As waste now presents itself as an attractive biorenewable resource, many now demand payment for their waste. This chapter discusses the unique characteristics of various biomass resources with varied composition and properties. Crops specially grown in ‘energy farms’ for their energy content 3. Your email address will not be published. Biorefineries can be fed by all kind of biomass, mainly sugar, starch, and oil-rich biomass, but lignocellulosic biomass seems to be more promising since it would avoid the competition with food and feed uses and the availability of raw material would be greater (Cherubini, 2010). Transportation costs and seasonal availabilities diminish the attractiveness of biomass as an energy resource, particularly in electricity markets, where it competes with coal's low costs and all-year availability. Clearly, waste materials which can be reprocessed into biomass feedstock for use in an energy conversion process are therefore no longer classed as an unwanted waste material with the demand for these new-found renewable biomass resources on the increase. Mineral and power resources are also … Energy crops grown specifically as biomass resources include energy cane, sorghum, sugar cane, eucalyptus trees, switch grass, miscanthus, giant reeds, and leauceana lucacephala, etc. Direct combustion is the commonest and the simplest way of extracting energy from biomass resources. According to the type of energy produced, biomass can be classified as follows: Transport biofuels: biomass used in the transport sector (road, rail, air, and maritime transport) regardless of the physical state, i.e., including (1) bioliquids for internal combustion engines (e.g., bioethanol, biobutanol, bio-ethyl tertiary butyl ether, and bio-methanol); (2) bioliquids for compression ignition engines (biodiesel, bio-dimethyl ether, and hydrotreated and pure vegetable oils) and jet engines (biokerosene); and (3) gaseous biofuels for internal combustion engines (e.g., biogas, biosynthetic gas, and bio-hydrogen). Previously hosted on the Biomass Energy Centre (BEC) website, the resources available on these pages offer the most authoritative information on biomass energy. However, moisture content of the crop is a major factor when considering the use of a biomass feedstock, especially as energy. 1997). By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. Biomass is the prime building block of biofuels, highly used for electricity production to produce heat in the context of energy, as an alternative to fossil fuels. Abiotic resources are derived from the non-living world (e.g., land, water, and air). As biomass waste is available in a very dispersed manner, unlike fossil fuel deposits, the cost of collecting and transporting large quantities of biomass materials for energy production can be significant since these materials by their very nature are widely dispersed, or of low energy density. Your email address will not be published. presents a classification of biomass types by their sources. Biomass is generally considered to be an excellent carbon sink with biomass feedstocks planted specifically as an energy crop, are likely to play a longer term role in providing sustainable sources for heating and power generation. In addition to the bioenergy carriers already mentioned, it can be highlighted within this category the torrefied pellets (roasted, ground, and pelletized biomass) and the bio-oil (pyrolysis oil). But land availability for growing food crops is becoming more scarce, so any competition for using fertile arable land to plant biomass energy crops should therefore be avoided. Gasification systems and organic, anaerobic digestion can also be used to convert biomass into syngas (a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen gas) and methane, respectively. An additional and usual classification of biomass resources is based on the end use of the bioenergy feedstock. Biomass for biorefineries: Biorefining could be defined as the sustainable processing of biomass into a spectrum of marketable products and energy. It includes 1. N.B. Unlike fossil fuel deposits, biomass is renewable in the sense that only a short period of time is needed to replace what is used as an energy resource . which are then planted and harvested periodically. It is a particularly important renewable resource in the southeast, which has a modest endowment of solar, wind, and geothermal resources. Pellets usually have 6 mm diameter and 5–30 mm length (FAO, 2004), while briquettes are of 50–130 mm diameter and 50–30 cm of length; (3) sawdust and wood chips from woody biomass, and (4) charcoal produced by a slow pyrolysis. manure, waste and crop residues are all sources of biomass. Agricultural waste includes both plant base residue and biological residue and … If the organic waste products from one process was used as primary source of feedstock in another process, for example, waste cardboard, wood and paper recycled into newspapers, books and magazines, then if these waste materials were economically converted into electricity, heat, liquid biofuels, or chemicals, then they could be considered as a biomass resource rather than an unwanted waste stream. There are competing uses for biomass resources because of their economic and environmental value. Biomass energy refers to the direct burning of biomass and converting it into fuel. International consensus regarding the definition of biomass resource assessment, biomass terminology, methodology, and units to express results is lacking. Biomass sustainability issues can be solved by developing international sustainability criteria. This includes the following: 390 MT from crop residues, 343 MT from perennial energy crops (both tree and herbaceous), 80 MT of grains for biofuels, and 96 MT from animal manure, process residue, and miscellaneous feedstocks on a dry basis. Tree tops