crazy. Interesting cross connection. I haven’t seen mention of the Archons (much) anywhere. Mesopotamia (between the rivers), the entire country between the two rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates. but it still dosnt change the fact that the bible never contradicts itself and is the living word of the Lord, hey lets forget the past sufferings and jettison into the stars we make our lives as they are but corruptions slow are progress down lets go all the way what can we loose for giving our best to our unanswered dreams. the first true empire in Mesopotamia. | Other Views But when you look deeper into the Sumerian tablets, you start to notice that there is a stark comparative relationship between the Bible and what these ancient cultures believed in. etc…. Of all the ancient artifacts I have studied, the Sumerian Kings list brings the largest “wow” factor to me, outside of the claims of the Bible itself. This is the first true empire in... Third Dynasty of UR. //--> this is their handy work going back around 200 000 years ago. I have A- blood and have been researching about that. I have much other knowledge which proves the bible is about hiding the truth and deception, Your email address will not be published. Published: 4 November 2017 (GMT+10) We receive lots of questions about wide-ranging theological topics, and we seek to help people to think through these issues biblically. In the biblical Book of Genesis, chapter 1, it states that God divided the … its confusing I know!. to have their parallels in the Bible-the book which played so large a role in Western culture-and which point to a far more . This language was written in a script known as cuneiform, which was later adapted by other languages that emerged in Mesopotamia and its neighboring regions, including Akkadian, Elamite, and Hittite.. The Sumerians were the oldest known civilization with city-states, fortified The Sumerians; The Akkadians; Abrahamic Mesopotamia. They still need the gold and they have allowed us to grow. The Giants can be found in Chapter 7 of the Book of Enoch. The Sumerians were possibly the earliest society to emerge in the world, in Southern Mesopotamia more than 5000 years ago. Overview. Illuminati is something we hope to dig deeper into in 2017. They are just a much more advanced version of us or something like us. These aliens from another planet are Anunnaki from planet Nibiru. No Katherine it’s the other way around!!!!!! | The Bible & Science Ancient Mesopotamia and the Hebrew Bible. He then overthrew the king, and set up his own kingdom C O N T E N T S: KEY TOPICS. What is very important to understand is that the Annunaki are not the creators of the world, or the human race. Interestingly, the Annunaki Fallen Angels would mix with indigenous people as stated within The Book of Enoch. Annunaki is a phrase that has been made famous by Zecharia Sitchin. It has nothing to do with the real Creator ! The Sumerian tablets were written by the Sumerians. Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary. You didn’t get the scripture right for Joshua 17:5. But it appears to provide information regarding the antediluvian period which is not found in the Genesis account. I think that no one has ever ‘seen or met’ God, the supreme creator. when Yahweh cuts off there power as he did to the prophets of baal in the story pretaining to jesabel and also the story or Egypt and the ten commandments, they had dark powers that’s undeniable but that faucet was cutoff when the Lord stopped in to show his true power, the Holy bible is true! These were people that were technologically advanced and actually lived on earth around 8200 BC in the Middle East. In Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta Sumer They survived through the time of Jesus, and even, in limited numbers, to the present day. We have people, such as Bates, that stood 7’11” tall, and even Charlemagne, whom they say was 8 feet tall. Dr. Michael Heiser often calls them the Klingons of the ancient world. This was a society that invented writing, and had advanced knowledge of mathematics, science and astronomy. Use fewer words in your search, especially if you’re unsure of the exact phrase. Sumerian religion was the religion practiced and adhered to by the people of Sumer, the first literate civilization of ancient Mesopotamia. Mesopotamian Celestial Divinities; Mesopotamia & the Bible. It reached its peak around 6,500 years ago when it had the distinction of being a very advanced civilization with a sophisticated written language, magnificent architecture for the time, complex mathematics, and amazing astronomy. No matter what religion it might be all are sons and daughters of God . Is everything I was ever taught, in Sunday School. But keep in mind that this all occurred before the great flood that Noah is known to be a part of in biblical history. It started out as pictograms. For example, “baptizing name Father” and “baptizing them in the name of the Father” will both return Matthew 28:19; however, the latter leaves a greater chance for spelling and syntax errors. I would not say it is a hoax per se, but you have to question how the stories are passed down over time and why certain parts are omitted. Stories of the world’s creation can be found in just about every culture of the world. Although a close correlation exists between these