and limbs collected during logging operations could provide just under 20 million dry tons of additional biomass for energy production ( Animal Manure 93 640 890 18 110 Sugar Cane 660 1000 430 --- 420 Fuelwood 290 3200 420 160 510 Urban Refuse 5 94 320 23 170 Municipal Sewage 2 11 66 1 5 Other --- --- --- ---- 630 … Forestlands account for an estimated 33% of the U.S. land area. rural and urban resources, can also consist of woody and non-woody biomass that come from trees and also from crop residues or other vegetation. Therefore, the most attractive sources of biomass energy today generally involves biomass resources that have been collected for other reasons, or grown and cultivated as a dedicated energy crop. Most biomass used today is home grown energy. Agricultural waste. To gain a better understanding of what you can use as “Biomass Resources”, or to obtain more information about the various biorenewable resources available for use in your home, or just to explore the advantages and disadvantages of what biomass energy and biorenewable resources can do for you, then Click Here to get your copy from Amazon of one of the top “Biomass Books” today to learn more about the different types of biomass resources available in your home to help you save money and the environment. Biomass resources are distributed widely across the United States, ensuring that communities across the country can benefit both financially and environmentally from increased biomass production. The current production of biomass resources includes primarily agricultural byproducts, (Herbaceous crops) and forestry byproducts, (woody biomass crops) but when agricultural crops are grown solely for their energy production, either as a biomass resource or as a biofuel, the plant species that offers the most efficiency and the least pollution potentials are usually selected. Forestry and agriculture sector are two main resources as the primary source of biomass. In 2015, 64 TWh of biopower electricity were produced, half of which was produced outside of the electric power sector (Electric Power Annual, 2015). Until now, Energy crops have been largely ignored in favour of growing food crops to feed people and animals, but as fuel prices increase and fossil fuel supplies run low, interest is now increasing as the economics of extracting fossil fuel energy becomes more expensive and complex. The mindset for shifting from fossil fuel-based economies to sustainable energy economies already exists. However, thermochemical conversion efficiency is an area requiring attention from researchers, as certain biomass constituents and their inherent properties pose technological challenges during conversion. (7) Various tree and grass species that grow in Hawai’i and other tropical regions have been assessed for their potential as AJF resources. Regarding solid biomass, it should be mentioned: (1) chipped and baled herbaceous biomass mainly made from straw and dedicated energy crops; (2) pellets and briquettes, cylinders made of biomass, mainly from woody but also herbaceous biomass, with different sizes. Akwasi A. Boateng, in Pyrolysis of Biomass for Fuels and Chemicals, 2020. Finding new landfill sites away from urbanized areas means that the longer distance travelled from the city center increases the wastes transportation cost tremendously. Landfills are deposit sites for waste material that is buried in the ground. In some cases, waste is regarded as a negative cost due to the every increasing costs of skip hire for solid waste disposal or the restrictions on the disposal of certain types of wastes at landfill sites, many companies or households are only to happy to pay someone to dispose of their waste as a biorenewable resource for processing. But as well as using waste materials as a biomass resource, dedicated energy crops can be grown specifically as an energy source. As the world continues to deplete its nonrenewable resources, there has begun a shift toward using renewable materials for the production of fuels and chemicals. The process parameters and conditions influencing the environmental impacts due to the production of biomass-derived materials were specified and mathematical models were developed for such cradle-to-grave life cycle. Biomass resources meet about 99.5% of the Liberiapopulation’s energy needs so they n are ... converted into organic matBiomass ter. Biomass Resources, sometimes referred to as biorenewable resources, are all forms of organic materials, including plant matter both living and in waste form, as well as animal matter and their waste products. In 2015, Americans consumed 3.9 quads of biomass-based energy (Short-term Energy Outlook, 2017), about 4% of the total energy used in the United States that year. From advice on equipment to regulatory information, these comprehensive resources have been revamped and are free to our users. As much as 400 million dry tons of these crops could be produced each year by 2030. This chapter highlights the main characteristics of biogas feedstocks including their suitability, availability, digestibility and purity. The increase in the volume of unwanted waste is one aspect of the current environmental crisis. Biomass resources for biogas, also referred to as anaerobic digestion feedstock or biogas feedstock, include various categories of organic materials. Various ways to mitigate these problems are being researched and are discussed in this chapter. Industry and waste are the secondary sources, as these are derived from biomass from primary source. Table: Estimated potential for biomass energy : 1015 J y-1(1015 J y-1 = 320MW) Estimated total potential bio-fuel resources harvested per year for various countries(1978): Source Sudan Brazil India Sweden U.S.A. 2.3. The development of various crop species (agriculture and trees) that are highly productive in energy storage, resistant