lists, it seems the Sumerian list has omitted the first man and the man who survived the Flood (Adam and Noah). While Sumer is not specifically mentioned in the Bible, Sumerian culture and literature likely impacted biblical authors as mediated through other ancient Near Eastern cultures. from the past as being marked with the seal of ignorance, one might conclude that the Sumerians lacked vigilance in describing the divine. Other versions of the Bible may say something else. For more than 40 years, the Biblical Archaeology Society has partnered with world-renowned hosts and guides to provide you exceptional educational offerings in … document.write((modDate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + There was a war in heaven that caused the Watchers to mingle with the women on earth that eventually resulted in the Giants being born. Sorry. towns and the development of writing called cuneiform which is Latin for So it is not unreasonable to assume that many of the Sumerians and Babylonian traditions, such as the stories of Creation and the Deluge, were known also to the Hebrews, or at least to their leaders. The one thing that tied the whole thing together for me was reading the Secret book Sorry, I meant Jacob, not Job (see above). So many questions. Bible Gateway treats “nameoftheFather” and “name of the Father” differently. Much like the Bible, the Book of Enoch is really a series of different books. See this for the actual Joshua 17:5 verse:, I have always questioned the things that made no sense, and spent the last few years searching for answers. 7 Instances - Page 1 of 1 Expand or Limit Your Search Results: All KJV books Old Testament only New Testament only Apocrypha only (?) "MESOPOTAMIA" in the KJV Bible. Now the reason that we’re talking about this book is because of: The Watchers fell to earth and are our form of Angels who fathered the Nephilim. Genesis 6:4 states that: “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”. List (SKL) also mentions a great flood. For humans Fear is the key to rule others. One major story that parallels the Bible is the Sumerian Flood Story that is very similar to Noah’s... Akkadian Empire. from the past as being marked with the seal of ignorance, one might conclude that the Sumerians lacked vigilance in describing the divine. There are some people that are exceptionally tall. The last King of the Akkad empire was Naram-Sin, which means "lover The extent of the Hebrew debt to Sumer becomes more apparent from day to day as a result … WATCH AD-FREE: the dusts of Iraq, the ruins of the world's first civilization lie buried. Someone who helps others is often referred to as a “good Samaritan.” But what is a Samaritan? The Biblical Enoch corresponds to a remarkable degree with the figure of Etana in Sumerian tradition. Then came the Early Dynastic II and var modYear = modDate.getYear() ing the world’s first mass effort to pass along knowledge in order to I seem to suffer the same fate as you, i feel disconnected, i am here for something, and dont seem to figure it out. rulers, and then the great flood. Unfortunately, the equation is not so simple, indeed, those who will have been attentive noted that where the Bible speaks of "God", the Sumerians refer to gods, as it is customary to present what comes. Babylonian and Assyrian records refer to Syria and Israel as "Hatti-land," and Joshua 1:4 includes their territory as a great part of the Promised Land for Israel. Where do Giants fit into all of this? It is at this time that the Sumerians (from the land of Sumer, known as Shinar in the Bible - Genesis 10:10), speaking a non-Semitic language (Packer, Tenney, & White, Jr., … Mankind becomes more sophisticated in his thinking, they have up deception. The Romans never build the base of their Jupiter temple, it was already sitting there.. Roth. Moses talked with God Himself and we have the book of Genesis as a result. The Arabian geographers term it "the Island," a name … Appreciate the feedback Ross, thank you very much. The Sumerians had a common language and believed in the same gods and goddesses. 90 Mesopotamia and the Bible Already in 1959 Kramer isolated 15 themes or motifs that occur in both the Bible and Sumerian literature: creation out of a primeval sea that existed before the creation, mankind fashioned out of clay and granted the 'breathe of life', creation by both command and 'making' or 'fashioning', paradise stories, the flood, rivalry motifs like that of Cain and Abel, the Tower of Babel, … YHVH Kills 2,476,633 NOT including the Flood or Sodom and Gomorrah while “satan” has 10……..YOU Obviously do NOT study the Bible…..I AM…a Bible Scholar and YHVH is an ASSHOLE. This is within the holy Bible, and directly correlates with the two texts The Book of Enoch and the Sumerian tablets. rose to power with Sargon from 2334 to 2279. I could be wrong but that is what sounds correct to me, You are correct in you’re thinking, Please keep up the study, but make sure the Holy Bible is your main reference point. Mesopotamia. Pastor Steve Waldron, New Life of Albany - Albany, Ga The Eridu Genesis is an ancient Sumerian Text which describes the creation of the world, the invention of all ancient cities and the Great Flood that swept across the land. Lexham Bible Dictionary. The Early Dynastic I of the Sumerians started But it goes even deeper than that with the Annunaki.