to climate and site conditions, resistant to pests, and efficient in using nutrients are now being developed around the world. Biomass resource assessments estimate the quantities of resources available by location and price levels given existing and potential physical, technical, environmental, economic, policy, and social conditions. Each is inclusive of the previous approach and results in fewer available resources and higher prices. Biomass for heat and power: refers to biomass used for the production of heat, electricity, or both simultaneously (cogeneration or combined heat and power—CHP). Biomass is plant or animal material used as fuel to produce electricity or heat.Examples are wood, energy crops and waste from forests, yards, or farms. Forest crops and residues 2. Biomass is a key renewable energy resource that includes plant and animal material, such as wood from forests, material left over from agricultural and forestry processes, and organic industrial, human and animal wastes. Biomass resources as energy sources. Forestry Residues. Data availability is a major constraint limiting the types of biomass resource assessments that can be done. Dedicated energy crops can provide up to five or six times more potential energy than the amount of energy required to grow and produce them. Then those companies or households that generate the waste now view themselves as waste suppliers turning what was once a negative cost into a positive profit. Intermediates or energy carriers: refers to processed biomass containing energy that can be later converted to other forms of energy. Biomass Energy - The Energy from the Living organisms is being discussed in this lecture. Biomass resources can all become energy sources. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. and bioliquids (e.g., ethanol, biodiesel, bio-crude oil, or vegetable oil) can also be used. Biopower technologies utilize biomass to generate electricity. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the USDA estimate that 333 MT of biomass feedstock are available annually from forestlands. Besides, dedicated energy crops such as grasses, bamboo, reeds and canes are more appropriate for land unsuitable for agriculture. Wood is considered the largest biomass energy source. We have seen here that Biomass Resources available for energy production encompasses a wide range of plants and materials ranging from agricultural and forest crops specifically grown for energy purposes, agricultural and forest wastes and residues, wastes from food processing and fisheries, municipal waste including sewage sludge, as well as aquatic plants and algae. Q2. A number of biomass energy technologies exist worldwide. The energy contained in biomass originally came from the sun. Forest biomass feedstocks fall into one of two categories: forest residues left … Biomass resources totaling just under 680 million dry tons could be made available, in a sustainable manner, each year within the United States by 2030. Sources (Forest, Agriculture, wastes, residues, aquatic, field, animal, oil seeds, firewood) b. Biomass Energy: Biomass is the organic matter produced by plants or animals which include crop residues, wood, dung, manure, sewage and agricultural wastes etc. Three basic approaches are used to estimate biomass resources: the inventory approach, the quantity and associated cost approach, and the supply curve approach. Biomass resources and their utilization offer a new paradigm of research in the changing world faced with diverse problems related to fossil fuel use for most of the energy needs of the society. A major part of this biomass use (37 EJ/a) is noncommercial and relates to charcoal, wood, and manure used for cooking and space heating, generally by the poorer part of the population in developing countries. Ans: Biomass is a renewable energy source which is derived from organic matter such as wood, garbage, crop waste, etc. Biofuels produced from biomass feedstocks are now well established in the market place, with many vehicles designed to run on these biorenewable liquid fuels such as ethanol, methanol as well as synthetic hydrocarbon fuels developed from biomass oils extracted from rape seed, sunflowers, oil palms or from aquatic plants. It is of the following types: 1. We use four types of biomass today—wood and agricultural products,solid waste, land˜ll gas and biogas, and alcohol fuels (like Ethanol or Biodiesel). These offer tips to farmers growing energy crops such as switchgrass and sheds light on the consequences of cropping and harvesting for biofuels production. Bioenergy utilization systems have, for many years, been forming the basis for the change together with wind and solar energy and other renewables. Poplar) ii. However, for these purposes the above-mentioned gaseous bioenergy carriers (biogas, bio-syngas, etc.) General biomass types are shown on the right table, and relation between biomass types of two tables are indicated by arrows General biomass … The figure provides a flow chart for biomass waste and residues available for energy production in developing countries and emerging economies across the globe. At that time, it was also confirmed that the component and conditions of sugarcane have high sensitivities to the result of environmental assessments and process performance (Ohara et al 2009). But the energy generated from waste cannot be ignored as a valuable bioenergy source. The quantity and associated cost approach typically estimates a minimum–maximum range or average quantities along with corresponding production and/or collection costs. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Gasification for Synthetic Fuel Production, An additional and usual classification of, Feedstock Suitability for Thermochemical Processes, Recent Advances in Thermo-Chemical Conversion of Biomass, Biomass Supply Chains for Bioenergy and Biorefining, Energy crops—biomass resources and traits, Pyrolysis of Biomass for Fuels and Chemicals, 22nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Okinawa Agricultural Experiment Station 1991, Advances in Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass—Introduction,,, Sustainable Cities and Communities Design Handbook (Second Edition). Required fields are marked *. Society news and reviews of publications in this field are also accepted. The latter are used in a lower proportion for stationary decentralized energy generation since they are high energy-intensive and the product costs are high compared to other resources. However, one of the major challenges to using biomass as a feedstock for fuel and chemical production is the … In the previous studies, the environmental impacts of sugarcane-derived ethanol have been analyzed and its advantages on greenhouse gas emission have been confirmed (Macedo et al 2008; Sánchez and Cardona 2008). The supply curve approach estimates biomass quantities as a function of the price that can be paid. Biomass Biomass is organic matter produced by plants – terrestrial and aquatic – and their derivatives. The utilization potential of available biomass resources may be evaluated according to the quality characteristics of the various types of biomass based on the results of laboratory tests and classified in the following ranking in descending order: peach and olive stone, cotton residues, almond shell, olive cake, pressed grape skins, peach pulp and peach and potato peels. A survey of available biomass resources from forest and agricultural lands determined that the technically and economically exploitable volume of biomass is more than seven times greater than the current usage rate (Estimating Renewable Energy). In a study conducted by the National Laboratories in the United States, the USDA and the Forest Service [15] established that the physical near-term sustainable biomass potential was over 1 Gt of biomass (18 EJ of primary energy equivalent) that could theoretically replace the crude oil currently imported into the United States. It includes a varied range of technologies and processes capable of separating biomass resources into their building blocks (carbohydrates, proteins and … Biomass is a renewable energy source because its supplies are not limited. Biomass-derived gases can be used in high-efficiency combined cycle generators and other modular systems, making them prime distributed generation devices. The fact shows that agriculture is … The concept of biorefinery is addressed more in depth in Chapter 5, Biorefineries. To design a whole life cycle system of bioethanol appropriately, an integrated modeling from agriculture and engineering perspectives can be an effective approach. Studies are presented showing that delaying the time of harvest until after frost or postwinter increased the concentration of structural carbohydrates and increased lignin content because the delay allows for the translocation of valuable plant nutrients and nonstructural carbohydrate back into below ground tissues. Energy crops can also be environmentally friendly with many of the plants grown as for biomass resources being advantageous to the environment. For dedicated energy crops to be a major source of biomass, their current costs must be reduced. The Earth holds huge stocks of biorenewable and biomass resources covering wide regions of the planet, from fields, to forests, to the oceans. The technologies used for the conversion of biomass resources into a usable energy includes, direct combustion processes, biochemical processes, thermochemical processes and agrochemical processes. Joseph Kantenbacher, Rebekah Shirley, in Sustainable Cities and Communities Design Handbook (Second Edition), 2018. Until the mid-19th century, biomass dominated global energy consumption. Energy crop production processes i. Pyrolysis oil quality is discussed considering harvest logistics. Heat and power are usually produced from solid biomass. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. wood logs), some people use the terms biomass and biofuel interchangeably. Nearly all of the material identified as a near-term resource in the USDOE study is comprised of lignocellulosic material, thus explaining the high degree of research investment into the conversion of these materials into biofuels ( A waste material can be any municipal solid waste and industrial waste material that has been discarded because it no longer has any apparent value to the user or which represents a nuisance or even a potential pollutant to the local environment. Feedstock production and collection: If the feedstock is a residue, such as municipal biomass waste, logging or cropping residues, or a by-product such as bagasse, then production is less an economic issue than if the feedstock is purposely grown for the production of biochar—such as switchgrass—which would include the costs and inputs needed for the growing and harvesting of the crop. Since biomass technically can be used as a fuel directly (e.g. The ethanol production system from sugarcane includes sugarcane cultivation, sugar crystallization, and ethanol fermentation. Already there is large scale production of energy crops around the world, including those that produce biofuels and biolubricants. Energy Plantation (Indirect use of Solar Energy): Rupam Kataki, ... Thallada Bhaskar, in Recent Advances in Thermo-Chemical Conversion of Biomass, 2015. In this study, we tackle with the integrated modeling of a whole production process of sugarcane-derived bioethanol. Although modeling approaches for biomass-derived products have been discussed (Nguyen et al 2010; Kikuchi et al 2010), the process data of biomass cultivation was based on specific literatures and biomass cultivar was not considered. Biomass resources and herbaceous grasses which have lower moisture content at the time of harvesting have a major advantage that grass energy crops have over greener woodier energy crops. Large field studies for several switchgrass cultivars are followed to explore whether the harvested biomass, with cell wall polymer composed of hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin, can be converted to liquid fuels via various biochemical and thermochemical processes, at what yields and at what product distribution based on the time of harvest. Biomass feedstocks can be used in a variety of different ways to meet our ever increasing energy needs. Agricultural residues left behind after harvest—corn stover (i.e., stalks and leaves) and wheat straw—are a potential source of up to 155 million dry tons of biomass for energy production. As such biomass resources are generally classified as being either waste materials or dedicated energy crops. However, they provide maximum flexibility to examine changes in any given variable, and if they are conducted in a dynamic framework, they allow variables within a model to change in response to each other. The DOE and USDA estimate that biomass feedstock available from agricultural lands, while still meeting food, feed, and export demands, could supply 910 MT of biomass feedstock annually. The mindset for shifting from fossil fuel-based economies to sustainable energy economies already exists. Switchgrass and miscanthus form the primary production of herbaceous crops as these tropical grasses tend to grow faster than woody trees and can produce higher amounts of biomass feedstock in a much shorter period. Traditional use of biomass has been limited to cooking and heating purpose, which has Biomass is the most important renewable energy source, providing about 10% (46 EJ/a) of the annual global primary energy demand. The modeling is based on the interdisciplinary approach to combine the knowledge from agriculture and chemical engineering fields. Existing landfill areas are now filled beyond capacity. An example of an integrated supply curve analysis in the United States, with proposed extensions, was presented. According to the type of energy produced, biomass can be classified as follows: Waste materials that would qualify as a biorenewable resource include agricultural residues, yard and garden waste, municipal solid waste, food processing waste, animal manure, etc. Some 17,300 MW of currently installed electricity-generating capacity has some form of biomass as its primary feedstock (Preliminary Monthly, 2017). So what types of solid waste materials qualify as a biorenewable resource. Generally the growth of these herbaceous plants usually lives for only a single growing season. These dedicated energy crops are not only greener and cleaner with respect to solid waste materials, but their use represents a closed and balanced carbon cycle with regards to atmospheric carbon dioxide. The inventory approach estimates physical quantities of biomass resources only, with no consideration of price. Energy Grasses (herbaceous crops, switchgrass, miscanthus ) iii. Lignocelluosic biomass, a renewable and widely distributed resource, is increasingly used for the production of biofuels. Typical Biomass Resources and Supply Chains Figure 2 shows the most suitable biomass types (primary, secondary, and tertiary) and their supply chains. But as well as using the waste of agricultural crops, it is also possible to grow crops specifically for the production of energy in the form of energy crops. Biomass Utilization Technology (1) Classification of Biomass Materials The table on the left below shows the major biomass types referred to in the Guidebook. Biotic resources are derived from living organisms. This is extremely important because it can be used to produce power by reutilizing the energy conserved by these organisms throughout their lives. The Biomass Energy Centre resources have a new home. Major differences in conceptual issues lead to substantially different ways in which to conduct biomass resource assessments and to substantially different results of the analyses. Renewable energy means the energy collected from renewable resources and here, living organic matter is used for biomass energy, so is renewable. Taken together, these three sources of energy provide two-fifths of the renewable energy consumed in the United States. Energy crops include tall grasses like switchgrass and miscanthus, and fast-growing trees like hybrid poplar and willow. The technologies are based on direct combustion, thermo-chemical processing and biological processing. Almost all of them are highly diversified and can be transformed into fuels, including wet organic materials such as slaughtered plant and animal tissues, feces and waste water, but of all these resources, it is the dry matter that counts most. Agricultural lands are estimated to account for approximately 46% of the entire U.S. land base with 26% consisting of grassland pasture and range and 20% consisting of cropland. Furthermore, the generation of energy from solid waste materials brings extra significance by reducing the volume of the the unwanted waste, saving on landfill space and providing a biomass resource which would otherwise be of no value. Terrestrial biomass, as well as municipal solid wastes, provides renewable feedstocks for fuel and chemical production. Yasunori Kikuchi, ... Masahiko Hirao, in Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2012. Biomass Resources, sometimes referred to as biorenewable resources, are all forms of organic materials, including plant matter both living and in waste form, as well as animal matter and their waste products. How Biomass can be used? Biomass and Bioenergy SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION – (with typical associated keywords in parentheses) 1. 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